Trump, Pompeo give SARS-CoV-2 an ethnically loaded moniker. sources in the world healthcare community are incensed at the Donald Trump Administration for its attempt at pumping his violent, xenophobic base against Asians.

Japanese art director Rosa Yamamoto has been attacked repeatedly as being a Chinese citizen and a cause of the current SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 illness.

“Singaporeans, South Koreans, Filipinos and Indonesian medical workers have been accused of being authors of the COVID-19 illness,” says Katie alsop of The RINJ Foundation.

“There isn’t a darker, stinkier place in the Kybo than the one Trump chose for America to reside when he starts renaming the SARS-CoV-2 something ethnically loaded,” suggests Yamamoto who says she is tired of being called racist names normally used against another race of Asians.

by Melissa Hemingway

Unable to make COVID-19 vanish with lies and distortions, Trump has ordered his sycophants to blame China. Pompeo leads the charge. He is the foreign affairs appointee.

“Calling Mike Pompeo a Secretary of Foreign Affairs is the ultimate oxymoron,” suggests Beverley Baldock, a security specialist in Syria, commenting on an article in Forbes headlined, “‘Despicable Practice’: China And Trump Officials Clash Over Calling COVID-19 The ‘Wuhan Virus’”

Readers may find truthful and instructive the World Health Organization (WHO) report on the WHO-China-joint-mission-on-COVID-19.

Some suggest an alarming change in attitude toward USA.

“America’s reputation has become so bad that even the authoritarian ASEAN-region leader Rodrigo Duterte threw the Americans out of the Philippines and welcomed the Chinese,” comments nurse Sara Qin from Wuhan on  腾讯QQ.

But according to one nurse who doesn’t want to be named because she fears reprisals, “an American junior officer in the military told me that his superiors had bribed officials in Manila and the American ouster will not last.”

Self-confessed Racist DOnald Trump has ordered his sycophants to disparage China as the creator of SARS-CoV-2 in a bid to rouse his radical Xenophobic base.SARS-CoV-2 is what causes COVID-19“, say women’s civil society group. Self-confessed Racist Donald Trump has ordered his sycophants to disparage China as the creator of SARS-CoV-2 in a bid to rouse his radical Xenophobic base.  Photo courtesy The RINJ Foundation. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

“Probably there is no greater insult to the American government. Duterte is labelled [in a de facto sense] as a Mass Murderer by the United Nations General Assembly, the UN Human Rights Commission and the lawyers filing cases with the International Criminal Court and most of the global Civil Society, like it or not; agree or not, it is that way,” notes Karinna Angeles, a native Filipino and a Pacific Region administrator for the global civil society group, The RINJ Foundation.

She also goes on to say that “people outside the Philippines do not benefit from a close look” hence do not see the good work for the country done by the current leadership.

Angeles is a nurse working in a southern province of the Philippines.

She is an occasional supporter of the current President who says “my support for the President is now fragile especially with the apparent disregard for the wellbeing of Filipinos during the COVID-19 crisis which currently has thousands of suspected infections identified by regional healthcare workers who have been told to ‘shut up’ because there are no tests and there is no health care system outside Manila for the 70 million people living in deep or quasi-poverty. The Manila health care system has already taken a huge financial budget cutback and so bigwigs are scrambling to protect their kleptocratic empires. That leaves ordinary people exposed in the Philippines and in America where the corrupt leadership puts themselves first.  At least that is something President Duterte has also opposed in addition to disallowing American soldiers impregnating Filipino children.”

Wash your hands Wash your hand. Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway/FPMag

Clinical professionals warn the public away from this political spectacle and urge local practitioner/patient confidence. Clinical professionals warn the public away from this political
spectacle and urge local practitioner/patient confidence. (Photo Credit: Alex Brandon/The Associated Press)

Donald Trump is trying to put the SARS-CoV-2 on Asians because he knows that he has already built a hate-storm against China.

The sad part of this is that Vietnamese, Thai, Filipinos, Koreans, Japanese, Laotians, Cambodians, Malaysians, Indonesians, Indians and more are all lumped into the same categories by these racists. That’s more than half the world’s population.

The White House has betrayed all Americans, Maybe the World

Current COVID-19 Case Updates Indicate a Global Crisis

Sources for this statistical data.

The following sources are available to readers. Additionaly and The Nurses Without Borders make direct contact and interview colleagues and sources close to the information around the world to track events and statistics. Information about China comes from the official website of the National Health and Health Commission and from direct contact with health and other officials, patients, doctors and nurses.

  1. United Kingdon COVID-19
  2. Coronavirus in Scotland
  3. The People’s Republic of China
  4. Canadian Department of Health
  5. US Centers for Disease Control
  6. United States Food and Drug Administration
  7. Hong Kong Global Tracking (PDF)
  8. Philippines COVID-19 Tracker
  9. Iran News Agency
  10. Govt. of Ireland
  11. Australia DoH
  12. Australia Public Information (PDF)
  13. Ministry of Health, Singapore
  14. Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Korea
  15. Province of Ontario, Canada CoronaVirus Info
  16. Province of Ontario, News Room
  17.  WHO
  18. Government of New Zealand
  19. MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
  20. US Washington State Health Department
  21. New York State