Iran commit Aggression. Iranians must recall their government.

[Editorial Comment]
The people of Iran will continue, but going forward from Iran’s crime of aggression, the terrorist State of Iran must end.

Members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement march during a military parade in Gaza City on October 4, 2018 Members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement march during a military parade in Gaza City on October 4, 2018. They have one purpose and that is to hurt people and start wars. Photo Credit: AFP PHOTO / Anas BABA

Author: Micheal John, Editor Feminine Perspective Magazine

The global community makes international laws anyone can read in the Rome-Statute and in umpteen UN Resolutions including 1820 which forbids raping women in war zones. These laws get broken but there are limits to the world’s tolerance. Iran dared and lost.

The time of standing idly by as Iran tries to drag the world into a decades-long World War with its creeping levels of aggression has expired. About who brought on the current mess, is a matter for future historians if there will be any. The world is focussed now on its ally, Israel. And the world is indeed allied with Israel against Iran which is also Syria completely under Tehran’s controls. Bashar al-Assad is a foolish wooden marionette with no brain and no heart.

These Iranian leaders are old self-serving despots. They are so old they will die soon anyway hence they strive to kill the Jews, Christians, and most of the rest of Islam besides themselves in the belief they will have a better place in heaven. Not only do they kill Allah’s human creation, a betrayal of their god,  but they betray their countrymen by telling lies to steal the people’s money and wage patriarchal wars as if this is 500AD. It’s 2019 and the human race needs to stand together and fight extinction from a number of threats, none the least of which is ourselves. This is no time for another war.

Recent events in Syria have destroyed every iota of the Iranian government’s credibility. That is a sad thing for the Iranian people who are wholesome, humane, peaceful individuals. But their government is a runaway corrupt rogue that is sucking the population’s lifeblood. It must be recalled.

Sometimes the expression, “you get what you give” replaces Karma and the roof simply falls down. In the case of the Iranian dog barking “total destruction of Israel”,  the world suffers exasperation with Tehran’s scowling, barking patriarch.

Going back four years, Iran had no business infiltrating Iraq and Syria with hundreds of thousands jihadist militias and its regular troops. It has hungry people at home who need infrastructure including irrigation, better routes to market, and the rule of law to defeat widespread internal corrupt politics and financial corruption that mines the money of the population for the benefit of the pockets of government officials. Today it is all collapsing.

This is not the place to go into an essay on the crime of aggression and the history of that section of international law.  It is new and it is well defined just by describing the unscrupulous conduct of the Iranian government and its insidious creeping into Iraq and Syria aiming at destroying 8.8 million Jews.

Once the people of Iran have recalled their sick government, they can ask for help from the global community and they will get it. But true self-determination by the people of Iran is required. The people of Iran must do some of the work. It is time to peaceably recall the government of Iran. video is an example of the highly intensified propaganda of Iran and its surrogate militias preparing to go to war over the past five weeks. It is hitting a crescendo in late January.


Exposure to the Iranian militias in Iraq and Syria revealed  snarly, ignorant, dogs that felt entitled to the spoils of countries frayed by civil war. No other militants nor regular soldiers could work with them. They were hungry, slovenly, undisciplined murderers. And Iran’s government paid their salaries from money it steals from the good people of Iran.

Meanwhile the cost to arm these cowardly terrorists plus the cost of  missiles and chemical weapons that Iran shipped over and through Iraq to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad took food from babies’ mouths in Iran. Iran’s government is despicable.

  • This week, Iran says its whole purpose inside Syria is total destruction of Israel.
  • Syria says it will attack the Ben Gurion airport.
  • Israel’s conduct may not look like it will lead to anyone’s candidacy for sainthood but people acting in self-defence in a do-or-die scenario never look pretty.

This intolerable situation needs to stand down. In the alternative, sad but true, the Terrorist State of Iran must end.

Who knows that Iran very nearly governs Syria via Iran’s embedded political, diplomatic and military members of the Syrian political and military command.

Iran must get its troops, militias and various other ill-intentioned actors out of Syria and Iraq. Arrest as war criminals is the other alternative. Resisting arrest in a war zone is not a wise move.

To the Iranian government : Get out of Syria and go home. Otherwise you will be ended by a world allied with Israel. That’s a valid prediction. The wisdom in that is obvious to anyone who has spent the past five years in and out of Syria/Iraq/Iran/Yemen. Living with Iranian militias in the neighbourhood has been loathsome.

Iran would do much better if making peace with its neighbours and focusing on its corruption, drought, famine, starvation and epic health and environmental problems.

The world is allied with Israel while Iran’s government has hijacked the people of Iran and pushed the envelope of tolerance on being a menace to the world with its numerous surrogate terrorist militias creating mayhem everywhere.

“Your religion is your private business. Your spirituality is also private business. Keep it to yourself. That is true for everyone,” said Father Breen of the Roman Catholic Church when asked about religion in regions of strife.

15 Reasons Iran’s government is accused of war crimes including aggression and other misconduct:

  1. lying to the Iranian people about the purpose of its massive spending operations hence depriving the people of the country the benefit of its own hard work and enterprise ;
  2. hijacking a peaceful Iranian population that only wants to live happy lives in harmony with Earth and Allah;
  3. employing brutally unlawful tactics to silence the voices of legitimate, peaceful internal critics (over 7,000 human rights defenders imprisoned in 2018);
  4. conspiring with North Korea for the purpose of acquiring and sharing ballistic missile technology and nuclear weapons development;
  5. demonizing women in Iran and inviting violence toward women when the highest voice, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini said that gender equality was “one of the biggest mistakes of Western thought;
  6. manipulating the foolish Houthis in Yemen for improper and violent purpose;
  7. attacking humanitarian supply vessels;
  8. disturbing the peace in Gaza;
  9. amassing weapons in Syria and launching attacks from Syria across the border into Israel;
  10. with unlawful entry into Israel via a tunnel infrastructure from Lebanon and Syria, conducting breach-of-the peace operations in regions of government calming which calming has been conducted on the behest of the global community;
  11. exploiting Syria for the purpose acquiring territory to use in a war against Israel thus risking the lives of millions more innocent Syrian civilians;
  12. installing in Syria weapons which technically have sole-use as population attacks on Israel, and aimed at Israel;
  13. raping women and girls in settlements and towns along the Hwy 47 in Iraq and near Tal Afar;
  14. raping Alawites, Druze, and Ismailis women and girls plus others in Syria; and
  15. infiltrating the Syrian military and government in a command role hence having criminal responsibility with Bashar al-Assad for all of Syria’s war crimes.

Israelis must constantly dig to expose tunnels into Israel from Lebanon and Syria Israelis must constantly dig to expose tunnels into Israel from Lebanon and Syria

The people of Iran need to recall their government. That should be done as peacefully as possible. But remember you are dealing with war criminals. Arrest them if you can. is working on an article that will be instructive for people wishing to recall a corrupt, rogue Iranian government.

In the meantime, the people of Iran should put on their thinking caps and figure out how to recall the hostage-takers in Tehran who hold captive the hungry Iranian people.

It is time to recall the government of Iran and prevent WWIII.