Are you OK with this? Feminist Survey: Beauty Pageants.

Men like Donald Trump own and run beauty pageants to make money.

“He is happiest who hath power to gather wisdom from a flower?”

“Will you walk into my parlor said the spider to the fly?
‘Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.
The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,
and I’ve a many curious things to show when you are there.” ~ Mary Howitt (Poet) – 12 March 1799 to 30 January 1888

 What do feminists think about the big four beauty pageants? All the others? Feedback?

Are you OK with this? Sexist? Misogyny? Comments? Feedback? Photo Credit:: Xinhua Feedback?  Are you OK with this? Sexist? Misogyny? Comments? Feedback? Photo Credit:: Xinhua
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto

Feedback? Are you OK with this? Sexist? Misogyny? Comments? Feedback? Photo Credit:: Xinhua
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto

Feedback? Are you OK with this? Sexist? Misogyny? Comments? Feedback? Photo Credit:: Xinhua
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto