Nurse in Venezuela Says Chronic Patients in big Trouble

“Civilians in Venezuela who have chronic illnesses that are normally treated with common maintenance medications are at morbid risk, especially with food and water shortages exacerbating their conditions,” says Michele Francis, a nurse who has been in Venezuela for most of the past year.

by Melissa Hemingway, Senior staff writer Feminine-Perspective Magazine

“The children are at risk of permanent injury from malnutrition,” she said.

“A lot like what we are seeing in Yemen,” she added.

In the past years since 2015 it has been possible for The RINJ Foundation to provide assistance in some rural areas of the country despite the constant hurdles encountered while trying to inject loads of supplies into the country.

“Most goods are at risk of being stolen by Maduro’s thugs and sold on the black market,” notes nurse Francis who was working at a Catholic hospital until supplies ran out. She then sought to do something about that since the middle of last year.

Listing the needs of patients in Venezuela. Food is desperately needed. Drugs for patients with chronic illness - medications like beta blockers, ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, IV  ringers, saline, glucose, basic analgesics like acetaminophen, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-histamines, H2 blockers, diabetes meds and more. Listing the needs of patients in Venezuela. Food is desperately needed. Drugs for patients with chronic illness – medications like beta blockers, ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, IV  ringers, saline, glucose, basic analgesics like acetaminophen, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-histamines, H2 blockers, diabetes meds. and more. Photo Credit: Rosa Yamamoto

Sources to are estimating some 500 to 600 Russian combat arms troops comprised mostly of mercenaries are now in Venezuela. Doctors and medical workers who wish not to identify themselves claim that Maduro’s thugs have become emboldened by the presence of Russian Regular Forces and special ‘Military Advisors’.

“They have no one to fight with except civilians”, exclaims Francis in a WhatsApp call late Wednesday.

The Cartel of the Suns run by Maduro is a leading South American drug trafficking, arms dealing, money laundering & murder syndicate. This brought to Maduro some strange bedfellows: China, Russia and Iran. Photo Credit: Caracas TV Screen Capture.
Art by Rosa Yamamoto Feminine-Perspective Magazine Graphic: The ‘Cartel of the Suns’ run by Maduro is a leading South American drug trafficking, arms dealing, money laundering & murder syndicate. This brought to Maduro some strange bedfellows: China, Russia and Iran.

There are criminal ‘Cartel of the Suns’ cells within the branches of the Armed Forces of Venezuela such as the Venezuelan Army,  Navy, Air Force, and Venezuelan National Guard; from the lowest to the highest levels of personnel.

No help from Russia

But according to nurse Francis, despite the tonnes of cargo Russia has imported, there has been no humanitarian support from Russia although USAID has been spotted in some parts of the country.

The RINJ Foundation, a Canadian-based Civil Society women’s medical group has been supporting some of its Venezuelan members working in a Catholic Hospital who have families living in remote villages and small cities.

The RINJ group has perfected some routes with help from neighbouring countries and according to Francis, a heavy load of supplies is making its way deep into the country. Another will enter Venezuela in approximately a week.

“We are only making a small dent in the problem but we can get to areas that have had nothing for so long that patients with even people with threshold chronic illness are in life threatening states, especially children and the elderly,” says Francis.

Volunteers are welcomed. Michele Francis can be contacted through RINJ.

US President Tells Russia to “Get Out”

U.S. President Trump met with the wife of Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaidó, Fabiana Rosales (26), in the Oval Office, 27 March 2019.

During the press conference that followed he told Russia to “Get out” of Venezuela.

Fabiana Rosales is a Venezuelan journalist who has occasionally worked as an opposition activist.

At the same time Rosales was meeting with US officials her husband was speaking at a rally in Caracas.

Referring to a massive push for freedom that he and opposition politicians are launching, Guaidó said, “At its heart, Operation Freedom means maximum popular political pressure of the kind never before seen in Venezuela,” against the Maduro junta.

U.S. President Trump met with the wife of Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido, Fabiana Rosales, in the Oval Office 27 March 2019. During the press conference that followed he told Russia to "Get out" of Venezuela. Photo Credit: Video Capture CNN