Medical workers do not make public policy. [Editorial]

Medical workers can:

Wear safety apparatus for their role and the environment.
Keep their hands out of their mouths.
Stop rubbing their eyes.
Get their hands off their face.
Scrub those hands before and after touching anything.

And read the Guidelines on Infection Control Practice in the Clinic Settings of Hong Kong Department of Health 2019

Those are things that Hong Kong medical workers can do to prevent becoming infected with the 2019-nCoV. Closing borders is not on any list. For more, watch the video below.

[Editorial] by Behar Abbasi in Yemen

On strike Monday: HK medical workers exploit CoronaVirus while breaking a sacred trust.

It is unprofessional (and maybe a crime) to withdraw urgent medical care to the public during a declared global medical emergency as a means to extort political favour. Attempting to force a government to act in any particular manner by threatening hospital patients is reprehensible.

Medical workers should know the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) which says that closing borders is contraindicated.

According to official statements from Hong Kong, the flow of inbound travelers is 90% Hong Kong residents who cannot be blocked from entering their homeland.

If Hong Kong medical workers want to secede from China, do it, but not as medical workers who should be caring for patients on their shifts.

And as medical workers they should know that closing borders on mainland China, as part of their fight with mainland China, will not enhance the outcome of patients abandoned in their hospital beds and in the intake line (if they are still alive). It will also not mitigate the spread of the 2019-nCov outbreak.

Dear Hong Kong medical workers:

Do not continue to break a sacred trust. You shame us all. Get back to work or choose another career that requires far less integrity.


Chris Cheung Treasurer Hospital Authority Employees' Alliance Chris Cheung, Treasurer Hospital Authority Employees’ Alliance. “We will stop urgent care service, which may affect people more.”  Photo Credit: YouTube. Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine