Protest signs say Philippines exploited for USA attacks on China

“USA seeks 5 more bases in Philippines to fight China,” say Manila protesters against the Kamala Harris visit.

“Not all groups warmly welcomed USA Vice President Kamala Harris. Authorities faced off with protesters who took to the streets over the weekend and Monday to oppose matters related to Manila’s relationship with Washington,” CNN’s Crissy Dimatulac reports.

USA Vice President Kamala Harris criticized China from Manila for “intimidation and coercion” in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, pledging that the USA would stand by the Philippines, which the USA has said for the past two decades although in that time, China and the United States both militarized the South China Sea.

China militarized the South China Sea, a prelude to war. Demilitarize South China Sea

“The Kamala Harris visit aims to secure five more US military bases in the Philippines under the Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement. It already has five China-facing operations in the Philippines and the Armed force of the Philippines (AFP) are deeply grateful for the American’s donation of tons of old, used military equipment to the AFP,” said an organizer who did not want to be named.

“We do not want Philippines to be used as a springboard to launch attacks on China,” said Liza Maza, the Secretary-General of the International League of the People’s Struggle, one of the organized groups participating in the multi activist group demonstration that police were forcefully trying to fight off.

“One thing that American Vice President Kamala Harris did,” notes Karinna Angeles of the RINJ Foundation in the Philippines, “was promise $7.5 million to maritime law enforcement agencies in the Philippines to increase capacity to counter illegal fishing and block interference of the Philippines fisherfolk who are being attacked by Chinese waterborne militia. That is the core of the problem,” she added.

USA wants five more PH bases

“We do not want Philippines to be used as a springboard to launch attacks on China,” said Liza Maza the Secretary-General of the International League of the People’s Struggle. She is seen bottom center in this image. Photo source supplied.  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Philippines National Police fight off demonstrators protesting the visit of Kamala Harris and the USA demand for more bases in the Philippines to fight a war with China.

“It is quite likely that some of the police officers have killed members of the demonstrator’s families in the ongoing extrajudicial killing campaign that is now in its seventh year, conducted against human rights defenders,” suggested Karinna Angeles, a Manila nurse who attended the protest on the weekend to learn more and to find out what if anything was being done to provide assistance to the fisherfolk suffering because of the China-American conflict in the oceans. Her family are fisherfolk.

USA wants more bases in Philippines to FIght CHina

Protesters sought to get their message across that they did not want to be further exploited by the American military. Photo source supplied.  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

“The thing that Philippines’ families remember most about the American military presence up to the early 1990s, is pregnant twelve-year-olds and White babies with unnamed fathers,” explained nurse Karinna Angeles.

USA seeks more bases in Philippines for war against China

Manila protests against Kamala Harris visit. Photo source supplied.  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

The League of Filipino Students and other Filipino groups marched on Sunday and Monday to protest the political visit of American Vice President Kamala Harris to the Philippines.

USA VP HArris seeking additinal bases in Philippines say Activists

“VP walking with total authority in the Philippines.” Photo by Alfred Frias. Photo is cropped. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Filipinos in the streets of Manila protesting Harris visit

Manila protests against Kamala Harris visit. Photo source supplied.  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine