You who Bomb Civilians have responsibilities.

The-RINJ-Foundation-Bombing-Civilians-damage-to-cities-000 Are these your bombs?

By mid-summer 2016 the US-led Coalition spent $6 Billion USD on bombing the Islamic State and innocents in the midst of millions of noncombatant civilians. Sadly they bomb civilians too. You who bomb civilians have responsibilities.

The coalition dropped more than 50,000 bombs in Syria and Iraq thus far and the big battles have not yet started.

Can you imagine telling the young parents their 4-year-old child was hit by a bomb and did not survive? We have done that. The people who bomb civilians deny that fact. But we see it.

We won’t show you the pictures but one bomb that hit a school ripped our hearts. There were Daesh standing around crying as the hope for rescues was broken again and again. Futile. A nurse working with an ambulance driver screamed at a sobbing man. “You caused this! Why did you come here. You bring this, you bastards.”

He quietly helped her with the next child, a boy, alive, conscious, with his arm blown off. The amputation would have to be cleaned up and his shock must be addressed. Someone will need to tell him his brother and sister are gone. There will be rehabilitation needs. Can you help? We can do that but you can help those who get out of here.

Ten civilians per bomb is allowable, to ‘them’, up there, the unseeing, where the bombs come from. To bomb civilians is not acceptable because you don’t like their new government.

According to statements made by US military officials at various times this year, the ‘Coalition’ in assigning targets to bombers is willing to put at risk 10 civilian lives per bomb in order to kill the people they want dead.

Many more people will die, soon. That is because the invasion of Mosul will be very bloody and therefore the citizens of Mosul have more to fear from their liberation than they do living under the Islamic State (IS).

Who are the people of Mosul you bomb? Do you care if they are killed? Do you care if some of these families lose a little daughter or boy? Who are these people who the world is displacing or killing in order to get rid of the malicious and hateful ideologies of the Islamic State (IS)? Who are they?

The RINJ Foundation Introducing the people and warning that to Bomb Civilians is wrong these are people of-Raqqa-and-Mosul-002

Yes, we have said it a thousand times: governments must take responsibility for protecting children & their families from the spread of violent extremist terrorist groups.


Kids must also be protected from the malicious and hateful ideologies that are fueling violence and terrorism around the world.

But why are the big countries killing the innocent children and their families with bombs intended for IS? Isn’t there another way to kill the disease without terminating the patient?
The RINJ Foundation Introducing the people and warning that to Bomb Civilians is wrong these are people of--Raqqa-and-Mosul-003

Here is the harsh truth about 10% of the Iraqi population whose homes and lives have been taken away from them by a “religious war”.
In July, 2016, the UN asked the global community for $284 million to prepare aid for an assault on Mosul, as well as $1.8 billion to deal with the aftermath.

So far, the United Nations’ request has gone unanswered receiving virtually no response, according to the UN Financial Tracking Service.

Nonetheless, the UNHCR has begun building a very small number of IDP shelters on the outskirts of Mosul. One would house 6,000 displaced villagers and the other 15,000. That is a mere fraction of the million of these people expected to need shelter as your bombs start to fall on their homes in greater numbers with the impending invasion of Mosul and Raqqa.

The RINJ Foundation Introducing the people and warning that to Bomb Civilians is wrong these are people of--Raqqa-and-Mosul-004

We, The RINJ Foundation, have been able to raise $730.00 to pay the $30,000 down payment on a clinic for Shingal.

We need $3 million to provide medical care to all the camps. True or not we were told that the small amount we raised from the public is more than the United Nations raised. What is the problem? > Click here. Go make a donation to care for the innocents.

The Yazidi people with RSAC Nurses Without Borders have launched a GoFundMe fundraiser setting out their goals and milestones in taking care of ISIS Victims in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Roughly 2 million in northern Iraq are displaced persons suffering from ISIS brutality, and countries that bomb civilians. In total there are an estimated 3.4 million persons displaced in Iraq and 11 million in Syria. Most of the coalition members were there before this time. What happened? hey said this was fixed. They claimed a “victory” many times before.

The RINJ Foundation Introducing the people and warning that to Bomb Civilians is wrong these are people of--Raqqa-and-Mosul-006

Bad food and water and suffering without medicine has left civilians in the Wake Of The Black Parade very much vulnerable.

They live with the prognosis of ‘survival:unlikely’ unless they get help.

One small outbreak of cholera (likely) or other infectious disease could wipe out countless numbers of these drastically weakened people.

The RINJ Foundation Introducing the people and warning that to Bomb Civilians is wrong these are people of--Raqqa-and-Mosul-007

The RINJ Foundation Introducing the people and warning that to Bomb Civilians is wrong these are people of--Raqqa-and-Mosul-009

The last two years in Mosul, Iraq, once a city of 2.35 million, have been a certain type of hell. Mosul and Raqqa, Syria nearby have been prison camps of the worst kind.

That is because the Jailer is a malevolent, violent murderer.


Hundreds of thousands of people had to flee their homes to stay alive. Thousands of people were forced to leave at gunpoint after family members were brutally killed before their eyes.





You who bomb their cities to destruction… after they have already suffered so much…



And you who arm the local people to fight your fight and bleed their blood and fill their graves, need to step up and take care of the innocent families whose members you kill.

Life in Mosul is difficult because all government functions and almost all institutions that help people have failed or are failing.

Electricity is unreliable and rare; garbage collection, road repair, sewage disposal and all infrastructure components are collapsed.

Money is scarce because there is no pay for the people who worked for government and most commerce has stooped.

A handful of people have gone to work for the Islamic State or have joined them as soldiers, splitting families and creating tensions as the Islamic State presence in Mosul morphs into a nightmare only a ghoulish filmmaker could script.

Alcohol and tobacco are forbidden under Sharia law. That has not been a problem Who’s got the money?

Some people prefer the invaders to the Iraqi ‘occupiers’. The Iraqi security forces have a long track record of abusing women in Iraq. So to do the Americans to going back to 2003.

The Islamic State occupiers are, however, the worst seen in a while and easily ( if not worse) compare to the brutal gender-based violence of Africa and India.

The streets of the city are quiet most often and there is little sign of the occupiers who are apparently planning for the strategic defence of the city.

There are still signs of the urban warfare by the resistance movement which is very active.

American bombing is making a show and spectacle but on the ground. The Canadians bombed an ice cream factory. The Iraqis need eye glasses–they bomb everything and nothing. The French are furious and they bomb any group of people anywhere in the city.

Women and children as young as nine are still being raped by ISIS, and they are sold among the violent extremist terrorist groups as wives and sex slaves.

Kids must also be protected from the malicious and hateful ideologies

Another bomb explodes a kilometer away.

You need to care for the people you displace.

Before one more bomb falls someone has to ask, and be heard. How you will fix this?

If not reparations then maybe you should get out of these people’s countries and go wait for your summons to war crime tribunals.

Take a look at the cities that have been bombed thus far.

In Ramadi the Iraq Air Force was known to bomb civilians.


Isn’t it time to help the noncombatant civilians to survive this?


Mid-rise apartment buildings and mixed dwellings and shops in Ramadi.


Mid-rise apartment buildings in Ramadi, bombed to death.

Don’t bomb civilians.


It is time to step up and start paying for reparations.

You can do this by helping us provide medical care for the civilians displaced by your war and your bombs. Make your remittance gift now.

These are ordinary mid-rise apartment buildings and mixed dwellings.


Please help make a difference. To bomb civilians you say may be unavoidable but a conscious effort to make reparations to the innocents needs a thoughtful and deliberate form of caring. It is all of our responsibility.

Donate to The RINJ Foundation Through PayPal

You’re helping to improve the lives of thousands of people affected by violence, brutal war crimes and violent oppression. Provide support for survivors and health care to families in regions of conflict and refugee camps. Current projects include 30+ Recycled Container Medical Clinics for the Kurdish Region of Iraq, particularly Shingal and Mosul refugees.


We make your life safer by providing safe health care to aid in the reconstitution of survivors’ homeland; thwarting infectious disease; and by prosecuting perpetrators of gender-based violence stopping them before they extend their crime to your community.