The Cash America needs to accept murder. (In-depth)

For the people who actually delivered the 9/11-Massacre, their absolution was the slaughter of a million Iraqis who had nothing to do with that crime against humanity.

For their 2 October Istanbul-Consulate murder the absolution came when the White House, Donald Trump in fact,  said, Jamal Khashoggi “it is not a citizen” and “we don’t want to lose $100 billion in arms sales”.  The world heard that in Trump’s videoed statements and read his comments in Time Magazine. and The Washington Post.

OK? How many souls lost as the Twin Towers crashed down were from somewhere else but striving to do good for America?

The Tribute in Light on September 11, 2014, on the thirteenth anniversary of the attacks, seen from Bayonne, New Jersey. The tallest building in the picture is the new One World Trade Center.The Tribute in Light on September 11, 2014, on the thirteenth anniversary of the attacks, seen from Bayonne, New Jersey. The tallest building in the picture is the new One World Trade Center. Photo Credit: Anthony Quintano

Article by Melissa Hemingway, Feminine-Perspective Magazine Senior Staff Writer

The rest of America says either, “he is not white”, “he is a blanking Muslim so who cares?”, or he is a “Democrat supporter”.

Do you know how many people killed at the Twin Towers were from somewhere else  or who they voted for in their last election?

Khaled Saffuri, a friend of the missing Washington Post Columnist said to Alexandra Ma of the Business Insider that the Saudi Crown Prince  likely thought:

“Trump hates journalists, and he would not react if we killed one more journalist.”

As Micheal John points out in an article about Trump’s statements attacking reporters, (“enemy of the people“), Trump’s hateful, personalized condemnation of journalists has brought death to many American scribes. It has also left “many students in journalism school” in a quandary, he says. (Read also about the persecution of Reuters journalists: Myanmar Rigs Evidence, Convicts Journalists. They must be released. )

Is Trump a Murderer? Has he ordered or caused murders?

A growing number of sources say Donald Trump had been asked if he had any objection to the abduction of Jamal and he said “No”.  Add to that, FBI and CIA briefings on Saudi Arabia also included a small item to say that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salmon ( MbS ) intended to abduct Mr. Khashoggi. This alert continued from the last quarter of 2017 through 28 September 2018 when again a direct contact and warning was made to the Trump White House from Riyadh.

Nobody warned the Washington Post nor Jamal Khashoggi of the clear and present danger to his life. That of itself is a crime, an explicit violation of US law since 2014.

Jamal Khashoggi was a US Resident who had applied for citizenship and for whom the publisher of the Washington Post was willing to  go to bat and say the paper was hiring him on the basis of nobody else in America being able to fill the specific role. Slam dunk. He may also once have been one of the American-paid fighters who fought with the CIA against the Russians in Afghanistan in 1987. A patriot? Jamal chose America. Most Americans didn’t.

Salah Muhammad al-Tubaiqi, head of the forensic medicine department at the Saudi interior ministryPictured at right is Salah Muhammad al-Tubaiqi, (the saw toting clean-up guy) head of the forensic medicine department at the Saudi interior ministry.

The wives of Jamal’s 18+ killers may not ever be willing to talk to a Court but they will talk to their women friends. That’s me, in part.  Feminine-Perspective has for other reasons heard some of the audio file and also from a separate source, seen photographs.

How is that? Of the many people who had access to Jamal’s remains after a forensic pathologist (al-Tubaiqi)  reduced the remains to many pieces, someone did a crime that can only be described as a disturbing desecration of human remains, and took a picture. That lieutenant is dead. Recently.

This Murder has Civil Society Worried about Women held prisoner by MbS

This is a topic so disgusting we cannot put the words here or Google News will kick us out again. That is like the kiss of death for a publisher. The last time was when we described a rape. We get it. We work in a very gory area dealing with the patriarch’s violence toward women. In this case it is a man the Patriarch killed which sets a new standard for all the women activists the Saudis hold in prison and plan to kill in November.

The RINJ Foundation has said women fighting for the safety of children and their families must seek also to stop the crimes against human rights defenders.

So, now, what will happen to Israa al-Ghomgham for whose release we have been campaigning for years. She, unlike Jamal Khashoggi who was very polite in his criticisms,  called the Saudi Royal family names.

What now will happen to all the women human rights defenders imprisoned in 2018 by Saudi Arabia. This is what should happen:

  • Release Israa al-Ghomgham
  • Release Samar Badawi
  • Release  Nassima al-Saadah
  • Release  Hatoon al-Fassi
  • Release  Loujain al-Hathloul
  • Release all defenders of human rights, unconditionally.

If the USA was attacked tomorrow…

The world’s humanitarians would rush to America’s  aid. “Count on us and everyone we have worked elbow to elbow with,” say many I asked yesterday and today.

But America has betrayed millions. Giving Saudi Arabia a pass for murdering Jamal Khashoggi  says only one thing. Donald Trump is a murderer. Trump knew that this would happen because he was warned. Trump was involved in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi from the start of the antipathy for Jamal in the House of Saud.

How Much Money in the United States Does it Take to Ignore Murder?

No amount of money offered to me will cause me to kill evangelist Pat Robertson or murder TV reality-show cast member, Donald Trump.  But these two scurrilous patriarch founders in the USA said they are OK with a journalist’s death for $100 billion in military weapons sales to kill Yemeni civilians.

Killing Saudi Arms Sales Will not cost One Job. It is a lie.

Trump should do some research. If all sales of arms were stopped tomorrow, not one job would be lost. That is because the US military readiness status is a very poor, less than 50%. That means that every weapon sold to Saudi is needed by American fighting forces. That includes every airplane and every bomb.

On November 2, the Brookings Institute will convene a panel of experts to discuss the current readiness of the U.S. military.

Why does Trump accept murder and Salafi Jihadism from Saudi Arabia?

The answer is is that defence contractor lobbyists who get these orders, take huge amounts of money from the absolutely sinful profit margins of foreign military sales, and donate that money, right now, to the Republican Party’s election campaign. It should be noted that they also make donations to the Democrat Party but favour the party in power or the one that makes the boldest promises and is likely to keep the promises.

Feminine-Perspective MagazineThis is the extreme religious fundamentalist Pat Robertson in February 2006, over 12 years ago. Yesterday he said let’s not risk “$100 billion worth of arms sales” Photo Credit: Paparazzo

This is Donald Trump below. He should resign before he is impeached eventually.

Apart from promoting and encouraging violent attacks against journalists he has been using the apparatus of the state to implement his own personal agenda and that is capable of proof.

Trump has accepted financial reward into his businesses from Saudi Arabia. Add to that he has made no compensation to the families of murdered children (read: Yemen Ceasefire, Survivor Compensation) he ordered killed in Yemen on 9 August.

Moreover Trump has defied US Courts and has not returned confiscated children to their parents or to proper, lawful, Court-approved child-care facilities.

Trump is a criminal of the worst kind because his crimes are now state-sponsored. He is encouraging criminal dictators around the world to do the same thing. How? The same way Hitler achieved his short lived moment of power and fame, killing millions. Stay tuned.

Conspiracy of Cowards“Conspiracy of Cowards” (Feminine-Perspective art department: Rosa Yamamoto)


These Questions must have Answers

  1. From the time Saudi Arabia became responsible for the personal safety of invited consulate attendee, Jamal Khashoggi, on 2 October, 13:14 hrs local time in Istanbul (4330 Beşiktaş), and explaining the audio recordings of events nearby the Consul General’s office from 13:20 to 14:30 hrs. localtime  what exactly happened to Jamal Khashoggi?
  2. Jamal Khashoggi is an American resident and journalist. He lives in the USA. He writes a regular column for the Washington Post. Did Mohammad bin Salman ( MbS) tell Donald Trump or did Trump know by other channels that the Crown Prince would launch an aggression against the American journalist?
  3. Donald Trump relies on Mohammad bin Salman‘s Saudi Arabia for many billions USD in arms sales for the American economy and financial support for the Republican Party’s current election campaign. The two men are close. That may be why Trump whitewashed the slaughter of dozens of children on 9 August with his bomb, his guidance, his targeting, and an American-made Saudi airplane with a US-trained Saudi pilot. Will Trump also whitewash the disappearance and murder of Jamal Khashoggi? (Ed. note:  Every time Trump opens his mouth on this matter he looks like a conspirator to murder.)
  4. Will the global community now finally join Civil Society and press the ICC to hold Mohammad bin Salman accountable for the busload of children he and his American friends massacred on 9 August?
  5. For months The RINJ Foundation a Canada-based Civil Society NGO has warned the globe in every way possible that human rights in Saudi Arabia and throughout the region of its influence have taken a dive. In fact, Saudi Arabia led by MbS, as a sole leader, is responsible for many thousands of civilian deaths and a litany of war crimes and human rights violations. Will the UN Secretary General backed by a majority of General Assembly members urge for a halt to the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia?


Saudi must release women human rights defenders imprisoned in 2018 by Saudi Arabia

  • Israa al-Ghomgham
  • Samar Badawi
  • Nassima al-Saadah
  • Hatoon al-Fassi
  • Loujain al-Hathloul
  • etceteras

Saudi must release men human rights defenders also imprisoned in 2018 by Saudi Arabia

  • Aziza al-Yousef
  • Nouf Abdelaziz
  • Mayaa al-Zahrani
  • Ibrahim al-Modaimeegh
  • Abdulaziz Meshaal
  • Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi


Jamal’s file is not closed.

Women are Urging for the release of human rights defenders from Saudi Prisons

By Unknown - Loujain Alhathloul via OTRS system, CC BY-SA 4.0, University of British Columbia student (Canada) Loujain Alhathloul  (dob 31 July 1989) Photo By Submitted – via OTRS system, CC BY-SA 4.0

This is Israa-al-Ghomgham and the Saudis want to kill her because she demonstrated on behalf of Shi'ite Muslims but Saudi population and the House of Saud is Sunni Muslim This is Israa al-Ghomgham. She is back in “special” Court on 28 October. The Saudis want to execute her because she demonstrated on behalf of Shi’ite Muslims but Saudi population and the House of Saud are Sunni Muslim. She has been imprisoned in harsh conditions for 33 months. If the House of Saud beheads this women, Feminine-Perspective predicts the eventual end of the House of Saud. (Photo Credit: Screen capture from Saudi TV)

A series of attacks on women human rights defenders has been launched by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, the second highest authority in Saudi Arabia, second to the king, but the de facto leader on a day-to-day basis.

The United Nations in mid-2018 asked Saudi Arabia to “unconditionally release all human rights defenders and activists who have been detained for their peaceful human rights work, including their decades-long campaigns for the lifting of the driving ban for women.”

Michelle Obama (left) and Hillary Clinton (right) pose with Samar Badawi of Saudi Arabia as she receives the 2012 International Women of Courage Award (AFP)Michelle Obama (left) and Hillary Clinton (right) pose with Samar Badawi (now imprisoned) of Saudi Arabia as she receives the 2012 International Women of Courage Award. Photo Credit: Associated Foreign Press

Feminine Perspective

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Feminine PerspectiveMelissa Hemingway, Micheal John, and Behar Abbasi contributed to this article.

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Tags: Jamal Khashoggi  | Donald Trump | Human Rights Defenders | Saudi Arabia