What does 5G mean to the safety of women and children? MWC2019

This is an opportune time to be talking about 5G  technology. The mobile communications industry scrambles now with last minute preparations for the Mobile World Congress (mwc2019) in Barcelona, Spain, from 25 to 28 February.

The world most certainly will hear a range of mwc2019 announcements about fascinating new ideas in the realm of mobile/portable device and infrastructure. The latest scurry of innovation announcements relates in part to folding phones. But nothing is likely to top the talk about 5G.

by Micheal John | Editor Feminine Perspective Magazine

While rich men fight for global supremacy in wireless technology, FPMag asks what does 5G mean for the safety of women and children. While rich men fight for global supremacy in wireless technology, FPMag asks what does 5G mean for the safety of women and children? Feminine-Perspective Magazine Art by Rosa Yamamoto


What is 5G All About?

Talking to The RINJ Foundation Women doctors and nurses, the excitement comes to life with real meaning. They talk about innovative wearable devices and patient monitoring in real time; pulse-oximeter readings; blood pressure statistics; blood sugar readings; body temperature; and more. They talk about life-saving and the improvement in the quality-of-life by connecting machines and data to expert humans who can immediately provide helpful care.

Says Sharon Santiago of The RINJ Foundation‘s medical team in South East Asia, “We already know that being able to telemeter patient diagnostic data from remote mobile clinics to a central hub can save lives by delivering higher quality and more responsive health care to more people. The efficiency of each medical practitioner can be amplified meaning that more people get a designated practitioner to care for them, much quicker, without much waiting. In war zones this has been a life saver.”

With better, faster, more reliable data transfer methods, countless women and children will be saved”, added Santiago.

Imagine automating intravenous dosing to respond with human oversight to acute events that optimally would correct critical care anomalies with instantly monitored responses, muses the field medical expert.

“Look at the accumulation of dosing data that would be available to respond to individual patient requirements. The growth of case-based-data diagnostics could expand exponentially”, she added.

Patients in intensive care are an example of those who might respond well to the interconnection of “the internet of things”, real-time data samplers and diagnostic machines.

Also cardiovascular patients and others could enjoy life-changing benefits from their healthy home care wearable devices and implants.

Some interesting 5G  facts.

  • 5G Networks, topping out at a theoretical 10 gigabits per second, will soon be able to pack much more digital data on the same measure of frequency spectrum without extra cost.
  • 5G Networks, operate on a spectrum spanning three main frequency bands, 1 GHz, 1-6 GHz and above 6 GHz (particularly 26 and 28 ghz) require different equipment including antennae that do more work faster and interconnect with many things, not just smartphones. (Source: Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association.)
  • 5G is not yet efficient in its energy use and its distribution of antennae will occupy too much real estate, maybe even hidden in street lamps and complicating maintenance. Source: (ieee.org) – Amy Nordrum
  • 5G Broadcasting antennae may cause health problems for a small percentage of the population, but nobody knows for sure.
  • 5G – Associated technologies will diminish personal privacy and a certain amount of personal sovereignty plus a large amount of national sovereignty.
  • 5G – Global networking allows anyone in the world, with the right know-how and equipment can find out what users are doing. That’s very little change from how things are now!)

Big Money, Few Winners, Many Losers?

5G Technology will for sure make the rich richer but it also opens the door for small businesses to make a livelihood for their owners. 5G Technology will for sure make the rich richer but it also opens the door for small businesses to make a livelihood for their owners. Feminine-Perspective Magazine Art: Rosa Yamamoto

It’s not all good. Carriers will want to immediately recover their costs of development and deployment and users will pay. More than that, each year, carriers will want to make more profits in the previous year and begin throttling more and more bandwidth as they have done with 2G-3G-4G.

Have you ever noticed how many large stadiums and event venues are named after and owned by cell phone companies? They are run by overly rich men who basically sell users their airwaves around them–the ones bombarding their body and their children’s bodies constantly with electromagnetic energy radiation. What harm will be done by 5G very high frequency transmitters. That may sound a little cynical by maybe users need to start demanding more from Carriers.

Today, rich men hope to become richer by mining more money from populations 100+ times faster using the next generation of wireless communications, artificial intelligence and the internet of ‘things’ ( 5G – AI – IoT). The world has already seen a lot of fuss about this.

Until now, many smartphone  Carriers have been limiting (throttling) the speed of the internet data connection so that they pay less to buy less bandwidth with the same money users pay them to buy data bandwidth for customer smartphones–hence more profit for the Carrier and no benefit to the user.

In short, one seldom gets what one pays for.  Meanwhile the Carriers get richer.

In some countries, users are being seriously defrauded, like the Philippines for example where the President of the country has been so angry with the conduct of at last two carriers he is bringing in China Telecom to set up a system to the benefit of the public.

4G Is no longer Relevant to Data Volumes hence 5G  is a must.

4G Has become too slow because for one thing, the consumer doesn’t get what they pay for in most countries and because the content of internet web sites has become more sophisticated and carries a lot of programming code that the user’s device must run (hidden applications in JavaScript for example) using device processors, battery power and processing memory.

This programming code makes a determination of what type of device the user has, where they are, and everything their phone knows about them. Then it decides which advertisements, images and text, plus more “rich content”, to send to the user. This requires more bandwidth than what is often available.

Is 5G antenna radiation safe?

  1. Exposure to any kind of radiation that heats any part of your body is very dangerous.
  2. There is a threshold close to the above levels of radiation that is also moderately dangerous. Don’t be near a powerful radiating antenna of any kind.
  3. The lower the power, the safer the antennae.
  4. The light to moderate exposure-damage from antennas in your neighbourhood, nobody really knows.
  5. As a good rule of thumb, stay away from, or at least be shielded from active powerful antennae.
  6. 5G Transceivers and their antennae at street level are generally not very powerful and not likely to hurt most people from a distance of a few meters.

Feminine-Perspective Magazine Today’s 4G base stations have a dozen ports for antennas that handle all cellular traffic: eight for transmitters and four for receivers. But 5G base stations can support about a hundred ports, which means many more antennas can fit on a single array. That capability means a base station could send and receive signals from more users at once, increasing the capacity of mobile networks by a factor of 22 or greater.
This technology is called massive MIMO. It all starts with MIMO, which stands for multiple-input multiple-output. MIMO describes wireless systems that use two or more transmitters and receivers to send and receive more data at once. Massive MIMO takes this concept to a new level by featuring dozens of antennas on a single array.
MIMO is found on some 4G base stations. Massive MIMO has only been tested in labs and a few field trials. In early tests, it has set new records for spectrum efficiency, which is a measure of how many bits of data can be transmitted to a certain number of users per second.
Source: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (ieee.org) – Amy Nordrum

Government Regulation is Desperately Needed to Block Exploitative Practices of Carriers against Taxpayers

An essential service? Mobile communications have replaced the traditional landline phones for billions of people.

It should now be declared an essential service.

If ever there was a criminal opportunity to mine the population’s monetary resources for the pockets of a few, its in mobile communications. Some of the conduct of Carriers appears criminal in nature where it comprises fraud against the consumer. This must be stopped by legislators regardless of how much Carrier  money is donated to their election campaigns.

Life-saving and essential-quality-of-life communications should not cost the ordinary tax-payer an arm and a leg. They should be affordable to the lowest income levels.

Governments have a responsibility to provide communications infrastructure to their electorate which in fact pays the salaries of politicians and government bureaucrats and provides the money they wield in order to ensure their power and control. Political oligarchy is becoming a serious societal problem in parts of the world because of wireless communications sectors controlled by the wrong people.

These may not be the best examples of serving the public interest but they are good examples of the Canadian government’s good intentions. Canada has acknowledged some problems and has set out a plan for “Connecting Families” which appears real and highly commendable:

  • Canada’s Government will be  partnering with industry on an innovative initiative called  Connecting Families.
  • The partners are Bell CanadaCogecoRogersSaskTelShawTELUS and Vidéotron
  • Connecting Families will offer eligible participants with no less than 10 Megabits per second (Mbps) download speeds (or the fastest available if less than 10 Mbps to that family in their region) and no less than 100 gigabytes (GB) of data usage each month at the discounted rate. No equipment or installation fees will be applied.
  • Other steps the Government has taken to improve telecom services for Canadians, include ENCQOR 5G partnership for next generation technology, the Connect to Innovate program, the CRTC’s $750M Broadband fund, and the 600MHz Auction Framework that supports vigorous marketplace competition.

Last year, Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Canadian Economic Development, delivered a keynote address to the 2018 Canadian Telecom Summit wherein he  announced a series of measures to improve telecom services for Canadians in the meantime, including:

  • Consultations to prepare Canada for 5G, the next-generation, high-quality, wireless systems that will enable smart cities, connected cars, and e-health;
  • Canada’s new five-year plan for wireless spectrum releases that will promote competition to help drive down prices for Canadians and deliver better quality and coverage;
  • 100-million-dollar Budget 2018 investment that will improve coverage and connectivity in rural areas with low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites; and
  • The launch of the aforementioned Connecting Families, an initiative that will provide hundreds of thousands of Canadians with low-cost Internet and will provide up to 50,000 computers to eligible households through the Government of Canada’s existing Computers for Schools program.