How can you oppose destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons?

by Melissa Hemingway (Feminine-Perspective staff writer)

The Russians say the chemical attack in Douma was orchestrated by foreign secret agents whom we must presume have film writers’ magic at their disposal such as operators like 007 James Bond. In any case, there were chemical weapons used on civilians in Ghouta, Syria while Bashar al-Assad was attacking those same civilians.

Russia & Syria assured the world in 2013 that there were no Chem/Bio weapons in Syria. If that were true, this April 14 raid could not have happened. Russia, Syria and Iran now have nothing but shame but more importantly, no credibility.

The British Labour Party in opposition to Theresa May calmly claims that the response of Britain, France & The United States was ‘legally questionable’. It does not seem to be in British law and internationally it is indeed an illegal act of war.

The UN Charter reads in article 2(4):

All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

But there is an item in common law that needs attention.

Committing a lesser crime to prevent the commission of a greater crime is a suitable defence for the party in the first part.

In every aspect, the April 14 attack on three chemical warfare sites in Syria, planned out by James Norman Mattis, the de facto US President (in this matter), Emmanuel Macron of France and Theresa May of Britain was brilliant in its outcome. Certainly it prevented the chemicals it destroyed from being used against women and children. Thank you for that, sincerely. But Bashar al-Assad has the military and financial resources of his country plus two big allies, Russia and Iran and they will do this crime again in defiance using other chemical weapons that were not destroyed.

Thank you. But don’t do this type of attack again.

Don’t Risk killing another child–in any manner.

young migrant, who drowned in a failed attempt to sail to the Greek island of Kos, lies on the shore in the Turkish coastal town of Bodrum, Turkey, September 2, 2015. At least 11 migrants believed to be Syrians drowned as two boats sank after leaving southwest Turkey for the Greek island of Kos, Turkey’s Dogan news agency reported on Wednesday. It said a boat carrying 16 Syrian migrants had sunk after leaving the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula, and seven people had died. F Alan Kurdi, young migrant, who drowned in a failed attempt to sail to the Greek island of Kos, lies on the shore in the Turkish coastal town of Bodrum, Turkey, September 2, 2015. At least 11 migrants believed to be Syrians drowned as two boats sank after leaving southwest Turkey for the Greek island of Kos. Reports said a boat carrying 16 Syrian migrants had sunk after leaving the Akyarlar area of the Bodrum peninsula, and seven people had died.

You may not kill one civilian. Instead, go after the criminals.

The offenders in this Syrian War are leading groups of vulnerable people for their own wrongful purpose. They with their extreme violence and lack of accountability, including Iranian leaders and Russian leaders, plus the thugs that run Syria have killed 500,000 innocent Syrians.

I with millions of women and girls have cried in my heart too many times over images of babies these evil men have maimed or slaughtered or whose vulnerability that evil men created has caused their deaths.

We want them brought to justice.

  1. Hence, James Norman Mattis, the de facto US President (in this matter), Emmanuel Macron of France and Theresa May get a full pass for the April 14 attack.
  2. Concomitantly they are by circumstance and by having stepped forward, duty-bound to bring about the immediate indictment, arrest, and trial of the offenders mentioned plus any others who follow in their footsteps with the same crimes.

How can you oppose destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons? How can you oppose destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons?
*Medical staff take note: What’s wrong with this picture? The worker is untrained in using an inhaler on an infant. A nebulizer is the correct device to deliver salbutamol for an infant untrained in using an inhaler device. Secondly we have seen the video and the worker is using a failing technique. That’s a shame because this could mitigate symptoms if the obstacles of using the wrong clinic-based apparatus are overcome. Finally a trained medical worker would not use a ventolin on a child without an extension. Even if one is not available they are easy to improvise. Clearly there is not sufficient trained medical help allowed to access all the people of Syria. Shame on the Assad Regime. We have used Albuterol/salbutamol with positive results as a medical mitigation agent against both upper and lower chemical-induced pulmonary injury by agents such as chlorine gas, mustard gas, phosgene and nerve agents sarin and soman.
How can you oppose destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons? How can you oppose destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons? The enormous child sex trade in Syria has sprung from Assad’s war. The value of women and children’s lives has dropped to nearly zero.


The value of women and children's lives has dropped to zero thanks to these men.The value of women’s and children’s lives has dropped to zero thanks to these men.

Additional Reading:

  1. How can you oppose destruction of Syria’s Chemical Weapons?
    Published: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 06:45:20by Melissa Hemingway (Feminine-Perspective staff writer) The Russians say the chemical attack in Douma was orchestrated by foreign secret agents who we must presume have film writers magic at their disposal such as operators like 007 James Bond. In any … Read 
  2. UNSC Responsibility for Maintaining Peace – António Guterres
    Published: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 08:18:42The following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ complete briefing to the UN Security Council on Syria I have been following closely the reports of air strikes in Syria conducted by the United States, France and the United Kingdom. Last night at … Read 
  3. Could be a Last Chance to Fix Syrian Crisis
    Published: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 08:11:17Return to Diplomacy and a Political Resolution B1 Bomber in Qatar being prepared for departure. – US DOD Photo Syria’s Barzah Chemical weapons Facility – Photo: DigitalGlobe A Modest Military Message Against using Chemical Weapons is followed by Diplomacy and … Read 
  4. Syria Chemical Attack Report: France Releases Intel
    Published: Sat, 14 Apr 2018 12:12:27US DOD Photo – James N. Mattis US Secretary of Defence created plan to strike Syria’s Chemical weapons Facilities this weekend. Above: Britain’s PM Theresa May and France’s President Emmanuel Macron. Their statements appear below France’s INTELLIGENCE REPORT. UN Secretary … Read 
  5. USA, Britain, France Attack Syria – Putin Angry
    Published: Sat, 14 Apr 2018 11:36:11In a modest attack on Syria, a coordinated mission done by the USA, France and Britain using air-launched cruise missiles with high-explosive (HE) warheads, Bashar al-Assad lost some sinister chemical weapons assets. We wonder how much of that was from … Read 
  6. “No military solution to the Syrian conflict.” – António Guterres
    Published: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 21:17:33April 13, 2018 – UN Secretary-General António Guterres Addresses UN Security Council Today “The situation in the Middle East is in chaos — to such an extent it has become a threat to international peace and security. The region is facing … Read 
  7. MAD Prevails. Humanity Lost In Syria
    Published: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 02:23:59Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) between the USA and Russia has prevailed. The (is-it-real-or-is-it-Twitter) Donald Trump in Washington has been backed into the shadows while Russia’s Vladimir Putin wins a diplomatic coup against the USA? It doesn’t matter.  Neither the USA … Read 
  8. They Used Sarin on Children: Assad & Putin
    Published: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 15:13:33Associated Press Video Capture – April 7 While the World Health Organization (WHO) demanded free access to the Douma suburb of Damascus hours ago, many hundreds of medical workers operate in clinics while others freelance as EMS responders. — by … Read 
  9. Assad Won Syria Civil War. Only Humanity is Needed. Not U.S. Bombs.
    Published: Mon, 09 Apr 2018 22:27:14— by Melissa Hemingway ( staff writer) Military retaliation against Damascus only hurts more women & children. Making the institutions of peace and humanitarianism work is the only way ahead. Syria’s despicable dictator Bashar al-Assad, his brutal confreres, and Russia’s … Read 
  10. Douma Chem-Attack: UN Secretary General Issues Calm Statement
    Published: Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:32:17UN Secretary-General Voices Deep Concern over Renewed Violence in Douma, Syria, Stressing that Chemical Weapons Use, if Confirmed, Requires Investigation UN Secretary-General António Guterres says he is deeply concerned about renewed and intensive violence in Douma in eastern Ghouta over … Read