May 2019 – Summary of May 2019 – Viewing Earth from a feminine perspective.

Theresa May says goodbye. The field workers from the United Nations; the World Health Organization, UNICEF, our friends at the Mayo Clinic and The RINJ Foundation are worried about the spread of Measles.

FPMag researchers wanted to have a fireside chat with readers about the problem  the public health world has with a global lax attitude for vaccination. Let’s face the fact that these public health workers have broken hearts every time a child is lost to a preventable disease or infection. Some traveling doctors are tearing up just talking about their observations.

Feminine-Perspective Magazine

World News Headlines

Headline: America may have a war criminal POTUS case if Biden wins

By Micheal John OBrien, Fri, 12 Jul 2024 23:52:27 GMT

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“Biden thinks if he stays in power, he will dodge prosecution. Joe Biden is clinging to power like a cockroach fleeing bug spray when the light comes on. Joe Biden is a megalomaniac and gets wild at his detractors including … Continue reading →

Headline: White House fully modified the role of failing POTUS

By Micheal John OBrien, Thu, 11 Jul 2024 23:49:43 GMT

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The last USA Cabinet meeting was in October 2023. Most Cabinet Secretaries do not see Mr. Biden. The inner circle led by Hunter Biden and Jill Biden manages Joe at all times. They have run the American response to the … Continue reading →

Headline: NATO brings war on Russia in Ukraine to Washington madness

By Micheal John OBrien, Wed, 10 Jul 2024 23:05:14 GMT

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“NATO is a dangerous security threat to humanity. The recipe for 75 years of NATO survival was imperialistic lies, war, and arms sales kickbacks. Libia, Serbia, Afghanistan and now Ukraine and Russia wars are examples of NATO‘s acting as the … Continue reading →

Headline: Comment: Battle of the megalomanic men, Trump and Biden.

By Melissa Hemingway, Tue, 09 Jul 2024 19:53:41 GMT

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Evidence suggests main U.S. political Party candidates are unqualified to run their country. There is no fix. Too nasty to tackle, each candidate has been given a fear ride by their supporters. There is a litany of reasons why each … Continue reading →

Headline: Women say, ‘Bye, oil. Fossil fuel pollution harms kids badly’

By Micheal John OBrien, Mon, 08 Jul 2024 20:29:02 GMT

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Air is getting ickier, filled with toxic residue from oil burning. Tired of lung cancer, strokes, COPD, and asthma, yet? Now we learn the unborn is at risk. Insist on sustainable alternative energy. Taking gradual steps is fine, but it's … Continue reading →

Headline: Hamas-led ceasefire proposal got Hezbollah nod on Friday. More updates.

By Micheal John OBrien, Sun, 07 Jul 2024 20:03:38 GMT

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As foreign nationals fled Lebanon, Khalil Al-Hayya of Hamas engaged Hezbollah's Lebanon leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah about his ceasefire proposal under discussion, say both men via their officials. In the matter of this ceasefire proposal, these men are conducting themselves … Continue reading →

Headline: Biden outted as a megalomaniac. The ‘President’ is a committee

By Micheal John OBrien, Sat, 06 Jul 2024 13:04:12 GMT

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All of America is caught up in a civil war wherein both sides are fighting for red or blue truths which are in fact false realities—big fat lies. Look at who Joe Biden is. What did you think? Unsympathetic, dishonest … Continue reading →

Headline: Sunak 1st of Gaza Genocide Perps electorate dumps. Biden next

By Micheal John OBrien, Fri, 05 Jul 2024 08:48:59 GMT

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Ordinary people of the world will get a chance to express pent-up anguish over Gaza genocide. Heads get bashed at protests, but ballots speak louder, the Brits have shown. It's possible that among the Gaza Genocide crew of perpetrator leaders, … Continue reading →

Headline: MidEast readying for wider war. Netanyahu needs war.

By Micheal John OBrien, Thu, 04 Jul 2024 20:51:02 GMT

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“Benjamin Netanyahu has invented so many reasons to keep the bloodshed flowing in Gaza that IDF members are quitting or absent without leave,” says an unhappy 19-year-old who has found his way to relatives in Syria and speaks to Melissa … Continue reading →

Headline: Murder of a 6-year-old girl, Hind Rajab, for whom Gaza weeps

By Micheal John OBrien, Wed, 03 Jul 2024 11:14:17 GMT

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For 3½ terrifying hours on 29 January of this year, a barely conscious 6-year-old girl, Hind Rajab pleaded for help from the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), nearby in the city of Ramallah. The Red Crescent sent an Ambulance after … Continue reading →