Does Mike Pence ever think about prison?

One million USA COVID-19 cases in 16 days, Mike Pence in Charge

“This is the wrong way to deal with a pandemic, just letting people get sick and die. It’s the way of psychopaths within whom there is no empathy and no emotion over the deaths they have caused,” says Dr. Anderson of The RINJ Foundation, a global civil society women’s group.

The NGO women’s rights watchdog says,Trump’s  America-first agenda damaged global human rights.”


Watch: America’s use of child soldiers in Syria and Iraq

These are children (above) ages 13 to 15.

Trump / Pence Crimes against Humanity Various global experts say that the child soldiers Trump/Pence used in Syria constitute Serious war crime. The cavalier attitude toward the lives of children was evident in the Trump’ administration confiscation of children at the US/Mexico border. Photo Credit: 2019 US Customs and Border Protection

Michael Pence will be brought up on charges, say lawyers and investigators working for a global justice group looking into the crimes against humanity commit by the Trump Administration.

In September 2017, it first became apparent that Pence had become an enabler for Donald Trump and he was willing to commit criminal offenses for the man who gave Pence a chance of a lifetime

Speaking to Sean illing of Vox News, a law professor at Fordham University reportedly said that “If Pence gave any feedback in revising the letter to cover up those intentions and to give disingenuous legal reasons for firing Comey, he is guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice and aiding and abetting.”

That’s how far back the criminality goes.

“What is happening in Washington’s White House is worse than what critics realize,” said three or more people familiar with the matter who were not authorized to comment and requested anonymity.

“What was heard from insider witnesses during the 2019-2020 congressional impeachment investigation and hearings of Congress was barely the tip of the iceberg. This is no Titanic, but more like piracy thugs in West African seas.”

“Donald Trump uses the wrong way to deal with difficult problems,” was the thinking of former DNC chairman, Howard Dean speaking on CNN Tuesday. Howard Dean is an American physician, author, and retired politician who served as Governor of Vermont from 1991 to 2003 and Chair of the Democratic National Committee from 2005 to 2009.

Enabling Trump in a course of criminality and death in America is Vice President Pence. Michael Richard Pence is an American politician and lawyer serving as the 48th and current vice president of the United States, since 2017. He was the 50th governor of Indiana from 2013 to 2017 and served six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2001 to 2013. (Citing Wikipedia)

Does Michael Pence Think About Prison >? Does Michael Pence Think About Prison >?

The Washington Post is reporting that the Trump family has been billing the government millions of dollars for hosting Donald Trump and family members at Trump’s hotels and clubs. Michael Pence is an enabler.

The Impeachment of Donald Trump The Impeachment of Donald Trump. 18 December 2019
House of Representatives Votes to Adopt the Articles of Impeachment Against Donald Trump. Photo Credit: United States House of Representatives – House Floorcast – Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives/

America's dirty secret. The Kurdistan Workers Party child-soldier recruitment farms. Millions of desperate kids

Yezidi Refugee Camp near Duhok. America’s dirty secret. The Kurdistan Workers Party
child-soldier recruitment farms. Hundreds of thousands of desperate kids .
Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Telling lies is a big part of it. The lies are dangerous. Pence leads the United States’ Pandemic Response.

Voter suppression; guns at polling stations; dangerous superspreader COVID-19 election rallies; plots to kidnap democrat governors; voter intimidation; extremely long voting lineups at the advanced polls; are all the things the world has only seen before in troubled underdeveloped nations where democracy is on trial.

Three countries with authoritarian leaders produce more than half the world's COVID-19 Cases. Three countries with authoritarian leaders produce more than half the world’s COVID-19 Cases. Source:  Civil Society Partners for COVID-19 Global Solidarity

Donald Trump has been claiming that the pandemic is over. The White House has issued a statement claiming among other things that Trump is responsible for the accomplishment of ending the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump’s claim that the “pandemic has ended”, implies that it is safe for Americans to end disease-spread mitigation.

The pandemic has not ended, but is worsening at a colossal rate of speed and spread. American hospitals in many states are reaching full capacity in a matter of days say health care commentators on all of the US major news networks.

US Vice President Michael Pence according to even Donald Trump, is completely on the hook for the reckless mass murder, or in the alternative, crime against humanity during the 2019nCoV pandemic.

Read if you wish: Trump-Administration-ended-pandemic-Highlights-2017-2020 (From

One million USA COVID-19 cases in 16 days.

One million USA COVID-19 cases in 16 days. Reported Cases Only One million USA COVID-19 cases in 16 days. Reported Cases Only. Source:  Civil Society Partners for COVID-19 Global Solidarity

Dan Coates Director of National Intelligence sworn in by VP Pence March 16, 2017 Photo Credit: Official Office of the DNI Dan Coates Director of National Intelligence sworn in by VP Pence March 16, 2017
Photo Credit: Official Office of the DNI
Photo Art/Crop/Enhance: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag

Children snatched from mothers arms and held in detention later to be molested, raped, killed, lost says the ACLU Pence complicity in Trump Crimes: Photo Credit: Extracted from Government handout. Children snatched from mother’s arms and held in detention later to be molested, raped, killed, lost says the ACLU

Michael Pence, enabler of Donald Trump crimes Michael Pence, enabler of Donald Trump crimes . Official White House Photograph