Russian people and neighbours hit hard by new variants, still send emergency relief to Cuba

In Russia, Muscovites suggest the current surge has peaked; Russians send warm wishes and mercy flights to the people of Cuba; and a 102-year-old veteran says he is surrounded by heroes.

On behalf of the people of Russia, the Russian government is sending medical and food relief to the people of Cuba who are suffering from the effects of American sanctions against the island nation during the worst pandemic to hit the human race in remembered time.

“The message from our government to us and to our friends around the world is to ‘Get Vaccinated‘, said Anya, a RINJ Foundation volunteer worker in Moscow in an email.

Video Snippet Source: Sputnik Telegram Channel one hour ago. Brits protest against American blockade of US neighbour, Cuba. learned from unofficial sources that mercy flights left just hours ago carrying a range of medical equipment including a million masks, medical grade FFR, syringes suitable for use injecting vaccines; in all some 90 tonnes of supplies, said three sources who had direct knowledge from parties involved in the collection and transfer of goods.

Cuba manufactures its own vaccine, now in a phase three clinical trial in Venezuela but is short of syringes and sharps, a problem a Canadian NGO has sought to relieve as do partners in Russia, according to NGO workers in Venezuela.

“Upon the Russian president’s order, the aircraft of military-transport aviation carry out delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Republic of Cuba. Two An-124 Ruslan planes of the Russian Defense Ministry have taken off from the Moscow Region’s Chkalovsky airfield for the point of destination,” said an official statement from Moscow.

[Translated] “At Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces Vladimir Putin’s request, military transport aircraft are delivering humanitarian aid to Cuba. Two An-124 Ruslan aircraft of the Russian Defence Ministry took off from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow to their destination. The aircraft will deliver food, personal protective equipment and more than 1 million medical masks to Cuba. More than 88 tonnes of cargo in total”, the ministry said.
Photo Credit: Russian Defence Ministry
Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine


Meanwhile, “Russia has been suffering a COVID-19 surge from hell,” said one woman who lives in Moscow.

Data for Russia and near neighbours for 23 Oct 2024.

Data for 23 Oct 2024 source: Civil Society Partners in Solidarity against COVID-19( CSPaC)

“On the whole, we can see that there is a decrease in the incidence of disease,” Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin was quoted on Friday in Tass as saying.

“This, of course, is positive,” said Moscow Mayor Sobyanin. “It means that we have passed these peaks, and I hope that there will be further improvement.”

Read also: Moscow slammed by Delta B.1.617.2 SARS2 Variant: A case for global vaccination. Published on All the worst concerns seem true about the Delta variant (‘Delta’ is the WHO descriptor) originating in India back in October 2020.”)

The team lead for CSPaC says, “Moscovites must not let their guard down. This circulating variant is highly contagious. Getting the Sputnik 5 vaccine is an urgent need while at the same time, wearing the best possible respirator or mask available is indicated. Even if Moscow, and Russia as a whole, are peaking at the top of the climb of this current wave of COVID-19, the descent downward can be a long and deadly slope.” (Fred Harris is a biostatistician and infectious disease researcher based in Singapore.)

Video: You don’t need to be a Russian hero to fight COVID-19, but this much-loved veteran of the war against Hitler’s Nazis in which Russia won a deserved victory, says he was surrounded by heroes in a recent battle with the coronavirus, and that is why his life was spared for the second time, says Reserve-Colonel Nikolai Bagayev (102).

Video Source: Reuters