COVID-19 is mostly an annoying drippy nose and some sneezing nor no symptoms at all. Wash your hands. Stay home.

A group of healthy nurses & doctors sat around debunking some CoV myths. I decided to share our secret with readers: “Wash your hands.”

love, Sharon.

“Ignore the myths and simply wash your hands. Stay home. Drink some fluids; wash your hands. Enjoy life with a good excuse for some solitary time. Drink lots of fluids and get well,” is an amalgam of universal advice.  This article will tell you about the rest of what doctors are saying, “but wash your hands first.” has interviewed medical practitioners from various nation states including Australia, China, the UK, South Korea and Iran to assemble a collection of ideas for avoiding the COVID-19 illness and what to do if you become infected with this virus. It’s easier than one might think.

Defeat COVID-19? Deny it any hosts. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with a disinfectant soap. Do this hand hygiene often. Defeat COVID-19?
Deny it any hosts.
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with a disinfectant soap.
Do this hand hygiene often. Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway, / Feminine-Perspective Magazine. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

by Sharon Santiago

A debunking moment:

  1. The disease called COVID-19 is microscopic protein wrapper of DNA/RNA that like all viruses has evolved in nature and is not man made.
  2. The current coronavirus occurrence is not a surprise. These episodes don’t usually infect this many people, however, and that is why this one has made the news.
  3. China is telling the truth about the number of infections it experienced say a team of  WHO experts having visited China for a week.
  4. WHO says that China has done an exemplary job of protecting its people and others around the world. China’s medical practitioners have impressed their colleagues all over the world. Another thing that is clear beyond a doubt, Xi Jinping dearly loves his people and has fought hard for their safety and well being. Not everyone likes the communist system of government, and like all governments it has imperfections, but it just showed the world something interesting. It’s a government for its people. Many countries don’t have that. China should be proud of its people’s accomplishments working together.
  5. It should be said that China’s health system only focuses on severe cases of COVID-19 that actually need treatment.
  6. In China there are, according to Beijing, many thousands, maybe over a million mildly infected COVID-19 cases that have completely recovered. It’s the nature of the thing.

What do the numbers say.

  1. Three point four percent of the worst possible cases end up in death.
  2. Mortality rates among all cases seem nearer a half percentage point. We won’t know for sure until the pandemic has run its course. It will likely be less and we’ll learn that when there is  a quantum on the total number of cases.
  3. That decimal five percent is calculated based on the best mass testing data (which comes from South Korea) and the scientifically estimated infection numbers from China.

>Here< you can read a nation-by-nation count of the worst possible outcomes of the COVID-19 illness. These are the cases that needed to be hospitalized. That’s a tiny percentage of the total number of infections. Exactly what percentage, we’ll know after the epidemics have run their course.

Wash your hands. Don’t catch this illness because it, just like influenza,  may exacerbate or exploit an existing vulnerability. Don’t get the flu either. Make sure you are vaccinated.

Earth is the most luxuriant environment for life in the entire Universe insofar as scientists know, and that’s why parasites, viruses, bacteria (germs), and other parasitic microorganisms exist. They love life too. You eat pork? You eat beef? You should become a vegan but besides that, consider that you prey upon other living things as well as do microorganisms prey upon you. Try and explain that to a mosquito. Before a bat gets him. Get it?


Delivering SARS-CoV-2 Test Sets to the Grand Princess. 21 out of 46 tests conducted were positive 2020-03-06 129th Rescue Wing (129 RQW) is a unit of the California Air National Guard.
Here you see one of its helicopters Delivering 50 Test Sets to the Grand Princess 21 out of 46 tests conducted were positive 2020-03-06 Photo Credit: 129 RQW Video Capture

Not everyone who becomes infected with the SARS-CoV-2 will become very ill. “Drippy nose and some sneezing,” describes what is normal for the COVID-19 disease which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Among the team there are medical workers who have survived the virus with a complete recovery and are released from quarantine. A couple are still in voluntary quarantine because they continue their tasks started while in quarantine until the next person comes along to take on that role. It’s a system for coping.

Thousands of medical workers have been infected. The vast majority recover. Recovery is decided on the basis of two or more negative tests.

Those people we believe are among millions of persons who have very mild symptoms of this COVID-19 disease and ‘walked away without impact’.

How to Avoid COVID-19

  1. Start a social distancing campaign. Don’t be within three meters of another person.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water often and for at least 20 seconds,
  3. Always wash your hands when you get home or arrive at your job,
  4. Use a good hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available,
  5. When traveling in crowded malls, elevators, escalators, minibuses etc., wear a properly fitted N95 mask. It is a good idea to do this in all the world’s major cities with  12µg/m³ and more toxic particulate pollution. It will also protect you from 95% of close contact sneeze or cough droplets according to manufacturer’s promises.
  6. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the crook of your arm (sleeve) (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze,
  7. Put tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards, and
  8. try to avoid close contact with people who are “sneazy”.

"70% Of all the world's professional medical health workers are female," claims both the World Health Organization and the Canada-based RINJ Foundation. “70% Of all the world’s professional medical health workers are female,” claims both the World Health Organization and the Canada-based RINJ Foundation. Photo courtesy:

What was that? What do I call this disease and this virus?

Dr. Mark Harris, Professor of Virology at the University of Leeds explains, “COVID-19 refers to the disease (coronavirus disease).  The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the global authority on the designation and naming of viruses, have named this virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This decision is described in detail  in this document 2020.02.07.937862v1.full

Do I need to be tested? No. Do I need to go to the hospital? “Only if you have trouble breathing or need help with acute or incipient life threatening events,” says Dr. Anderson of The RINJ Foundation.

What are the worst symptoms?

If you have

  • persistent cough,
  • a high body temperature, and
  • difficulty breathing,

call your doctor or your local clinic or hospital. Call ahead so they are prepared to greet you with personal protection masks and gowns.

Otherwise, unless you are in a high risk category as are the elderly with untreated underlying illness or any ailment that leaves a person immunodeficient, you don’t need to be tested for the COVID-19. Instead you need to isolate and take care of yourself.

“The patient’s condition must be treated. Test results may be part of the process but not likely. Anyone who becomes ‘sneazy’ should stay home and isolate. (When exactly did we stop doing that?),” advises Doctor Buni from Syria.

Vital signs and symptoms are more important to understand a patient’s condition is the general concept of treatment.

Respiratory assistance (oxygen), hydration and organ function help may be the first steps in a case of severe acute respiratory syndrome that can occur in the worst cases of COVID-19. They are very rare.

Treat yourself on the basis of symptoms, not a test. This is particularly true in countries with a weaker health care system and no available testing.

“If you are sneezing your brains out and go to the hospital to find out you are allergic to the flowers somebody just gave you, you might bring more than a prescription for an antihistamine away with you. Sneezing or sniffles is not a good reason to go to the hospital. Many people catch illness at some hospitals even just sitting in the waiting area,” suggests nurse Sara Qin from Wuhan. “Go home and have a couple weeks to yourself with a good reason,” she added.

This needs to be explained in more detail.

If you have a drippy nose and have become ‘sneazy’, that in most cases is as bad as it gets. Influenza, cold or COVID-19, you can call it anything. If it goes away, the best name is “gone”. Bye. Don’t come back. (Wash your hands more often and prevent the  “next time”.)

  1. Isolate yourself and take care of yourself. This is a good time to get back to your solitary relaxation hobbies or to sleep a lot more;
  2. socially isolate yourself and do not engage with anyone;
  3. eat healthy meals;
  4. drink more water;
  5. sleep more;
  6. exercise alone;
  7. take analgesics and nasal decongestant for comfort; and
  8. if in the rare circumstance you have difficulty breathing, call the hospital at the onset and make ready to go there or to your doctor as instructed by the health care worker you have contacted.
  9. Most people who are impacted by the COVID-19 virus do not notice they have symptoms. Most people ignore a few sniffles and sometimes that’s all there is with COVID-19.
  10. Most people who contract the virus and suffer serious illness, survive the experience with some medical help. Don’t be afraid to ask your health care provider for help.
  11. In all, don’t forget, stay healthy, exercise plenty, take your chronic illness meds if that applies to you; use extensive hand hygiene and oral hygiene; drink plenty of fluids; exercise daily; and follow recommended food preparation techniques. (This would be a good time to become vegan.)


Every Number Has A Face Every Number Has A Face

Live Updates in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sources for this statistical data.

The following sources are available to readers. and The Nurses Without Borders make direct contact and interview colleagues and sources close to the information around the world to track events and statistics.

  1. The People’s Republic of China
  2. Canadian Department of Health
  3. US Centers for Disease Control
  4. Hong Kong Global Tracking (PDF)
  5. Philippines COVID-19 Tracker
  6. Iran News Agency
  7. Govt. of Ireland
  8. Australia DoH
  9. Australia Public Information (PDF)
  10. Ministry of Health, Singapore
  11. Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea
  12. Province of Ontario, Canada CoronaVirus Info
  13. Province of Ontario, News Room
  14.  WHO
  15. Government of New Zealand
  16. MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
  17. US Washington State Health Department


129th Rescue Wing (129 RQW) is a unit of the California Air National Guard.

Here you see a 129 RQW helicopter delivering 50 COVID-19 Test Sets to the Grand Princess