Canada must wash its hands of COVID-Mandates. There now is a lack of legitimate grounds for Mandates, advises experts

Canadians should be able to wash their hands of COVID-19 government mandates, says a group of experts gathered from around the world to discuss the matter. Businesses, schools and institutions should continue to govern their assemblies as always, in the interest of public health and safety. It is clear that Canadians know mask wearing, hand hygiene and vaccinations are indicated by the current threats to public health and safety.

“Government’s role from now forward should be to advise, we suggest, and not to over reach its authority which is now the case. It is unlikely that most Canadian COVID-19 mandates would withstand a Charter Challenge in the coming weeks, say several lawyers, consulted by the epidemiology group,” says Geraldine Frisque who coordinated a group consultation with medical experts around the world.

by Melissa Hemingway, Micheal John and Sharon Santiago

A globally assembled group of medical experts including epidemiologists, infectious disease researchers, nurses, physicians and policy experts in the human rights context was gathered on Zoom for this article.

“This advice is unrelated to extortionists using noise warfare to besiege Ottawa, it is about the data that Canada no longer has, therefore no ability to justify mandates. This doesn’t mean people can stop wearing masks, and getting vaccinated,” says Kathy Poon, a biostatistician and infectious disease researcher working as an intern with the Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 in Singapore. The partnership is managed and funded by The RINJ Foundation.

Asked about the violent, racist, demonstrations in Ottawa whose organizing spokespersons have said Canadians are only Christians or Jews and have a right to determine what happens to their bodies, Ms. Poon said she was “furious that these men are getting away with their conduct when if an indigenous Canadian woman raises her voice she is arrested and sent to jail,” Dr. Poon said.

“But extremists,” she continued, “who are also truckers, are unsafely storing explosives and fire accelerants on Ottawa streets; these men (for the most part) are assaulting women; and using psychological warfare and noise warfare to attack the people of Ottawa, which city is now in a state of emergency.”

Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King issues a similar caution saying, while relaxing mandates now and relieving all in Appril, that,  “COVID is still with us, and it will be with us,” he said.

In Saskatchewan, provincial government mandates are also being removed. “We want things to be as normal as they possibly can,” Premier Scott Moe said at a COVID-19 update on Tuesday.

Premier Francois Legault of Quebec has set out a plan that lifts most restrictions by 14 March 2022.

Editor’s note: What follows is too important to exclude from this story. It is the strongest case for a fair implementation of the rule of law and implies the federal government of Canada has been lax in dealing with the arrogant attacks on Ottawa. Listen to the Ottawa Police Chief. He needs nearly 2,000 more police officers. He also wants the Army’s heavy recovery equipment to clear the streets of massive noisy machines endangering the public because the heavy tow truck operators refuse. Why do truckers attack a nation’s capital and block international borders with impunity when if two indigenous Canadian women raise their voices they have their door smashed down and are dragged off to prison? Watch the video and ask why are the assailants of Ottawa allowed to illegally store fire accelerants and explosive gas cannisters together on city streets and raise the local noise levels above 160db as is done in warfare.

The women in the video below are alleged to be guilty of a 56-day protest blocking armed men of the Canadian federal government who are backing the oil industry’s desire for the indigenous women’s land. Ottawa wants to run fossil fuel pipelines through their land which belies Trudeau’s public statements. For the whole story see: Censored: Attack on Suzuki (who defended the women) lays bare Trudeau crimes against humanity

“If Indigenous Canadian women were improperly storing thousands of gallons of gas and hundreds of cubic feet of natural gas on Ottawa’s city streets they would be bashed and jailed,” says a calm but disappointed indigenous Canadian activist woman who does not wish to be identified.

The Toronto Star has published an interesting article in this vein of thought, said Mr. Tookie, the lawyer. Read if you wish:  Lack of action at truckers’ blockades shows racist intent of Alberta’s Critical Infrastructure Defence Act, says chief

In the indigenous Canadian women’s own words they published on a social media outlet:

“The RCMP violently raided unceded Gidimt’en territory on November 19th, 2021, removing Indigenous women from their land at gunpoint on behalf of TC Energy’s proposed Coastal GasLink pipeline.
“The raid involved about 50 police, including 20 tactical officers in green military fatigues, with assault weapons and attack dogs who surrounded the camp. During the raid, the RCMP breached two structures – Skïy ze’ Cabin, a cabin built on the proposed drill pad site, and a nearby tiny home. RCMP cut the camp’s satellite internet and radio antenna cords.
“The police attempted to enter the tiny house, but Cas Yikh supporting chief Sleydo’ demanded to see a warrant. Police then broke down the door with an axe and a chainsaw belonging to the land defenders, and arrested everyone inside, including Sleydo’. Police also entered Skïy ze’ cabin with a chainsaw and arrested everyone there, including Dinï ze’ Woos’ daughter, Jocey.
“For 56 days, Gidimt’en land defenders (under the direction of Dinï ze’ Woos) re-occupied their ancestral Cas Yikh territory, blocking the Coastal Gaslink pipeline from drilling beneath Wet’suwet’en headwaters. The land reclamation known as Coyote Camp was established to protect the sacred Wedzin Kwa. Over the course of November 18th-19th, 32 people were arrested, including 3 journalists and 3 Legal Observers. All land defenders have now been released from prison, with a February 14th, 2022 court date.”

“The Canadian Government needs to be stopped in its administering unbalanced draconian rule of law edicts that impact a chosen few on a racial divide,” says Douglas Tookie, an indigenous Canadian lawyer who is independently commenting on these matters.

Wash your hands. It is time for Canada to wash its hands of COVID-Mandates and allow people to use good guidance and common sense for public health and personal safety. Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway

All government imposed mandates must cease because they have no raison dêtre advises RINJ Women, the global civil society human rights organization which assisted in convening the expert group for this article. Many provinces agree with the women’s advice.

“The Canadian governments, including federal and provincial governing bodies no longer have a realistic data picture of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in Canada

  • “because not enough testing is done;
  • “because not all provinces accurately or currently report their data; and
  • “the federal government has repeatedly misspoke the endemic situation in Canada indicating it has insufficient current data,” she said.

“Additionally, examples of this government’s errors include the federal department of health repeatedly misstating the scientific data on appropriate mask wearing,” explains Katie Alsop, a founding director of the RINJ Foundation.

Read if you wish:  6 February 2020, Yes. Wear a mask. Wear a NIOSH N95 & be climate conscious.


“This is not to say that Canadians should abandon their N95 masks or vaccination schedule,” says Dr. Nassima al Amouri, one of the RINJ Foundation‘s medical directors and policy analysts.

“No Canadian is able to say who will die from a SARS2 infection, but it is no less true that the deaths caused by the current variant that is community spread in Canada are 98% unvaccinated and the small number who are vaccinated have significant comorbid underlying disease,”  explains Dr. al Amouri.

9 Sep 2024:

Deaths from COVID-19, mostly Omicron variant. Deaths from COVID-19, mostly Omicron variant, 98% unvaccinated. Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 in Singapore

Always wear an N95 mask in the cities.

  1. You protect yourself from a lot of particulate matter plus the moisture droplets from the sneezing man who just bumped you. (Cold and flu viruses and various bacteria and even some parasites in moisture droplets expelled from one person can infect another person within a meter and sometimes more. Try keeping 20 cm of separation from other people in a Manila Jeepney, let alone a meter. Hmmm?)
  2. You send a protest message to everyone who sees you that you are conscious of exhaust gases from factories, cars and other fossil fuel burners and that you do not wish to breathe over 12µg/m³ of toxic particulate.
  3. In most cities of the world, your life expectancy will be longer with healthier enjoyment. See the report: World-air-quality-Report.
  4. In most cities of the world you will join many climate-conscious people.
  5. The argument that a citizen wearing a respirator takes one from a health care worker is a lie and an epic failure of governments. What protecting ones respiratory system takes away from health care workers is a desperately sick patient.
  6. Readers are encouraged to choose wisely and buy their respirator masks then learn how to fit test and use them. They need to be NIOSH N95 approved. There are many types.
  7. The demand for product will drive a bigger market. 3M and Kimberley-Clark both say they are always at user’s service and produce ample instructional material.
  8. This is the way of the future. Protect your respiratory system from pollution and more and more viruses as climate control and habitat encroachment forces pathogens to find new mammal hosts. That is the honest truth and best advice for the ordinary person. Citing: 6 February 2020, Yes. Wear a mask. Wear a NIOSH N95 & be climate conscious.  (Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Abraar Karan says that if this advice had been followed around the world, the pandemic would be over.)

Yes. Wear a mask. Wear a NIOSH N95 & be climate conscious.

“In the case of N95 masks, Canadians need to use their brains and start wearing the best possible masks they are able to obtain, masks that filter at least 0.3 micron particles. Over a million intelligent Canadians have been doing this all along, If all Canadians had been wearing proper masks for an airborne infectious disease, the pandemic for Canada would have ended two years ago,” said the doctor. “Do this as part of your defence against air pollution and against infectious respiratory disease,” she added.

“We scientists know what is coming and it is bad. We know that people need to learn to use respirator masks.”

“The federal government and the Alberta government have both implied that Canadians are not intelligent enough to properly wear an N-95 mask or its equivalent. Around the world, we gave away tens of thousands of high quality N95 masks in Syria, Iraq, Philippines, Ghana, Venezuela and in other locations and had no difficulty teaching even uneducated tribes people in far remote areas how to fit test and wear N95 masks and that includes children as young as 3.5 years of age,” she added.

Dr Fauci alleged calculated lie led to a catastrophe.

Dr. Fauci seems to say the decision to downplay use of masks was a calculated lie to prevent the public from buying up N95s, says pro-GOP newspaper. “But if the public was protected, nurses and doctors would not need so many masks, right?” asks a clinician.

“Watch this video below. It is a bafflegab coverup for a massive error in public policy.  The truth is that an N95 mask provides 95% protection. An N99 mask provides 99% protection but for ordinary activities is too restrictive. Cloth coverings are a waste of cloth if assumed to be protecting the wearer. They might stop spit but not particles as small as Omicron. Mankind has known this for decades because of the problem of toxins in the air. Also, much has been learned by very many of our medical workers who have worked in Ebola breakouts with the World Health Organization and other global aid groups,” added Dr. Nassima al Amouri.

Options-for-shortage-of-surgical-masks-and-respirators Importance-of-facemasks-for-fighting-COVID-19

“And speaking of lies, this is a whopper. This is one person who needs to be canned by the Trudeau government and more.  The lies about mask wearing killed many Canadians.”

Trump let the experts lie about masks ,” wrote an opinion editor on 16 June 2020, in The Washington Examiner.

Then later, on 21 June 2021, “Fauci lies about lying about the efficacy of masks

Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Abraar Karan said in January 2021 the ‘US could end the Covid-19 pandemic in four weeks if everyone wore N95 masks.’

Wearing a medical mask does not take one away from a frontliner it keeps you off their dying patient list. One of many types of respirator masks. Wear a mask whenever you go out. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness hence you must protect your respiratory system. Wear a NIOSH N95 mask outside your home & near anyone in your home who has symptoms or who is quarantined. This is true for all humans without exception. Learn to fit check & wear these masks. It’s your future. Wearing a medical mask does not take one away from a front liner it keeps you off their dying patient list. Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway.