Philippines Drug War is Cop Rape-Fest

The Cold Hard Truth About Rape in The Philippines is that it is a normal part of life.

Because of Rodrigo Duterte’s drug war against the poor wherein some 14,000+ Filipinos have been murdered in public, the threat of this crime is used against young women to get them to perform sexual favours for police. Every week we hear of another case. We only hear a tiny percentage.

Since Duterte took office 1 July 2016 RINJ first noticed in September of 2016 that the number of older rape survivors is increasing in the typical Philippines rape survivor age group of 7 to 25. It did not take long to realize that the bodies of (Duterte-death-squad Extra Judicial Killings [EJK]?) murdered victims in Manila and throughout the Philippines were not Duterte’s only victims. The Philippines rape culture has grown exponentially by each month Duterte is in office.
The Philippines rape culture has grown exponentially by each month Duterte is in office.



  1. Attractive young women in ghettos are being put on drug lists and coerced with the EJK extortion lever to perform sexual favours for vigilantes and for police department members.
  2. In many cases the women are being raped and then threatened with being put on a drug list or being killed and labeled as a drug user.



Warning issued by RINJ in 2016 when Duterte claimed a 'national state of lawlessness' giving police special powers.

Above: Warning issued by RINJ in 2016 when Duterte claimed a ‘national state of lawlessness’ giving police special powers. 

Notice that among the murdered young women, none have any history, not even an inkling toward drug use. We looked at one teen’s past and she hated even taking a paracetamol for a headache. She was murdered as a drug user, the story goes. No. She wasn’t murdered for that reason, she was murdered because she threatened to talk. We are watching closely to identify those criminals. You will go down, boys.

Feminine-Perspective Magazine Feminine-Perspective Magazine

There are so many young girls killed in the drug war that had nothing to do with any part of the drug-using culture. You know they were killed to keep them from telling of their rape.

You must be told that the Philippines is probably the only country in the world where you will never walk down a street or through an apartment building and smell the aroma of pot. But pretty young women are being murdered because they were allegedly users. Murder with impunity (impunity guaranteed by the so-called President) is the ultimately effective extortion lever for forcing women to perform sex acts.

In case you didn’t know, this is not sex with consent, it is rape. Consent under duress is not consent at all. Rape. Rape. Rape.

We are not saying that ‘young women shouldn’t be killed if they are not pot smokers’.


So often we hear parents shrieking, “My child never used drugs so they should not have been killed.”

For God’s sake, nobody should have been killed, you stupid people. Really stupid. Read the ten commandments and then go back to the 5th.

Why do 9 out of ten people in the Philippines support Duterte’s Extra Judicial Killings of pot smokers?

Why do 10/10 people accept child rape as a norm.

It is no wonder that the Philippines is the heart of the global child sex trade.

This is not a good culture. The Philippines is becoming more and more like North Korea—a human rights fiasco.


The State is killing civilians extra-judicially in the Philippines and the rapists are using this regime to gain more impunity and to rape women they normally would have no access to.

Duterte’s so-called drug war seems to be all about murder with impunity say many humanitarians and both the United Nations and the International Criminal Court.

The RINJ Foundation  suggests that the EJK-Drug-War  is secondarily about rape in a patriarchal society. The impact is so great that it has skewed the rape statistics that we maintain such that there is an increase in the rape of young adult women–a bump in the statistics per se. We will explain that later in this article.

In May 2017 when Rodrigo Duterte told the Armed Forces of the Philippines the men could rape up to three women each in Mindanao, there was another data bump in statistics that is just being noticed now. Here is a clue to how we gather data:

If you have been raped visit the HelpLine

Where Were the Moms of the Raped Children

Over fifty percent of females from 7 to 25 in the Philippines have endured a sexual assault.

  1. A large percentage of that group were raped.
  2. This is based on straw polls and case histories.
  3. Children in the Philippines are the most vulnerable to rape.
  4. Toddlers, babies and young children are generally unwanted. They have low value in the overpopulated Philippines islands because of an out-of-control Total Fertility Rate (TFR) (colossal birth rate) partly now due to the Catholic Church abuses of its enormous wealth, hiring lawyers to tie up contraceptives in the Supreme Court of The Republic of the Philippines.

Roughly 12 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) around the world are female including about 9 million on contracts and three million without contracts as part of an illegal grey market. They work in 170 countries, with 1 million in Saudi Arabia alone, followed by Japan, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and Taiwan. In the United States there are an estimated 1 million undocumented Filipino workers. In the Middle East there are roughly the same number.

Likely there are as many as 15 million mothers from the Philippines working away from home while children are being raped.

1. More than 45 million children are at severe risk of being raped.

2. Rape is a normal event.

3. The Philippines Rape Culture is Worse than in Somalia

Few people here report rape to police. If you do you may be raped again.

Many tribal customs claim sex out of wedlock is a disgrace and that the rape of a woman is a disgrace upon her and a shame to the tribe thus she must be killed. She often is killed if she opens her mouth. This 8-year old was silenced — same happened to these two, a five year old and a 20 year old, raped and murdered.

Raping kids is so common nobody talks about it. Everybody does it?

The legal age of consent in the Philippines is 13, not that anyone pays that much attention.

But if the legal age of consent were to be raised to 16 years of age as The RINJ Foundation has so often suggested, there would be millions more rapes in the philippines.

We have no idea where the government is getting their statistics from. Police clearly understate the problem because they are mostly men who rape.

Things are so bad in the Philippines one large city (Baguio in Benguet Province) has passed an ordinance allowing police officers to arrest people for any signs of sexual harassment that is seen in public by law enforcement, particularly toward female students (there are many Colleges and Universities in Baguio)  and LBGT citizens.

“Rape is an epidemic bigger than mosquito bites”, said one 16 year old.

In group discussions or one-on-one interviews with women we get a number of stories like, it “wasn’t rape because on the third case (third person in a gang rape) I had an orgasm, I think”; or “I didn’t scream–when I told my mother on Whatsapp she said, ‘shut-up, if you did not scream it was not rape'”; and “it wasn’t rape because one of the men was my uncle”.

 In the Philippines, one woman or child is raped every hour. * (That’s a lie. The real number is well over 15 per hour.)

This is based on police records, as cited by the Center for Women’s Resources (CWR), which showed that from January to October last year [2016], there were 7,037 reported rape cases nationwide.

Even the death penalty will not be able to stop this, according to CWR executive director Jojo Guan.

“The execution of a convicted rapist in 1999 did not stop abusers from raping women and girls… Given a corrupt system and a culture of impunity where the rich and the powerful can go scot-free, death penalty will always be a contentious method to curb criminality in the country,” Guan said in a press release…

Meanwhile, the Philippine Statistics Authority reported 4,605 cases of rape, acts of lasciviousness, attempted and incestuous rape in 2016, for women only. — CNN Philippines


Believing police statistics in the Philippines is a fool’s game. The corrupt law enforcement and judicial systems commit the worst crimes with absolute impunity. If you are a rape survivor, you will likely be raped by police as well if you go to a police station.

Adults do not report their rape. The rare exception is when a woman faces phony drug allegations and uses her rape claim to set the record straight. Why? Because in the recent “Duterte Drug War Extra Judicial Killing Spree” women are targeted by everyone and told they will end up as a street death with a ‘BawalAngDroga‘ sign taped to her face unless she submits to their sexual demands at parties, drinking binges, bars, and alleyways. Most often these rapists are cops or barangay captains, empowered to commit murder by Authoritarian rule Rodrigo Duterte.

The statement: “In the Philippines, one woman or child is raped every hour,”  is a deliberate understatement.  There is never a moment day or night when a child, man or woman is not being raped in the Philippines.

Me too! If every person who has been sexually assaulted posted “Me Too” on their Twitter or Facebook timeline, the conspiracy of silence would be broken and the world would be shocked at the numbers.

To say that 24 rapes happen each day in the Philippines is a patent lie by police who want you to think they are doing a good job.  The patriarchal law enforcement of the Philippines want you to believe that only 8760 rapes occur each year in the Philippines. That is untrue of the entire philippines but true of say maybe a single province like Ifugao.

Ifugao is mostly without effective law enforcement and the court system is as backwards and as corrupt as it gets. It is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. Untold crimes happen there. Its capital is Lagawe and it borders Benguet to the west, Mountain Province to the north, Isabela to the east, and Nueva Vizcaya to the south.

One province out of the total of 81 provinces in the country might have one rape every hour. But the country has 16 rapes every hour according to global statistics.

In developed nations, a huge 6% of rape crime is reported. Some 94% is not reported. Using that data applied to the 24 daily reported rape cases alleged by Philippines law enforcement there would be 376 daily rape cases in the entire country.

Roughly 16 rapes per hour take place in the Philippines using the government’s statistics.

We have never walked into a police station with a rape case.

Just as we do elsewhere in the world we back the survivor completely into and through the court process and in the Philippines we sidestep the corrupt law enforcement regime. We have our legal team prepare the charging documents; where a case is reported within hours clinic nurses do the tedious job of collecting a rape kit and sending it to the lab; the legal team prepares the evidence including all affidavits and have the affiants swear them; and finally the entire package is brought to a judge or a state prosecutor in the jurisdiction of the crimes’ occurrence.  We stay in the shadows supporting and HIDING the survivor to keep her alive. We then observe the ‘players’ in the process (which takes years).

“Police in the Philippines are the top criminal gangs to which other criminal gangs must pay a taste,” says a gangster known to our team.

This week a very common occurrence made the news because it has an extraordinary twist. A woman was taken into custody and raped. That is nothing new. But this women managed to file criminal complaint once she was transferred to a facility away from the rapists.

A 30-year-old female detainee, a drug suspect, filed criminal  charges against police officers.

Olongapo City Police Force Officers Accused of Rape

  1. Raymond Diaz,
  2. Diosdado Alterado,
  3. Stevie Rivera,
  4. Nelson Abalos,
  5. Ed Mesias, and
  6. Gaylord Calara.

The complainant was raped by one of the officers while the others watched and cheered. The alleged crime took place at 1 a.m. on June 29 while the complainant was detained at the custodial facility of Police Station 5 in Barangay Sta. Rita, Ventura.

98 Percent of all rape allegations are true.

Rape in the Philippines — Read also:

  1. RINJ Responds to Duterte Threats and Duterte Trolls
  2. Philippines Soldiers Rape & Plunder under Martial Law
  3. Reign of Terror Worsens in Philippines. Women Terrified
  4. Rape up to 3 Women with Impunity – Duterte
  5. Warning to Women & Children in The Philippines
  6. Can Duterte Save Rein-of-Terror Presidency? No. Get out.
  7. RINJ Slams China for Rape of Falun Dafa Women
  8. Duterte Murders Alarm UN Humanitarians but Trump High Fives
  9. Treating Post Traumatic Rape Syndrome
  10. Trump illegally invites EJ-Killer Duterte to USA
  11. The New Global Lust For Death: Reflections From Mosul Iraq
  12. PH Justice Minister OK’s Murder of a Class of People
  13. Do you have spare food? Filipinos are Starving.
  14. Philippines Duterte Impeachment. Here’s Why?
  15. #BawalAngDroga or Pres. Duterte kills you.
  16. Death Penalty for Rape = Rapists will Kill Victim. Death Penalty Vulgar in Any Case.
  17. RINJ Releases Warning to Catholic Priests in the Philippines
  18. Philippines` Dark Fascism Hole-Leila de Lima at Bottom (in-depth)
  19. Duterte Manipulates Congress: Hang 9 Yr-Old Kids
  20. Duterte Goes After Poor Kids – Death Penalty for 9-Year-Olds
  21. Duterte Supports Reproductive Rights of Filipinos
  22. Safety of Women & Children Jeopardized By Duterte Decision to Bury Marcos a Hero
  23. Fear Spreads in Philippines as Women on Drug List Raped, Kids Killed
  24. RINJ Continues to Warn Filipino Girls in National Emergency
  25. RINJ Foundation Urgent warning to Women of the Philippines

So many young women raped and killed - Join us in the fight for safety of women and children.