America is a world danger, refusing to manage COVID-19

The United States has become a threat to world health, a threat to humanity. The World seems to agree with Europe that Americans should stay home.

America banned the entire European Union membership from travel to the United States in mid March. Donald Trump and the European Union have been like oil and water since January 2017.

Donald Trump, a former reality TV host became USA President, running partially on a racism platform that claimed former President Barack Obama was not even an American let alone ‘suitable’ to be a US President.

Europe is now fearing the intense infection rate in the United States and is considering a ban on Americans traveling to Europe.

by Micheal John

“Banning American travelers makes sense to many Europeans. It is a Valid Suggestion that most people would make on their own,” say surveys.

  • Close borders to all American travelers or apply a 21-day quarantine.
  • Do not conduct face-to-face business with Americans or anyone who has visited the nation in the past 12 months.
  • Do not visit America.

Graphs going back just a month show the disease to be out of control in the United States.

Feminine-Perspective Magazine 20 June 2020, Tulsa Oklahoma. A few thousand Americans at risk of infection by the “America-Virus” which apparently according to the US President does not require mask-wearing or social distancing, testing, tracing or isolation. But it is is now raging out of control. Photo Credit: Video Capture from PBS HD-Quality video on YouTube Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Here is Why Europe and other regions consider a ban on American Travelers.

  1. Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of America’s top Epidemiologists and a member of the so-called Trump COVID-19 Response Team which hasn’t met for two weeks, says the US epidemic response is like “chasing after a forest fire”.
  2. American infection rate is running about 21,000 cases per day this June.
  3. According to David Frum who is a regular columnist in the Atlantic, the American leadership headed by Donald Trump has refused to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and thus the infection rate is out of control.
    “The president is failing, and Americans are paying for his failures,” says Mr. Frum.
  4. “Tens of millions of Americans can not on their own obtain medical support either because they are uninsured or undocumented. This further spreads the infection,” says Dr. Anderson of the RINJ Foundation.
  5. According to George RennieUniversity of Melbourne , who wrote Is America a Failing State?: “Today, the US is not dominant, it is in crisis: convulsed by riots and protest, riven by a virus that has galloped away from those charged with overseeing it, and heading into a presidential election led by a man that has possibly divided the nation like no other before him.”
  6. “America is a country that could not afford to disregard the proper steps for mitigating or preventing the disease because it is among the highest rate of obesity, diabetes, hypertensive heart disease and undetected HIV, HBV and other sexually transmitted infections.” says nurse Monique Deslauriers, a nurse from Calai, Maine.
  7. “America’s infection rates for COVID-19 are the worst in the world and the true death rate is hidden by inadequate testing and deliberate obscurity,” says professor Fred Harris who leads the team gathering data for the world’s leading data source on COVID-19.
  8. COVID-19 is out of control in America and its leadership is taking steps that will worsen the problem,” say unofficial sources within the CDC .
  9. By defunding the World Health Organization the United States has exited the global solidarity effort which may worsen the infectious nature of the American strain of the virus.

Burying the bodies Burying the bodies in New York City. Photo Courtesy The RINJ Foundation derived from Video.  Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

The USA Now 11 Sep 2024

I don’t take responsibility at all,” said President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden on 13 March. Source: FPMag / NWOB Mid-May 2020 “I don’t take responsibility at all,” said President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden on 13 March. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine Graph: Al Manzer Data Source: FPMag / NWOB

Feminine-Perspective Magazine End of May 2020 “I don’t take responsibility at all,” said President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden on 13 March. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag Graph: Al Manzer Data Source: / NWOB

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These refridgerated truck trailers hold the surplus of bodies a hospital canot manage. These refrigerated truck trailers hold
the surplus of bodies a hospital can not manage. “I don’t take responsibility at all,” said President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden on 13 March 2020. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Will this warning by the European Union help Americans achieve a solidarity in the fight against this terrifying disease?