Love what Donald Trump hates. But don’t hate him. Love him. Get him help.

Donald Trump leads a hate movement is how some pundits see the reality of Trumpism.

Trump hates imports, women, blacks, all other non-whites, Muslims, criticism, and The Squad.

by Behar Abbasi

Trumpism is a subtle trajectory of meta-violence that permeated for fivve years through societies and validated inherent misogyny that existed but was suppressed through better education thus not openly manifest. Hence Trumpism is open manifestation of hatred, division, violence and aggression against the vulnerable elements of society, primarily its women and children. Click image to enlarge. Photo Credit: left clockwise, Melissa Hemingway, Rosa Yamamoto, Michele Francis. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa

Trump loves that he can send bombers and missiles at any moment on a whim anywhere without Congressional approval. This was a huge mistake of America, in 2001 removing the requirement for Congressional approval of the US President going to war on his own whim.

But hating Trump is not the answer nor is it realistic.

Donald Trump is not entirely responsible for his behavior which is why he needs constant psychiatric medical attention as more than a few dozen experts have suggested.

Leading these professionals are men like John Gartner, former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School; Dr. David Reiss clinically practicing psychiatry for 30 years; and Dr. Steven Buser, a former Air Force psychiatrist. These mental health doctors suggest that the American President’s “poor mental health” is a danger to their country.

“Many of us in the mental health community have been arguing for years that Trump should be removed (impeached) because he is psychologically unfit,” these men jointly wrote in a June 2019 op-ed piece.

“We posted a professional petition online stating that ‘in our professional judgment, [US President] Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of president of the United States,’”  they added.

According to Psychology Today, millions of people “are alarmed by tactics and policies that are not only erratic and often retrogressive but that undermine democratic practices. Chief among them is a well-documented distortion of facts if not outright lies about everything from crowd size at the inauguration to discussions with foreign heads of state.”

Today Syria and Russia are bombing schools, school buses, ambulances, hospitals and medical clinics in Idlib Syria and the West cannot say anything about that because it conducts war in the same manner.

Photo Credit: 21 August 2019 AP/Alex Brandon
Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto

For months  Syria and Russia have been bombing schools, school buses, ambulances, hospitals and medical clinics in Idlib, Syria and the West cannot say anything about that because it conducts war in the same manner.

Hatred is not the Answer. “We believe Healthy Humans do not Hate Others,” says a Humanitarian doctor in a war zone.

“Things to hate are things, not people,” says Dr. Buni, a humanitarian surgeon working in Syria’s Idlib Province.

“Healthy minds hate family separation, white supremacy, climate change, racism, mass shootings, foreign state interference in elections, war and hatred itself,” she suggests.

“Don’t let go of your humanity. Love what Trump hates. But you can still love the man, just get him to safety,” says the compassionate voice from darkest Syria.

“Trumpism is a subtle trajectory of meta-violence that permeated for five years through societies and validated inherent misogyny that existed but was suppressed through better education thus not openly manifest.

“Hence Trumpism is open manifestation of hatred, division, violence and aggression against the vulnerable elements of society, primarily its women and children.”


DOn't let go of your humanity. Feminine Perspective Magazine FPMag-series  Don’t let go of your humanity