Jamal Khashoggi Was to be Whisked out of Turkey (Comment)

Jamal Khashoggi on BBC HardTalkThis is Jamal Khashoggi during a BBC interview on “Hardtalk” Photo Credit: Screen Capture from BBC TV HardTalk


 Comment by Micheal John, [email protected] Writer | Editor

On 3 October Feminine-Perspective published an article: “Trump, King Salman, we want our people released” referring to a list of human rights activists held in prison by Mohammad bin Salman ( MbS).  That list included Mr. Jamal Khashoggi whom sources said was being moved away to a Saudi Arabian prison.

In that article Melissa Hemingway commented, “Now he is gone and Saudi officials are trying to sneak him from Istanbul through Ankara to Riyadh.”

She then went on to explain her source: “A Kurdish FPM source involved in the Turkish government in Istanbul told us on condition she not be named that Khashoggi was visiting with his Turkish fiancee Hatice Cengiz.”

With that background Feminine Perspective has confirmed from House of Saud opposition sources that it was the intention of the Saudis to perform the difficult task of extracting Mr. Khashoggi under detention to Saudi Arabia through a two-team series of unique and flexible routings and schedules.

Our sources speculate that it is highly improbable a hit squad of two private jets filled with operators would be used to kill Khashoggi. These were security operators, not assassins. The mission was one of extraction.

Did Something Go Wrong?

It is speculation that Mr. Khashoggi was extracted and ended up in Cairo. That is our connection’s speculation. The Khashoggi matter has been under the direction of  MbS 

The Crown Prince may perhaps have wanted the high profile journalist assassinated but strong argument would have presented an extraction option.

Jamal Khashoggi has not been security-minded of late. He was planning a marriage. He may have caused a struggle. Operators had a capture or kill mandate.

Something went wrong and there are no significant leaks, yet. From what we have learned we are checking with contacts in Cairo and within the prison system of Saudi Arabia. In the alternative he was murdered somewhere along the route just described. He did not leave freely from the Consulate. Women close to his fiancee are certain of that. There was nobody inside the consulate offices to provide additional information. The person he should have met to obtain his certificate of divorce was at home.

Feminine-Perspective has been covering the human rights violations of the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia recently and as a result, contacts with Saudi opposition within the country have grown.

Mr. Jamal Khashoggi has long been considered a member of the Saudi elite and only recently has he shifted to the opposition at a time when despotic Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MbS ) with daggers in the backs of Saudi’s elite,  many imprisoned, like rungs in a ladder, climbed to the top of the House of Saud and has taken control of Saudi Arabia. Jamal Khashoggi  has vigorously attacked the Crown Prince as a solitary leader taking a wrong path.

Misogyny, human rights violations, religious oppression against the Shi’ite Muslims, Christians and Jews is worse than ever in Saudi Arabia as Crown Prince MbS  cages the titular head of the Kingdom of Saud and holds his mother Princess Fahda in quasi-house-arrest.

Saudi Arabia is no longer a kingdom but a brutal dictatorship. Additional background follows: