BRICS final edict: Palestine, Ukraine must be fixed, war stopped…

Terse member statements urge the BRICS group of nations to help end the Ukraine War and stop the Gaza Genocide. Host Pres. Putin embraced these shared goals.

BRICS seems to be a celebration of multilateralism and a group favouring inclusion of the Global South. But the Biden Administration, the cultivators of wars, claims vainly that BRICS is an enemy and that Joe Biden himself and his political and economic ideologies lead the world, or words to that effect.

“If that is true, then it must also be true the antithesis to the West’s me-first-me-only doctrine is countered by BRICS countries with amazingly competent leaders favouring fairness versus America and the West’s bad leaders in times of intense wars nobody wins. You say, Biden, the women and children are in refugee camps, but you bomb them. What will that look like when everyone has the gun?” ask RINJ Women in a strongly worded statement.

Article by Melissa with files from Dale Carter, RINJ Women Security Director

“President Joe Biden has called America “the world power,” and has referred to his “leadership in the world.” If Biden does indeed see himself as a, or the, world leader, then he has been disappointing in his job and has mismanaged it.” That is the suggestion of in an essay within Responsible Statecraft.

“And by the way,” said Joe Biden in a TIME interview, ” I don’t know why you skip over all that’s happened in the meantime. The Russian military has been decimated. You don’t write about that. It’s been freaking decimated. Number one. (Note: Allegedly U.S. Intelligence tell Biden that America has successfully diminished Russia’s military by 90% with just a handful of troops left, and so badly is the Russian situation that it must request three thousand troops from the DPRK to train to help fight the NATO forces.)

“Number two, NATO is considerably stronger than it was when I took office. I put it together. Not only did I reestablish the fact that it was the strongest alliance in the history of the world, I was able to expand it. While I was in one of the G7 meetings in Europe. when I got back I called on the President of Finland because when I had met earlier in the year with Putin, he said he wanted to see the Finlandization [sic] of NATO
. I told him, he’s gonna get not the Finlandization [sic], the Natoization [sic] of Finland. And everybody thought, including you guys, thought I was crazy.

“And guess what? I did it. I did it. And we’re now the strongest nation. We have the strongest alliance in all of America [?], all of history. In the meantime, what we keep skipping over is what the consequence of the success of Russia in Ukraine would be. That’s why I brought this along. You probably haven’t read it. Most people haven’t read it. He says this is part of reestablishing the Soviet Union. That’s what this is all about. It wasn’t just about taking part of—He wanted, he wanted to go back to the, to the days when there was NATO and there was that other outfit that Poland, everybody belonged to. So that’s what it was about. And in the meantime, what happened was, we were able to—and by the way, we spent a lot of money in Ukraine, but Europe has spent more money than the United States has, collectively. Europe has spent more money in taking on Russia.”

Note: The European Union has provided over $107 billion dollars in financial, military, humanitarian, and refugee assistance since the war in Ukraine began, as of April 24. Comparatively, Congress has authorized the United States to provide up to $175 billion to support Ukraine, and has provided the country approximately $81 billion since the Russian invasion, according to the White House.

Ukraine’s population has plummeted by 10 million people hence Ukraine’s leaders must stop the exploitation of its population for personal gain because  Ukraine must surrender on Russian terms or face extinction, says the women’s rights group.

BRICS vs West Art by Rosa Yamamoto

The 16th BRICS Summit has closed as the world tries to catch a breath. A collection of extraordinary leaders has finished its gathering, having welcomed many new members.

Strengthening Multilateralism for Fair Global Development and Security BRICS 2024 symbolic artwork by Rosa Yamamoto/FPM

BRICS 2024 Attendee full members and partners.

  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • India
  • China
  • South Africa
  • Egypt
  • Ethiopia
  • Iran
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Official BRICS partner countries pending full membership

Wars BRICS members want ended are the worry of 8 billion humans on Earth.

“The conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have received funding from various sources, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, the European Union, and individual EU member states,” notes the RINJ Women report.

Members of BRICS, especially China and India, are firm in their stance for a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. Additionally, there is a strong call for America, Israel, and their allies to cease the killing of UN and other humanitarian workers; to permit the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need in the Middle East; and to halt the targeting of journalists.

RINJ Women organization, names a phenomenon they call “sycophant madness” leading to today’s war “between two major nuclear powers, America’s NATO and Russia.”

Feminine Perspective: RINJ Women say in a special statement following the BRICS Summit in Russia, that the past decade has witnessed the West’s involvement in the deaths of thousands of women and children, the injury of hundreds of thousands, and the displacement of millions on all sides. The question arises: How did the sexual violence against women in Donbass from 2014 to 2021 remain unnoticed, and why was their suffering overlooked?

Nearly two thirds of all Ukrainian children have been displaced since the conflict began, and sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence have become a way of life for women and girls in some regions of Ukraine where mercenaries and violent Ukrainian neo-Nazis actually run the communities, says Alona Adamovich who is the Ukraine Director for the RINJ Women humanitarian group.

The comradery of women in Ukraine is driven by the bad behaviour of Ukrainian men. Art by Rosa.

Ukraine’s population has decreased by ten million. However, the West continues to utilize the remaining populace as cannon fodder and surrogates. The devastating losses suffered by Ukraine and Russia must come to an end, say RINJ Women in concert with the voices from the BRICS Summit.

Ireland leads the world in understanding that the West’s wars, ‘nobody wins’. They just make money for the corrupted few.

“The horror, pain, suffering and alienation of Ukrainian women and children is done at the frivolity of America and the West exploiting Ukraine to have a fight with one man and his country, Vladimir Putin and Russia,” suggests RINJ Women in a statement following the BRICS Summit with special focus on the urge by members to stop the wars now running wild.

Excerpt from Ukraine must surrender on Russian terms or face extinction –

The right words at the right time is what makes a great leader.

Observing how Mr. Putin sized up the administrative heads of Luhansk and Donetsk as well as three other former Oblasts of Ukraine was instructive. His judgments were quick and concise. Those same people are rising stars today.

The two men leading Luhansk and Donetsk through the final years of their existence as lone Republics must have taught them what hell must look like.

The men and women who walked side by side with these courageous freedom fighters and leaders are today silent heroes to their people. We know that well. We see that and feel that.

Then came the day when President Putin said, “I should have done this long ago.”

Those women who heard those words in their heart remember what that was all about.

The people of Donbass who had survived the years of tragedy and violence and those who lost family, lovers, friends, in the fight against racial hatred and attempted genocide, collectively choked loudly. Suddenly they were made whole. Their loyalty to a concept was rewarded and life had new meaning. Hundreds of thousands were cheering. Many now say “I will never, ever, forget.”

“The summit approved the BRICS Kazan Declaration, which summarized the Discussion. In our opinion, it turned out to be a comprehensive conceptual document with a positive agenda aimed at the future. It is important that it confirms the commitment of all our States to building a more democratic, inclusive and multipolar world order based on international law and the UN Charter, a common determination to counter the practice of the use of illegitimate sanctions, attempts to undermine traditional moral Values,” explains a host statement.

BRICS countries with amazingly competent leaders versus America & the West’s bad leaders in times of intense wars nobody wins.

RINJ Women are asking: “What does it look like when everyone has the gun? Where are the women and children?” Art by Rosa Yamamoto