Canadians tricked into Proxying US War on China.

Analysis: 2018 in Review

One of the most significant events in 2018 relates to women in the patriarch’s world of technology. The patriarch has in 2018 advanced that women are so stupid in this sphere, that they might help its enemies. The patriarch has become so desperate to dominate a world women are better suited to, it is detaining  a leading woman, trying to block her Chinese company’s success.

Nevertheless, 2019 will give manifest to the new path for intelligence and intelligent communities. It is led by women in America and in China.

Feminine-Perspective MagazineWomen’s portrait photo credits as indicated in the image text, Mary Barra (GM) and Huawei for both Meng and Yafong. Art and content, The Editorial team.

Dear Canada. Look at the alternatives: follow America into war or join the intelligent path, led by women like Mary T. Barra and Sabrina Meng.

Analysis by Sharon Santiago, Micheal John, with files from Melisa Hemingway

The “True North Strong and Free” is no longer. Canada has become a puppet state to a rogue puppet master in the White House that says breastfeeding is “disgusting” and women’s bodies must be regulated by male lawmakers.

Canada joining Trump’s path implies the world is in deep doodoo.

When Canada huddled near Truro last 17 July with cloak and dagger spymasters of the Five Eyes (FVEY) countries, the intrigue levels were peaked because until China became enemy number one of the great protector of the Anglosphere a ludicrous band of Captain America groupies had nothing to do.

The USA now claims Sabrina Meng and Huawei tried to help US enemy Iran and now tries to help US enemy the government of China. Huawei counters these allegations by saying it is a private company independent of the Chinese government and that it abides by international law.

By abdicating too much sovereignty to the United States…

what follows is what Canada has signed up for by attacking one of the world’s leading business women, because she is a shero and is not an anglophone.

The United States government and its people project boastfully as the most racist and sexist of all nations. It claims to know everyone’s secrets and that it knows about all the spies eager to steal your secrets. Today, America’s enemies are China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Cuba, Nicaragua, Libya, Bolivia, the DPRK, Venezuela, and the Philippines. Many of these countries face internal attacks from US-funded or US-armed domestic opposition. Canada is seen as a low level threat by right-wing hard-liners and extremists because Canada has a “liberal” government and mindset.

The United States has violated a treaty with Canada using Canada for a proxy attack against China. It argued to Canada that the treaty on extradition is the rule of law, in order to commit an abuse of the law and an abuse of process in the arrest of Sabrina Meng. And Canada has allowed itself to be violated and exploited.

The United States has become the most misogynistic and abusive country on Earth using money and military might or the threat thereof to bully women and countries into enforcing the Mexico City Policy that persecutes health centers that even mention abortion.

The US President Donald Trump has had most information opposing sexual violence removed from US government web sites and changed the rules for dealing with campus rape to favour the accused.

Since Trump came to office the United States has limited women’s access to birth control.

The US President has decreed that breastfeeding is “disgusting” and worked to dampen the UN and WHO enthusiasm for encouraging breastfeeding in developing nations.

The current US President said he wants all women who use birth control or who have abortions punished. Concomitantly one third of all Americans have been randomly arrested at one time or another hence the threat is credible in a country that jails more of its population than any nation on earth.

Follow the women leading a path of innovation to intelligent, safe communities for children & their families. Follow the women leading a path of innovation to intelligent, safe communities for children & their families.

Fear of Huawei and China is fed by Bogus Propaganda of Captain America Groupies

Canada arrested Sabrina Meng only because she is a very successful liberated woman, Vice ChairWoman of a $100 $billion global corporation that is leading the world in the next generation of smartphone technologies. Those technologies Ms. Meng has led Huawei toward include global life changing innovation on the near horizon such as  5GAIIoT allowing accomplishment of most formerly imagined ease-of-living science fiction.

Every community has a bitch who stirs up trouble. The world has Donald Trump.

China, for example, has the ability to defend itself from frontal attacks from America, and now potentially controls trillions of dollars of trade routes by militarily owning the South China Sea. For fear of losing most if its major cities in a frontal attack, the USA has avoided war but maintained incremental attacks on China’s economy  in an effort to undermine the prominence of President Xi Jinping to his constituency and to impoverish the civilians of China.

The USA continuously conducts peripheral attacks by duping countries like Vietnam into being its proxy adversary to China. Vietnam has a dire problem with China’s control of mineral and fishing rights in the South China Sea. America’s proxy attacks include warning the world that China is stealing the Anglosphere’s critical information for sinister purposes. It subsequently tells businesses not to use Chinese technology or face losing America’s business.

The United States and Canada are falling behind in technology and do not have a significant multi-technology entry of their own in the  5GAIIoT technology regime. Microsoft, Motorola, BlackBerry have all failed to place in the smartphone race. In fact the absolute best smartphones in the world (Huawei Mate20 Pro and the Asian version of the Samsung Note9 Plus) are not available in the United States because America has unofficially banned Chinese technology by deliberately planting false spyware rumours.

Washington and Canada are killing US innovation and business opportunities for collaboration despite the fact that China has extended the olive branch by using many Qualcomm and Intel components in its devices and boosts the business of those companies substantially.

The United States since US President Richard Nixon has looked at China as an enemy. Today, the United States has defined China as an enemy and told all cell phone carriers that owning Chinese equipment may be allowing China to spy on all Americans. It’s fantasy right out of a Marvel Comic.

Secure Communications?

All Smartphones are made fully or partly in China.  If there is a security issue, the user is at fault.

The RINJ Foundation‘s men and women working in war zones have been using a peer-to-peer version of the Canadian BlackBerry phone because of the need for extreme security of its devices. The RSAC units exist in a privacy sphere 100X stronger than women’s shelters. RINJ developed software and procedures for monitoring its own gear to make sure that no spurious emissions or attacks were exposing stakeholders to risk.

Today in war zones, medical practitioners ranging from techs to doctors are seen as a force multiplier asset and are targeted by various armed conflict participants.

Feminine-Perspective MagazineRINJ Sexual Assault Clinic (RSAC) Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway,

In Syria there is an open season on White Coats says Behar Abbasi who is in Yemen now but for the past six years has been working as a medical practitioner in Syria and Iraq during armed conflicts in those troubled nations. As a consequence of these factors, secure communications is of utmost importance for all of practitioners, patients, and patients’ information.

According to Simon Baldock who has provided security services to The RINJ Foundation, his group has tested various equipment to economically replace aging BlackBerry devices. The biggest risk comes from American company “Google” which although it coaxes users into agreeing in the fine print, “collects the most comprehensive data about who you are and absolutely everything that you do”.

“Facebook is the next in the top of the group collecting private information,” he added. America is foremost in collecting personal data, not China.

Regardless of Canada accepting the American narrative, the United States under Donald Trump is the threat to ordinary civilians around the world, not China; not Russia (unless it really did get Trump elected); and not Iran.

Canadians have a serious problem and are in grave Danger now that they are a proxy in the US war on China. End it.

The decision to follow through on an extradition arrest is a political decision made by a politician in this case the Justice Minister of Canada, with the approval of the Prime Minister.

Canada made a proactive arrest of Sabrina Meng.

In this instance, Ms. Sabrina Meng, the Vice Chair of the company that has led the way in  5G AI IoT innovation was not traveling to Canada but was on a transfer to a flight to Mexico. She was not accused of  violating any laws in Canada.

The US claim is far-fetched hogwash comprising a series of disingenuous logic based on a generic powerpoint presentation given to Meng to present to HSBC which was on the hook to America for $1.4 billion or worse for sanctions busting. The New York request for Meng’s arrest is made by a US state that brags it could indict a ham sandwich and collects a male group to an intellectually dishonest paradigm that America’s hate for the Iranian people was in 2013 being blocked in its expression by a woman from another hated group of America’s enemies in China.

Not only is Meng a leader of an innovative company that makes America look like Trailer Park Boys in the field of 5G infrastructure but she is The Enemy. She is Chinese.

How could Justin Trudeau mistake the stench of this pile of nonsense for the Rule of Law? The extradition treaty Trudeau blames was signed by a different America than the one of today which is slaughtering babies in Yemen. It also offers exceptions on politically motivated requests  which is what this is, according to Donald Trump himself who has set out a quasi-ransom for Meng.

In the Omar Khadr case the Trudeau government correctly intervened on Khadr’s behalf. There are others. In the Meng instance, Trudeau was suffering some kind of PTSD after completing the United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement which puts the USA pretty much in control of who Canada does business with.

Kidnap ransomTrump says he will intervene in Meng’s situation if he gets a good trade deal with China.

Feminine- Perspective: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has in the United States-Mexico-Canada USMC trade agreement Article 32, and by not calling out the US on its political motivation for the arrest of Sabrina Meng , handed Canada to the United States’ worst toxic men as a proxy in the illegitimate Cold War against China. Trudeau needs to pull up his socks and make good with China. Now.

Look: The China Side has Played the Canadian Gaf like a Friend

China has not detained any Canadians in retaliation to the Meng arrest but only as a matter of course. Look at the cases more closely. They are real matters that occur on a regular basis. Because they have occured in the Meng timeline, the mainstream media has made an issue of them and the Trudeau government has responded with political blather.

It’s a lie. Under no circumstances are the recent arrests in China of Canadian citizens, related to the Meng matter. The Chinese government has internally issued a wait and see policy. The cases cited in general media are irrelevant. The Canadian government tactic of making formal demands to China to release the people accused of a crime in China is done only to make China look like a bad actor which then justifies Canada’s proactive role in detaining Sabrina Meng.

What’s real is that the American case against Meng is what Huawei knows it to be. Huawei knows if it did or did not try to trick HSBC bank.  Huawei as a private company and the Chinese government have repeatedly said they do not expect that America will be successful in the Canadian Court. The official comment from China, apart from the infuriated tone which is genuine, is that it will wait for an outcome and interimly believes that on what it knows of the truth of the matter, Ms. Meng will be released from her detention and bail and allowed to go home.‘s research suggests that China’s belief is well founded based on what is known about the case.  But the case is not yet fully presented. Like China is doing, wait.

China should be told that no Canadian wishes ill-will toward Canada’s ally, China, and that young, inexperienced, naive politicians sometimes oversee very stupid mistakes that Canadians must live with until it is time to go to the polls again.

Toxic men use lies and treachery to obtain money and power.
Toxic Men

This must be the last time that Canada’s leaders are fooled into fighting a proxy war by toxic American men.