Meng Case is Sovereignty Issue. Trudeau abdicated to Trump.

Kidnapping star female executives from the boardroom of any company is wrongful, Canada.

China has canceled orders to Canada for canola, pork, soy beans, peas and other food commodities. China hasn’t cut off Canada yet. China is just being strict for the time being. has warned since the beginning of December 2018 after Sabrina Meng was first grabbed at the Vancouver airport that Canada Should Release Sabrina Meng Wanzhou or face dire consequences. In going to war with China, Canada has nothing to gain and everything to lose.

[Editorial] by Micheal John

Liaoning - China aircraft carrier with 4 escorts currently traveling north through Taiwan strait. Liaoning – China aircraft carrier with 4 escorts currently traveling north through Taiwan strait. Photo Credit: China TV Video Capture –  Photo Crop and Art: Rosa Yamamoto

China is no longer a backwards developing nation, and Trudeau does not need to raise his voice and over-pronounce his words.

China has an enormous, affluent, well-educated middle class and is going through a significant military upgrade.

China is a force to reckon with in the global community. It is ahead of the USA and Russia in for example 5G mobile communications and hence America and apparently Canada seek to destroy its leading technology giants. Russia, meanwhile is working on technology-sharing arrangements for its leading cellular provider.

Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Photo Credit: China TV Video Capture –  Photo Crop and Art: Rosa Yamamoto

China no longer gives Canada a pass for  anything. At one time, thanks to the energetic work of former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, the relationship was extremely good and minor issues like bugs in the canola or forbidden drugs in the pig feed wouldn’t get grains and pork rejected. Today, the bar is raised.

Former bureaucrats of External Affairs selling their connections in China to the highest bidder for “strategic business intelligence” get no auto-forgiveness either. China now calls that spying in a new strict interpretation that applies to everyone in the new unfriended-Canada paradigm.

Feminine Perspective:

In seven months Canada has clung to its blunder, complicity in an abuse of (extradition) process by a misogynistic psychopath in the White House. It dragged Canada into America’s war with China. Three countries with horrible human rights records are yakking that the other one is the bad one.

Future historians will condemn Trudeau for the gaff of leading Canada down the alley by the trash when Donald Trump’s neocons yelled “hey boy“, at Pierre’s son.


Under Xi Jinping the Beijing hardliners pushing human rights abuses on two large subsets of the Chinese population amounting to a million people is reprehensible. Muslim minorities in Xinjiang, including the Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz and Hui have been kettled into camps somewhat like Canada did to 900+ ordinary people in Toronto at Queen and Spadina in 2010. The difference is that China doesn’t let them go. They are retraining centers aimed at convincing Muslims that Jihad is bad and not welcome in China. The Chinese say that the Islamic State, al Quaeda plus Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian faux pas got them worried.

The other Community group that China has abused is the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa groups. They are very nice, peaceful people. Beijing has brainwashed its population so hard and for so many years it is hard to find a Chinese who does not hate Falun Dafa. Actually, they are wonderful people. It has been alleged that China kidnaps, rapes, kills and sells the organs of Falun Dafa women. China denies the allegations. research quashes the denials. We also need to stop Americans from gunning down blacks in the inner cities. It’s the same thing–the same kind of hatred.

China’s conduct is as reprehensible as that of Canada’s and the USA’s participation in Yemen which is violating the human rights of, and killing, 8 million Yemeni. The difference is that the West is bombing the hell out of civilians in Yemen whereas China is forcing religious zealots in Xinjiang to go back to school.

There is no comparison in China for what Canada and the USA are doing to Venezuela, North Korea, Iran and the children of Central American moms held in concentration camps in the USA.

Ren Zhengfei, Huawei founder, in a first of its kind interview with the BBC, described the arrest of his daughter Meng Wanzhou, the company's chief financial officer, as politically motivated. Ren Zhengfei, Huawei Technologies  founder, in a first of its kind interview with the BBC, described the arrest of his daughter Meng Wanzhou, the company’s chief financial officer, as politically motivated. Photo Crop and Art: Rosa Yamamoto

Canada should release Meng Wanzhou no matter  Donald Trump’s threats to Justin Trudeau. Political exploitation of extradition act will cost Trudeau an election.

Make no mistake about this, Canada improperly and unlawfully kidnapped Meng Wanzhou, the Chief Financial Officer of Huawei Technologies because the United States wanted to hold her hostage while negotiating a trade deal with China as Donald Trump explained to Reuters on 9 December 2018, eight days after Sabrina Meng was unconstitutionally and unlawfully arrested and violated at Vancouver airport.

Joining the United States in wars is a bad habit.

Canadian CF18s on 19 November 2015 bombed an ice cream factory and pulverized Iraqi civilians in Mosul Iraq. Canadian CF-18s missed everything they aimed at and killed many civilians. Watch it on video.

That was the last war Canada joined so it could play soldier with the Americans. That made no sense because Canada does not have a war fighting military, Canada has a peacekeeping military that THINKS it is there for war fighting.

Trudeau came along and got Canada out of that mess. That’s why Canadians voted for him.

Now Trudeau is at war with China. This is worse than what Harper did.

You who bomb civilians have responsibilities.


Additional reading:

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin - Sharing a vision for a better future enabled by mutual cooperation. The Hi-jinks of Canada, America and Saudi Arabia together have pushed together China, Europe, Russia and the ASEAN nations in a strong and growing alliances.  Trudeau’s conduct has not put Canada in a very good place.
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin – Sharing a vision for a better future enabled by mutual cooperation. Photo Credit:
Cropping and Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto