What does the Toronto Van Attack tell you?

Canada has a misogyny problem.

by Melissa Hemingway, staff writer Feminine Perspective.org

When you learn that the accused murderer focused on females on 23 April 2018, killing eight women and two men; and that Alek Minassian was knowledgeable and supportive of the Men’s Rights Activist Incel Movement, do you side with Minassian’s point of view or are you appalled at his reasoning?

Alek Minassian

Canadians cosllectively marginalizing women and literally hating them is something that only Canadians deny.  Many white males openly salute Alek Minassian as a “saint”.

A Toronto mass murder attributed to misogynist motives was shocking, but “not entirely out of keeping with the country’s past

“I knew that it was going to be a man,” said Michael Kaufman, a member of the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council. “Virtually all of the school shootings — the mass shootings, the terrorist attacks, whether it’s a white nationalist terrorist attack or a religiously inspired terrorist attack — they’re almost always committed by men.

“And the incredible thing? We don’t focus on that,” he continued. “We instantly go to step two: what was his motivation? What was his psychological problem? By jumping to that second step, we’re neither going to be able to address the underlying causes or understand these people — or find solutions.” The Star, April 28, 2018

The RINJ Foundation Women infiltrated numerous Mens Rights Activist (MRA) groups in the early 2000’s and have kept watch ever since.  There was no warning of the Toronto attack but violent talk is normal for groups like Incels.me. One thing we learned for sure is that extremist terrorist groups trolled the MRA Incel boards recruiting for misogynistic religious fundamentalists like The Islamic State and al-Quaeda.

Canada has a misogyny problem that has also manifested in Canada’s Rape Culture

As an active Civil Society women’s rights group, The RINJ Foundation Women know only too well how this works. For years, RINJ female advocates have been attacked in every conceivable manner by Canadian men and even female misogynists. This is particularly true when RINJ activists have targeted institutions like the Canadian military and the national police for their constant sexual abuse of Canadian women, particularly indigenous Canadians.

Harper’s National Misogyny Initiatives and Mandate

About the last thing the Harper Conservative government needed in the early 2000’s was a loud-voiced women’s activist group.

  • Every single day, RINJ Foundation Women are attacked by Canadian misogynists in social media for their views on fighting for the safety of women and children around the world. It gets particularly bad when The RINJ Foundation Women raise the issue of raped, murdered and missing indigenous Canadian women.
  • Under the Harper Conservative government women’s program’s were decimated; violence against aboriginal women and girls was ignored; and women’s rights went to hell. It was made clear that women’s ‘special interest’ groups were unwanted in Canada.
  • The Harper government also jerked around Status of Women, Canada. First it slashed its budget by nearly 40 per cent and then stripped “equality” from its mandate.

This is a misogynist’s way of thinking and while the elected officials of government have changed 180 degrees since the Harper rein of oppression of women, the 20% of the Canadian population that works for the government has not changed its thinking.

Gender Equality

Justin Trudeau’s Gender Equality Initiatives Anger Misogynists

It is odd how misogynists are polarized and invigorated to fight when women’s rights activists receive good news.

On election night 2015, when Justin Trudeau was running for the office of prime minister, he boldly declared himself a feminist. A month later, once in office, he assembled a cabinet that included an equal number of male and female ministers. When asked about his decision to appoint so many women, he famously quipped, “Because it’s 2015.”  – Global News  July 5, 2017

Half the federal government ministers are women under the Trudeau government. Few things annoy ‘entitled’ Canadian men as much as that does. Imagine these Canadian misogynists taking ministerial directives from a woman?

Canadian women currently earn 31 percent less than men do consequently the Trudeau government has created a federal budget plan that seeks to balance the scales and improve gender equality.

New cash going directly to women’s organizations across Canada — Research shows women’s organizations are the best poised to make a difference on issues of gender equality — and it’s a message the Liberals heard time and again during pre-budget consultations. In response, they’ve given an extra $100 million over five years to organizations funded by the Ministry for the Status of Women. “Double is good,” McInturff says. “It’s still in the 100ths of a percent of total federal program spending…so it’s a tiny, tiny amount.” – Macleans, Feb 27, 2018

Sophie Grégoire, Justin Trudeau, Marie-Claude Bibeau and Maryam Monsef listening to Katja Iversen announcing that the Women Deliver 2019 Conference will be in Vancouver

Patrick Brown Showcases Misogyny in Canada

On 25 January Feminine Perspective discussed allegations against Patrick Brown the leader of the Ontario, Canada Conservative Party. Mr. Brown resigned his position but remained as a Member of Provincial Parliament saying he would clear the matter up. He did not and now he is gone … Continue reading

In Canada, men rule. That is especially true in small communities.
When government or any institution says anything different, there is hell to pay.

A classic example is the furor over Ontario Conservative Patrick Brown about whom at least a dozen women told us the guy was a misogynistic womanizer.

Social media and the general press pundits were buzzing with anger. They were livid that women could just publicly declare #metoo foul play and a ‘good man with a good career’ would lose his standing.

“It wasn’t proven beyond a reasonable doubt” cried Brown’s party supporters. But on the balance of probability Patrick Brown feels he has entitlement over women and the right to use that power to use women as sexual objects.  If Brown had not vanished from public life, there would have been much more said about his antics. He dodged a bigger bullet.

Canada, You Have an Insane Misogyny Problem

You are the second country with a mass murder in retaliation for involuntary celibacy. But this is the second time a man mass-murdered women because he felt they had an unfair advantage.

In a 1989 massacre at Montreal’s École Polytechnique, Marc Lépine killed 14 female engineering students out of pure misogyny.

Political will at the federal level is extraordinary and welcomed.  With the exception of Trudeau himself, devotion to gender equality in Canada is political fluff. You need to truly believe in gender equality and educate everyone. We can tell you that Feminists can make you rich.

Misogyny end game is species extermination

Gender inequality is not only a pressing moral and social issue but also a critical economic challenge. If women—who account for half the world’s working-age population—do not achieve their full economic potential, the global economy will suffer. While all types of inequality have economic consequences, in the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) report, The power of parity: How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth, MGI focuses on the economic implications of lack of parity between men and women. McKinsey & Company


The RINJ Foundation - Feminists Can Make You Rich

 McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) report is worth the time it takes to read.