West continues to support Gaza Genocide, Arab Muslim Extermination

Led by Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris, the West continues support for Netanyahu’s extermination campaign against the alleged Amalek, ‘a people who lick blood’.

In Deuteronomy 25:17–19 of the Hebrew bible (Pentateuch or Torah), Israelites are specifically commanded to “blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven” once they have taken possession of the ‘Promised Land’ in retribution for what Amalek did to them on the way as they were coming out of Egypt. This describes an extreme right-wing cult within Judaism. And that is who is running Israel, caped-crusader cartoon aficionados.

Extremists in Netanyahu Cabinet Believe Palestinians are Amalekites.

Extreme right wing Cabinet members of Netanyahu in Israel believe Palestinians are descendant of the Amalekites hence Jews are commanded under book of Deuteronomy (25:17–19) to kill them all. Art by Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Conducting the Gaza Genocide slaughtering mostly women and babies is a sick-minded cult that evolves from nothing but ancient bloodlust. It is the Jewish variant of extremist Sharia although the latter is not as violent.


“Amalek, the despicable biblical killers”, Deuteronomy says, ‘you must kill them all including the infants’. Netanyahu citing this edict has enhanced the radiation of hatred for Muslims from his Gaza Genocide platform.

American bombs and Americans, over 40,000 troops in the region, are decimating the unarmed people of north Gaza where Israel intends to seize the land and build homes for Israeli settlers, removing the possibility that Palestinians could ever come back to their homes.

One extraordinary accomplishment achieved by Genocide Joe and his accomplice Kamala Harris with their reluctant pro-genocide allies is joining the Shia Muslims and the Sunni Muslims in an alliance.

Three meetings have taken place near Aleppo in the norther portion of Idlib, Syria. A source we cannot describe at this time has been in attendance with other women to provide hospitality to the visiting guests. She is sympathetic to the cause of this summit and in a moment of anger declared they will assassinate Netanyahu and Biden plus one other. That pretty much describes the issue. Three meetings (there may have been more we don’t know about) and an extreme level of security suggests something of significance is afoot.

Video. New Jersey, USA supporters of Genocide attack Baklava Shop and threaten to kill the Palestinian owner.

Editor’s note: The difficulty the alliance of Muslim Arabs seemingly share is that in this bizarre sequence with the ancient allegedly liberal but mindlessly incompetent Genocide-Joe Biden, backing an ultra-extremist bloodletting against the ‘Amalekites’, a fantasy enemy of mankind, is that the other old timer running for President on 5 November is also a legacy clown who takes all this false biblical crap seriously in the 21st-century. We are told the Shia-Sunni-truce assassination committee are having a hard time convincing their political leaders who just laugh, at what the leaders might just think, is a theory from Saturday morning children’s cartoons. The world needs to take a look at Saturday morning cartoons if that is what these old fuddy-dud leaders are consuming into their pea brains. Yup. It’s too easy to get angry at people driven to genocide over such caped-crusader cartoon writers’ nonsense.