Luhansk and Abkhazia slam COVID-19 with Sputnik V as other countries show same result

Massive evidence is building fast to indicate the efficacy of Sputnik Light, a single dose vaccine used in emergency responses to massive COVID-19 outbreaks. Additionally the full two-dose vaccine known as Sputnik V is slamming COVID-19 and generating lasting immunity when coupled with a Sputnik Light booster.

According to a study reported 23 March 2022, Sputnik V is the only vaccine proven to be effective for HIV patients undergoing anti-retroviral treatment.

Full study: Sputnik V protection from COVID-19 in people living with HIV under antiretroviral therapy

The  study published in the Lancet suggests strong epidemiological efficiency of immunization with Sputnik V in HIV+ ART-treated patients for the original and delta SARS-CoV-2 variants. Data obtained indicates that Sputnik V epidemiological efficiency in the entire cohort of HIV+ on ART was 76·33%; in HIV+ with CD4+ ≥ 350 cells/µl, vaccine efficiency was 79·42%, avoiding hospitalization in 90·12% cases and protecting from the development of moderate or severe disease in 97·06% of patients.

Unfortunately, Vladimir Putin’s timing of what Russia is calling the ‘military operation to protect the Donbass‘ has distracted from extraordinary success of the Gamalaya Sputnik V vaccine and even created a Western reluctance to use the Russian vaccine because of the West’s Russian phobia campaign.

COVID-19 slammed by Luhansk PR medical workers COVID-19 slammed by Luhansk PR medical workers using aggressive Sputnik V vaccination campaigns and a strict but sensible mitigation plan including public guidelines for food preparation and household hygiene that according to two health workers speaking to FPMag, should be in place permanently regardless of COVID-19 because more pandemics will come along. Lana who is a RINJ medical worker in Donbass since 2013 says the fight against COVID-19 was exhausting, especially in Donetsk and Luhansk during the shelling by Ukraine and other actors in 2020 and 2021. “We are exhausted,” she said. Photo credit: Sputnik. Photo is cropped. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

“The malfeasance of war propaganda is killing people because the places where vaccines are needed the most are the places where only Sputnik is available, due to the West’s vaccine hording,” says Dr. Poon, an epidemiology intern in Singapore.

Sidebar: Eastern European war is driving medical workers to heartbreak

“But I want to add that people who use violence to solve problems like Mr. Biden and Mr. Putin, can expect big troubles. Starting wars is like poisoning the water—the outcome will be very bad but you cannot predict how painful and numerous will be the deaths,” Dr. Poon added ruefully. “We in the medical world are painfully suffering in our heart of hearts because this spreading war is so much against our sphere of existence and our belief structures. We need to save people, not hurt people. We need to send healthy people home to happy families. People who hurt people are poison to my heart,” she added with a hint of tears welling up in her eyes in a Zoom interview.

In the past week, the Republic of Abkhazia has reported only three positive tests for COVID-19, the disease caused by the prolific SARS-CoV-2 (2019-ongoing) Pandemic virus. Apart from these three cases less than ten residents of the de facto country are currently active cases, five plus the three new cases (8 in total) currently undergoing inpatient treatment.

Recipients generated robust antibody responses to the spike protein, which included neutralising antibodies, the proportion of the total immunoglobulin that inhibits the virus binding to its receptor. They also showed evidence of T-cell responses, consistent with an immune response that should not quickly wane. Photo Credit: Melissa Hemngway

There are two significant factors in the Abkhazia case study. The health department of Abkhazia has claimed ‘herd immunity’ credited to a combination of natural immunity from unreported previous infections, many likely minor or asymptomatic, and a massive programme for emergency inoculation with the Sputnik Light vaccine which is derived from the Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vac), a human adenoviral-based, two-part vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

“An oddity of Sputnik Light is the researchers’ claim that it has long-lasting protection, which even increases over 4-6 months following the vaccination,” commented Dr. Fred Harris of the Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 tracking team in Singapore.

“The concept of a vectored adenovirus carrying identifiable features (spike protein) of the SARS-CoV-2 target is not new but the Sputnik Light is the only vaccine using a ‘human adenovirus’. My work has been focused on statistical biodata and this particular vaccine is very interesting. Initially the vaccine was used in UAE, Bahrain, Argentina, Russia, Mexico, Serbia, San Marino, Philippines, Libya, Paraguay, Hungary, Azerbaijan and Belarus. Today we have large amounts of data from these countries and nearly 80 more using the vaccine. The outcomes are more than impressive, but the data is not in as to why the outcomes are uniquely favorable. It could be many years before we fully understand why the human body over long periods of time uniquely processes the human adenovirus vectoring agents and the definition characteristics Sputnik  delivers,” said Dr. Harris.

“Vaccine efficacy, based on the numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases from 21 days after the first dose of vaccine, is reported as 91·6% (95% CI 85·6–95·2), and the suggested lessening of disease severity after one dose is particularly encouraging for current dose-sparing strategies.” Citing Lancet-Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine candidate appears safe and effective

Many other vaccines showed dramatic decrease in efficacy against Delta variant to below 50% within the same time period as a Sputnik study showed 94% efficacy. Additionally, Sputnik Light has been observed as safe and effective in combination with other vaccines as confirmed by joint international clinical trials with the AstraZeneca, Sinopharm and Moderna vaccines.

Sputnik Light “is no different than the first component of the recombinant human adenovirus serotype number 26 (rAd26)” according to Gamaleya National Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology.

On last Friday, officials in India gave the go ahead for a recommendation of a Sputnik Light booster.

“The NTAGI’s Standing Technical Sub-Committee (STSC), which held its meeting on Friday, discussed the issue and recommended that the first dose of Sputnik V can be given as the booster  dose to all those vaccinated with the Russian jab,” an official source told the India Express newspaper of Delhi, India.

Luhansk PR aggressive Vaccination Programme has worked wonders. Photo courtesy The RINJ Foundation in Luhansk PR.

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