2020 Extrajudicial killings by Trump imply Patriarch must end, by Rosa

Trump mass-murders: The USA can’t randomly visit third country airports & kill folks the way Kim Jong-un kills family he does not like. A hard-core feminist’s view.

Soldiers Kill People in Wars. That’s what they do if called to action when politicians and diplomats fail in their jobs and a war starts.

I don’t like Donald Trump but I won’t kill him just because I don’t like him. I don’t like the cute boy’s girlfriend either but I am not going to harm a hair on the bf-thief‘s head. I will not  retain people who can do killings either, the way Donald Trump did to a dozen Middle East officials he doesn’t like, last week.

Generals are mothers’ filthiest kids.  From a world of aggression, swords, gladiators, wet pants, dirty diaper smells and breastfeeding a creature that bites, some toddlers become THIS

I will not murder American General David Petraeus who is responsible for screwing up the entire MidEast killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and putting another 4 million into refugee camps while raping / torturing men and women at Abu Ghraib and other far-shore US torture facilities. Generals are soldiers doing their jobs when the American politicians and diplomats FAIL at theirs. They kill people.

Nor would I kill Mag-Gen. Qassem Suleimani for the same reasons. The Generals are last-resort soldiers doing their jobs when the Iranian politicians and diplomats FAIL at theirs.

We need better politicians and diplomats. Too many have no worth, they are only selfish, greedy killers.

[Editorial] by FPM.news Art Director, Rosa Yamamoto


Is America at War with Iraq? Even so, the USA can't randomly visit 3rd country airports & kill folks the way Kim Jong-un kills family he doesn't like. Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Is America at War with Iraq?
Even so, the USA can’t randomly visit 3rd country airports & kill folks the way Kim Jong-un kills family he doesn’t like.


The Patriarch behind the Extra Judicial Killings

From the inglorious ancient world of battleaxes, swords, gladiators, wet pants, dirty diaper smells and breast feeding, some toddlers become THIS. Photo Credit: File Photo. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Photo Credit: Facebook From the inglorious ancient world of battleaxes, swords, gladiators, wet pants, dirty diaper smells and breast feeding, some toddlers become THIS. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

From the inglorious past of battleaxes, swords, wet pants, farts and whiskey, our men try to challenge better-educated, more intelligent, less testosteroned, higher-order women.

The thuggish males will not win against their mothers and sisters. The bad boys must be punished, sent to a cell. From battleaxes, swords, gladiators, wet pants, dirty diaper smells and breastfeeding, some toddlers become THIS:

File Photos from the trash heap. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag Photo Credit: Facebook — Generals are mothers’ filthiest kids.  From a world of aggression, swords, gladiators, wet pants, dirty diaper smells and breastfeeding a creature that bites, some toddlers become THIS. File Photos from the trash heap. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

We need to fix this.

The world needs to be run by women. 

The voice of reason is a political prisoner.

File Photo Source: Office of Senator Leila de Lima—Photo Art/Cropping: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

The voice of reason is a political prisoner.

“I am sure of one thing,” says RINJ, “Mr.Duterte, it was a woman who brought you into this world and it will be a woman doctor and/or nurse at your bedside who with comforting tenderness sends you out. You owe women a lot,  Release Hostage DeLima.”

Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Every country must elect an Elizabeth Warren or Jacinda Ardern. Strength and decisiveness in the face of swirling misogyny and difficult times makes Jacinda Ardern a 2019 Shero and Elizabeth Warren a Shero in 2018.

Jacinda Arden - strength and decisiveness
Photo Credit: Allen Unwin, New Zealand Book Publishers. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto/ Feminine-Perspective Magazine


Four out of 7 top 2018 Sheroes going into 2019 are political prisoners today in Philippines, Canada and Saudi Arabia. Shame on these nations. The patriarch is a collective, gutless coward.

Four out of 7 top Sheroes going into 2019 are political prisoners in Philippines, Canada and Saudi Arabia.Photo-Art: Rosa Yamamoto-Feminine Perspective Magazine Four out of 7 top 2018 Sheroes going into 2019 are political prisoners today in Philippines, Canada and Saudi Arabia. Shame on these nations. Photo-Art: Rosa Yamamoto-Feminine Perspective Magazine

Some Good Men

“No serving member should ever give or obey a bad order.”

Why did the pentagon goofs mass-murder twelve officials Trump didn’t like? Find them and jail them.

USN Sec Richard Spencer Honor courage commitment.‘No serving member should ever give or obey a bad order,’ says a former US Marine.

US Navy Secretary (Capt.) Richard Spencer Served with honor, courage, and  commitment. 

Photo Credit: defense.gov—Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

We humans do not kill each other because of a political dislike.

I don’t like the fact that George Bush messed up the Mid-East by invading Iraq and killing over a million people, but I do not wish to kill him.

  • I do not kill people I do not like because that would be murder.
  • Why is the US President allowed to do that and get away with murder?
  • What can I do about that?

General David Petraeus was responsible for having killed many people as a General. A soldier. Hundreds more like him killed many people: Eisenhower, Patton, Montgomery, etc.

That is true also of General Soleimani. He is another leader and soldier who killed. In his life the most people he killed were Iraqis in the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. Later he helped the Iraqi-Persians ‘put up their dukes’.

Honestly, this General Soleimani is a man who loves his family; loves his country; has amazing children; and he is an underdog living in a country the world has been beating the crap out of for nearly forty years, at least since the Iron Curtain fell.

One soldier is no better than the other to my mind. They all kill. They should be staying at home with their families and never having to leave their kids to go and kill people. Politicians and diplomats should do their jobs. Keep the peace.

Soldiers kill people and should be a last resort when diplomacy and public policy makers have failed miserably.

Murder is murder. Read the 5th commandment. Thou shall not kill.

A eulogist on Iranian TV during the funeral procession of Qassem Soleimani suggested that a bounty be placed on President Trump’s head. They want a dollar bounty for each of the 80 million Iranians. I don’t want Trump’s head, I want his ass in prison. Eight million dollars might be enough for the legal fees to achieve that goal.

Is America at War with Iraq? Even so the USA can’t randomly visit third country airports and kill people.

America is at war with Iran since May 2018 when Trump broke America’s word on the JCPOA.

This war does not permit mass murdering people at international airports randomly in the cities of third nations. America screwed Iraq far too many times. Get lost, America. Get out of Iraq.

Donald Trump and America commit a serious crime. Ostracize America. Arrest Trump.

Donald Trump seems to think that he can do Extra Judicial Killings like Rodrigo Duterte, Adolf Hitler, Omar Bashir, Bashar al-Assad and other murdering despots. That is what half the entire population of the United States has become because half of Americans say “it is OK”.

Below are the names of the daddies that Donald Trump killed in Baghdad, men who will not be coming home to their crying families for New Years.

They all had families. Children.

They were going to a dinner party. Soleimani and Pourjafari were late because they were collecting signatures on a truce to try and stabilize the Iranian/US confrontation. They innocently got into a few vehicles leaving security to the wind.

  1. Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis
  2. Hadi Taremi
  3. Haider Ali
  4. Hassan Abdu al-Hadi
  5. Mag-Gen. Hossein Pourjafari
  6. Mag-Gen. Qassem Suleimani
  7. Muhammad Radha al-Jabri
  8. Muhammad al-Shaybani
  9. Naim Qassem (unconfirmed)
  10. Shahroud Mozaffari Nia
  11. Vahid Zamanian
    Two unnamed others

RINJ has collected the evidence and sent the preliminary EJK notices to the United Nations.

This is why (UN-Human-Rights-Commission-EJK-Baghdad-3January) I am so proud to work for a Civil Society Group that calls murder, “murder” and takes action.

The Extra Judicial Killings being done by the United States are done because America is a failing population that has an incompetent nincompoop in the White House and rednecks without grade eight living in trailer parks and under bridges, willing to support an oaf in the government house of the people.

That’s not my problem. America’s lust for money sold Facebook ads to its enemies and screwed the entire country by rigging elections to install their enemy’s favourites.

That’s not my problem either. This is my problem. A madman on the loose because madmen put him there. The Patriarch must end. 

The USA can’t randomly visit third country airports & kill folks the way Kim Jong-un kills family he does not like.


Feminine-Perspective Magazine