Into crime too deeply, Nicholas Maduro Cannot Solve the Venezuela Crisis. [Editorial]

Maduro must go say women working in Venezuela.

    • The Venezuelan National Assembly is the last remaining bastion of democracy in Venezuela. It’s leader is Juan Guaido and hence he is the national leader according to the constitution of the country, in the same manner a parliament works.
    • The former President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, a descendant of the Hugo Chávez regime, failed to win election in May 2018 because of a corruptly mutilated electoral process. Chávez had appointed Maduro Vice President of Venezuela on 13 October 2012. On 5 March 2013, Maduro assumed the powers and responsibilities of the president on Chávez’s death. He appointed a now US-indicted criminal, Jorge Arreaza to take his place as vice president.
    • The now former President Maduro, despite failing reelection in May 2018, has used the military of Venezuela to maintain power against what Maduro called opposition members who are no more than in Maduro’s words “snobs” and “big faggots”.
    • Nicholas Maduro is a simpleton puppet of the Venezuelan military which over decades had become corrupt under Hugo Chávez and its Generals and former General staff controls a drug and crime cartel known in underworld circles as the “Cartel of the Suns”.
    • The cartel and Maduro have been mining the wealth of Venezuela. These people, some of whom are depicted below, have become accustomed to stealing billions of dollars personally (stored offshore) and amassing the enormous power that money can buy.
    • Hence the Maduro side runs the country with “goons” who administer violence and control. But they too are out of control and operate regional regimes of local anarchy with their own local crime bosses.
    • Maduro is not himself in control of the country. The Venezuelan military junta and a few well placed civilian criminals are in control.

Click to enlarge. They and their co-conspirators pilfered and destroyed a rich country while displacing over 2,840,000 people and violating the rights of thousands using rape, disappearance, torture, wrongful arrest and detention.
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto

Photo Credit: Wikipedia Via Creative Commons License All except: Nicholas Maduro cropped version of Reuters | Celia Flores by Cancillería del Ecuador and Maduros son from YouTube (CC Upload) Screen Capture

Russia helped Nicholas Maduro play the right cards against US President Donald Trump who huffed and puffed but did nothing about the Venezuelan crisis.

That left Mr. Juan Guaido in a lurch. He  agreed to talks in Oslo two weeks ago with Maduro but all the while contending with the  arrest and disappearance of Edgar Zambrano, First Vice President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, three weeks ago.

Click to enlarge. Women say ‘he may be a Kid President as Maduro claimed but he is the world’s kid’.
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag
 Cropped and Retouched Photos of Pres. Guaido, Original by AFP

Conclude that Maduro’s conduct is inclined toward criminal blackmail, theft, extortion and brutality.

Talks in Oslo, mediated by the Norwegian government don’t have any colour of right unless they are to be the negotiation of Maduro’s departure from Venezuela which cannot happen soon enough because the country is collapsed.

The US Government despite a lot of hot talk and heavy breathing from the White House at the start of the year is saying little.

According to Morgan Ortegas of the US State Department,  “The United States supports the desire of the Venezuelan people to recover their democracy and bring the illegitimate Maduro regime to an end. Previous efforts to negotiate an end to the regime and free elections have failed because the regime has used them to divide the opposition and gain time.”

Nicolás Maduro Moros must go.

Editorial by Micheal John