Did you know that a family climate plan, although costly to some rich corporation bosses, ‘saves money for individuals’ no matter how rich or poor they may be? That’s what a highly-cited scientist says, Dr. David Takayoshi Suzuki CC OBC FRSC.
“What can we do to help women, children and their families around the world understand the urgency of having a good climate change mitigation plan?”, is a question / Feminine-Perspective Magazine sent to a study group.
/ Feminine-Perspective Magazine writers in a recent Climate Change Working Group heard from the RINJ Women (tough fighters for the safety of women and children around the world) and some experts like David Suzuki, on the topic of climate change and global warming.
by Katie Alsop
The meeting studied some new reports from key scientific groups of note. Below, / Feminine-Perspective Magazine will share three reports selected from a dozen. They comprise three astounding videos from, One World, NASA and the UN. (Have the kids check out Tiki the Penguin. before your family meeting.)
“Paramount is the need to change leadership,” said Sharon Santiago to the women’s working group on climate change, “where nation state and global leaders have defied their community’s demands for strong and credible climate action plans.”
“I read a report by science writer David Suzuki,” Sharon continued, “and leadership’s planning is David Suzuki’s top priority. He says: On election day, show your support for climate solutions by voting for a party with a strong and credible climate action plan.”
“Ignore Trumpism,” the women say.
“Donald Trump of the USA, for example,” Santiago summarized (blasted), “has reneged on the US commitment to the Paris accord on climate; removed California’s trend-setting science-based vehicular emission standards; and promoted coal and other non-renewable fossil fuels, all to increase his election campaign funding from those special interest corporations.” Read: For the Trump Administration, improving climate change governance.
She segwayed into climate trust/cynicism issues; Trumpism‘s complicity with “Saudi Arabia’s head-chopper-in-chief, Mohammad bin Salman and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.” That led to “blaming a ‘Fake Press’ for inventing falsehoods like climate control and the need to respect human rights.” Santiago was accused of ‘rabble-rousing‘, and the laughter broke out. “It was more like, ‘stating the obvious'” replied a couple of women.
Then the journalistic political “bias” question was raised. Melissa Hemingway stepped in and said, “it is not a wrongful bias to have an aversion to murderers who encourage other nations to violence toward media colleagues. It is not a wrongful bias to prefer the rule of law, accountability of leaders, and justice.” Got it.
The Rule of Law and Reporting Law Breakers is a responsibility despite the US President declaring that WhistleBlowers are Spies and (not to be repeated what Trump wants to do to whistleblowers),
An FPMag writer shared thoughts of a NASA scientist she had interviewed who had concerns about those of the Trump strategies which contradicted everything NASA had been reporting in its Earth environment reports.
/ Feminine-Perspective Magazine‘s editorial counsel vetoed the unanimous “frivolous lighter-side” solution to Trumpism.
“Journalists do not abandon murderous politicians, standing naked in wooden barrels, amidst polar bears in Canada’s Northwest Passage of the Arctic,” said one writer whose soft voice responded to the suggestion that followed a condemnation of climate change denying leaders in a “class of oily polluters” like Jair Bolsonaro, Nicolas Maduro, and Donald Trump. That would be polluting Canada’s Arctic Archipelago (she winked).”
Note: FPMag has shared that RINJ Women are advisers only, do not set policy nor content, and are ‘tough fighters for the safety of women and children around the world’. Moreover, they have been disarmed of their wooden barrels.
On the serious side, hold a family meeting.
- Climate Change cynicism is not about ‘right’ vs ‘left’ but about greed of a rich, ruling class of polluters; and ignorance.
- Elect only leaders having viable climate change mitigation plans.
- Help teach communities about global warming and climate change.
- Hold family meetings to discuss how each member can make a difference today, tomorrow and every day. Make it a fun thing while saving money at the same time.
In addition to three short films, / Feminine-Perspective Magazine shares below a list of simple, fun, rewarding, money-saving tips for each member of your family. Hold a family meeting.
/ Feminine-Perspective Magazine will share every new idea that readers suggest from here including family or children’s pictures and drawings.
Feminine Perspective:
The women concluded: Climate Change cynicism is not about ‘right’ vs ‘left’.
It is mostly about the greed of a rich, ruling class of polluters; and ignorance. Hence change of leadership; study; teaching; & learning are needed. Hold a family meeting and discuss how each person can make a difference today, tomorrow and every day.
Feminine-Perspective Magazine Shero: Maggie Thatcher
Climate Change cynicism is not about ‘right’ vs ‘left’.
It is mostly about greed of a rich, ruling class of polluters; & ignorance. Hence change of leadership; study; teaching; & learning are needed.
British Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher, in 1989 called global warming one of the most serious threats facing humanity. Photo Credit: Chris Collins / Margaret Thatcher Foundation / CC BY-SA 3.0 Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine
On 8 November, 1989, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher delivered a speech to the United Nations General Assembly which included the following sage advice:
“While the conventional, political dangers—the threat of global annihilation, the fact of regional war—appear to be receding, we have all recently become aware of another insidious danger.
“It is as menacing in its way as those more accustomed perils with which international diplomacy has concerned itself for centuries.
“It is the prospect of irretrievable damage to the atmosphere, to the oceans, to earth itself.
“Of course major changes in the earth’s climate and the environment have taken place in earlier centuries when the world’s population was a fraction of its present size.
“The causes are to be found in nature itself—changes in the earth’s orbit: changes in the amount of radiation given off by the sun: the consequential effects on the plankton in the ocean: and in volcanic processes.
“All these we can observe and some we may be able to predict. But we do not have the power to prevent or control them.
“What we are now doing to the world, by degrading the land surfaces, by polluting the waters and by adding greenhouse gases to the air at an unprecedented rate—all this is new in the experience of the earth. It is mankind and his activities which are changing the environment of our planet in damaging and dangerous ways.
“We can find examples in the past. Indeed we may well conclude that it was the silting up of the River Euphrates which drove man out of the Garden of Eden.
“We also have the example of the tragedy of Easter Island, where people arrived by boat to find a primeval forest. In time the population increased to over 9,000 souls and the demand placed upon the environment resulted in its eventual destruction as people cut down the trees. This in turn led to warfare over the scarce remaining resources and the population crashed to a few hundred people without even enough wood to make boats to escape.”The difference now is in the scale of the damage we are doing.” …
the late Margaret Thatcher.
Hold a family meeting. For whom will you make your Climate Change Mitigation Plan?
Hold a family meeting. Climate Change. Canadian Polar Bear faces extinction. The species is in desperate trouble already.
Photo Credit: One World Photo Crop/Resizing/Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPM.news
Hold a family meeting.
For whom will you make your Climate Change Mitigation Plan?
Do it for these little people. Give them a better ecosystem than what exists now. Don’t let the adult world violate these children’s human rights. Start the ecosystem repair process.
Who are the world’s scientists concerned about when making a Climate Change Mitigation Plan? The children and their children. Photo Credit: Micheal John /FPM.news. Photo Crop/Resizing/Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPM.news
Feminine Perspective Magazine “don’t let go of your humanity” series.
Hold a family meeting.
For whom will you make your Climate Change Mitigation Plan? Suggestion: Repair ecosystems for yourself, and for this little girl and her future children.
The photos and their story. Hold a family meeting. For whom will you make your Climate Change Mitigation Plan? Fight climate change and preserve nature’s best for children and their children’s children, plus, adults today will see the many benefits almost immediately. That includes saving money. This is why scientists and the better leaders wish to preserve a clean environment. Clean air, good, unpolluted water and great soil for growing, is the goal. Photo Credit: Micheal John/FPM.news ~ Photo Crop/Resizing/Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPM.news
Hold a family meeting. Suggest simple solutions for each person in the whole family, every family in the world, to help fight climate change.
- Conserve water. As you brush your teeth or as you shave, turn off the tap. Always fix dripping pipes and connectors and think about and avoid waste every time you turn on a tap. Other habits to improve might be shorter showers, shallower baths and when you are washing vegetables, fill a bowl with water and turn off the tap.
- Cook what you will eat. Do not waste food. How much food was wasted last year in the United States alone, is subject to conjecture but some estimates suggest that food could have fed a billion people. Instead, it is in a landfill site, rotting and producing harmful methane gas.
- Get yourself a reusable water tote bottle, filtered if possible. There are numerous inexpensive options on the market. The filtration in most is extremely good. Some are so good they turn urine into potable water. Don’t drink urine. The point is that some filtered bottles are 99% efficient at removing unwanted particles from water to make it safe drinking water. Drink clean water from a filtered bottle. Hopefully that incentivised using your own bottle and not using single use plastics. Some of these filtered water bottles can last a year or more. Author’s note: I was one of the medical crews in Mosul Iraq once the infrastructure collapsed and after the Gold Division invasion started on October 17 2016. We saw vividly the importance of clean, safe water. Sadly, in one case where several families were congregated in basements in a single row to access a single purification pump source of potable water, it was bombed by the US Air Force and 200 people were killed. Consequently, all the nurses from that time have urged families to maintain their own water sovereignty. Read Discussion Paper: Mosul Water Crisis
- Every day, pick up a piece of trash somewhere outside your home and dispose of it correctly.
- In developed nations like Russia, Canada, China, Japan, USA, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, etc. (David suzuki):
- Change to energy-efficient light bulbs
- Install a heat pump in your home if you are in a cold climate. Heat pumps work by extracting heat from one location and transferring it to another
- Unplug computers, TVs and other electronics when you’re not using them
- Wash clothes in cold or warm water (not hot)
- Hang-dry your clothes when you can and use?dryer balls?when you can’t
- Install a programmable thermostat in climate areas where applicable.
- Look for the Energy Star or equivalent label when buying new appliances
- Winterize your home?in climates where applicable to prevent heat from escaping and try to keep it cool in the summer without an air conditioner.
- Get a?home?or?workplace?energy audit in countries where applicable to identify where you can make the most energy-saving gains.
- Learn about food and water sovereignty. It means, grow as much as you can. You don’t need a big garden, or any garden, you can use pots and planter trays to grow many types of vegetables. Water filtration pumps are inexpensive. Check your environment for useable water sources. Filter it clean. Have it checked for potability.
- Plant trees where they will be able to grow.
- Have your automotive vehicle tuned. Have its emissions checked and replace components needed.
- Better yet, start walking or bicycling.
- Carry a reusable eco-bag to the store.
- Eat less meat. Eat no red meat. Consider becoming Vegan. (Would you like to read some adult recipes?) Learn from the RINJ Women about breastfeeding baby and transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan diet after 17 months of breastfeeding.
- On election day, show your support for climate solutions by voting for candidates with a strong and credible climate action plan. (David Suzuki)
- Quit smoking anything and stop burning trash (what’s the difference?).
- If you see an interesting social media post about women’s rights or climate change, share it so folks in your network see it too. This is important.
- Ask your local and national authorities to engage in initiatives that don’t harm people or the planet. You can also voice your support for the Paris Agreement on climate and ask your government representative to ratify it or sign it if it hasn’t yet.
- Turn off lights you do not need. Your TV or computer screen provides a cosy glow, so turn off other lights if you don’t need them.
- Stay informed. Follow FPM.news and feel free to submit your ideas to Feminine-Perspective Mag.
National Aeronautics & Space Administration report on Climate Change
This week’s NASA Report
The One World series on Climate Change
This week’s One World Series Conclusion
United Nations on Climate Change
This week’s report from The United Nations