Canada’s loss of humanity favours Child Kidnappers.

Does devaluation of children’s lives say anything about a community?

One of the RINJ Foundation canvassers in Canada working on the fight against the child sex trade recently noted that she was told, “Raped, missing and murdered children is old news. Who cares? We don’t support that,” and more or less slammed the door.

by Melissa Hemingway

Feminine-Perspective Magazine Even when a child is recovered the road back to sanity is a trip through hell.
Photo Art for RINJ by: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag

If you live in a community that reads American newspapers more than their own, (USA Today vs Globe and Mail);  watches American television; absorbs Fox News; Hollywood movies; and American radio; are the people any different than Americans?

It’s an important question because in America the majority of people support ripping children from the arms of Central American mothers and putting them into holding cells where they live on concrete floors in wire cages and have no blanket, no soap and no toothbrush or tooth paste. Nine-year-old children are the caregivers for toddlers who are running around in only soiled diapers.

Who cares?

Amber Alert is Reducing the Number of Missing Children Cases

The Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) notes that there were 115 reports of missing children per day in 2018. There is no possible way to find out how many children were grabbed by professional criminals.

The RINJ Foundation says that its estimates year after year for Canada run from one child per week to one per day and that there are currently as many as 10,000 Canadian children whose whereabouts are completely unknown. Many are indigenous Canadians.

Child abductions by strangers are Soaring in North America.

Child abductions by strangers are a larger percentage of the Canadian missing kids cases than ever. There is a strong suspicion that the number of kidnappings by strangers is skyrocketing as it is in the USA and its offshore and near-shore territories.

  • Normally kids go missing because of abductions or misunderstandings in the midst of child custody disputes and general family breakdown. The vast majority are sorted out within hours, maybe a day.
  • The Amber Alert system and similar child abduction protocols are now credited with being  an enormous deterrence to frivolous actions related to children of feuding parents. That will leave police services with more time to investigate dangerous human slavers.
  • Parents in dissolving marriages are now more likely to follow Family Court orders since the orders are enforceable by law enforcement under the Amber Alert protocols. The number of frivolous cases further drops.
  • The remaining numbers of missing child reports are to be considered as very serious.
  • Every Canadian needs to take the Amber Alert seriously and if there is anything one can do to prevent a child going missing forever, get it done because once the child is gone, they do not come back.

Today in North America and elsewhere, criminals want children for:

  1. soldiering ($50-150.00 USD),
  2. slavery ($150 – 10,000USD),
  3. child sex trade as sex workers ($300 – 20,000 USD, and
  4. organ trafficking (in total, sales to recipients could be hundreds of thousands to millions).

Persons who steal children from the streets and from their families can earn the most money selling to individuals in the illegal human organ trade. The demand for human organs has grown faster than the supply hence this is a growing danger for children and young persons. Once they are gone, they do not come back.

Sometimes the prices paid for children’s organs are colossal. This is a growing underworld activity. White children are sold at a very high premium because they are the rarest in the underworld child sex trade. Organ transplantation is done all over the world but organs are hard to find. Kids are easier to acquire than donated organs. The danger is growing.

Niagara Region Police Services

“Years ago one of our people,” says Katie Alsop of The RINJ Foundation “worked with the Niagara Region Police Services on a very nasty series of cases focused initially on the rape and murder of Leslie Mahaffy (14) and Kirsten French (15).”

“He described the people he worked with and the Niagara Police Services members he met as being exemplary and dedicated law enforcement professionals with passion for the safety of women, children and their families,” she added.

That is why it hurts so much to realize that the people of Ontario are jamming up the 911 emergency services number to make complaints about the Amber Alert System thus deliberately assailing the effectiveness of the emergency service by consuming precious time of emergency services intake personnel.

Feminine-Perspective MagazineClick to enlarge. Outside of home, do not take your eyes off your young children for one second. That will help end child sex trade and slavery. Child Art: D. Rose Grade 3 ~ Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag

Amber Alert System

An Amber Alert also known as a child abduction emergency alert is a message distributed by a child abduction alert system to ask the public for help in finding abducted children.

The concept originated in the United States in 1996. The system is named after a deceased child, Amber Hagerman. She died on 15 January 1996 (age 9) in Arlington, Texas, USA. There are few sadder tales.

In Canada, Amber Alerts use the smartphone emergency system to notify people that a child is missing and believed to be in imminent danger, that danger having a high probability of  morbidity.

If a mobile phone is turned on and is not on silent mode, an Amber Alert will cause an alerting sound. Then some data will appear on the screen.

That data will include a short message usually including a description of the child and a region wherein the missing little one was last seen.

Amber Alert System Could not Save Riya Rajkumar but it Caught Her Killer and saved other children the same fate.

In an Amber Alert case that unfolded in February of this year, the result was not a good one for 11-year-old Riya Rajkumar. The Amber Alert resulted in the capture of the person who killed her.

Feminine-Perspective MagazinePhoto Credit: Melissa Hemingway/FPMag. Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag