14 Dec. 2020. Arguably a Good News day in a sea of crap from Trump

1.) The election in the United States and the madness of the psychopath in the White House has come closer to an end.

Abuse of power in Washington DC should hopefully come to an end as California’s Electoral College (EC) electors gave the Joe Biden / Kamala Harris candidacy its 55 votes and brought to 270 EC votes for Biden to become President and Harris to become Vice President at noon on 20 January 2021.

2.) The Trumpiest of Donald Trump’s cabinet got canned today.

Attorney General William Barr is history.  As such Barr joins Jeff Sessions in the halls of the Trump-unwanted and as the initiators of child confiscation from migrant moms. Barr submitted his letter of resignation to Donald Trump a couple hours ago.

The two men, Barr and Sessions, led the most heinous of crimes against humanity, the snatching of children, including infants, from migrant mothers.

The children they kidnapped, to this day, exist in a system that according to the ACLU, mistreated, raped and killed a number of them—hundreds of them lost by now and never returned to their families and many sold into the child sex trade.

3.) Canada and America now each have a vaccine that in tests showed an efficacy of 94% protection for test subjects and 100% prevention of a death of COVID19 patients.

“Numerous members of our organization have been vaccinated with no ill effects and only joyful thoughts. The terror for frontline healthcare workers and responders working with COVID-19 patients has not come to an end but that end may come in late 2021. This is the beginning of the end.”—Dr. Anderson, The RINJ Foundation.

More background on SARS2 Vaccines 

Pfizer Vaccine Arrives in Canada, An emotional moment for Canadians. The arrival of Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in Canada.
Government of Canada Photograph. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

“14 December…” story by Micheal John and Sharon Santiago

Get Vaccinated

“I can treat your allergic reaction if in the unlikely event you have one, but treating COVID-19 is very difficult,” says Dr. Vin Gupta of the University of Washington.

Between 50% and 85% of COVID-19 patients requiring ICU care, have died, according to the World Health Organization.

Vaccinate! A 2020 View on Health Threats

Please help cure the ignorance about immunization. AntiVaxxers are a serious threat to global health.  Please share this information.


Endemic smallpox, polio, measles, pertussis & rubella are vaccine-preventable disease only if all humans maintain the resistance. Some disease are spreading because of never-established or waning immunity. That's the case for universal immunization and keeping the human race alive.

Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway/Feminine-Perspective Magazine

COVID-19, endemic smallpox, polio, measles, pertussis & rubella are vaccine-preventable disease only if all humans maintain the resistance.

  • Some disease are spreading because of never-established or waning immunity.
  • That’s the case for universal immunization and keeping the human race alive.

Dr. Vin Gupta Pulmonologist Dr. Vin Gupta, University of Washington:
‘I can treat your allergic reaction if in the unlikely event you have one,
but treating COVID-19 is very difficult’.
A pulmonologist is a physician who specializes in the respiratory system. Live on-air Screen Capture from MSNBC.  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

One of America’s Strongest Women Leaders, Gretchen Whitmer is fighting COVID-19 fiercely while standing up to Donald Trump’s armed illegal militias trying to kidnap her and protecting Electoral College electors today in their role.

As the 14th of December rolled through its final hours, violent threats and outbreaks by Donald Trump’s illegal militias in Lansing Michigan and Washington DC continued. On the weekend, several stabbings took place, reports the New York Times.

Voters of the Electoral College in Michigan attended their role under police protection, and at least in one case wore body armour. That is what has been described as a credible threat against the government and the Electoral College of Michigan.

They cast all 16 electoral votes for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.   

“Today, Michigan has spoken with one voice as the 16 electors voted unanimously to finalize Michigan’s election results in the Electoral College,” Governor Gretchen Whitmer said.

“During the worst public health crisis we have seen in our lifetime, [COVID-19 for which vaccine is about to be administered to frontliners in Michigan] more than 5.5 million Michiganders from all walks of life and all corners of the state cast their votes during this historic election. In the end, Michigan has chosen a clear winner for the office of president of the United States, and for every elected office down the ballot. No matter your party or who you cast your ballot for in November, now is the time to put this election behind us and focus on eliminating COVID-19 together.” 

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer  Governor Gretchen Whitmer 14 December 2020 —  “Today, Michigan has spoken with one voice as the 16 electors voted unanimously to finalize Michigan’s election results in the Electoral College,” Governor Gretchen Whitmer said. Photo Courtesy: Michigan Executive Office of the Governor — Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Canada Struggles with COVID-19 Disease.

9 Nov 2024

Canadians are reminded to download the COVID-19 Alert application. Read more about this free App

Progression and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Canada is startling. Progression and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Canada is startling. Visit Canada COVID-19 Report Source: Civil Society Partners for Solidarity in fight against SARS-CoV-2 Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Deaths in America on model graph to reach 1 million by April One million excess deaths, 800,000 case fatalities in America by April. Source: Civil Society Partners for Solidarity in fight against SARS-CoV-2 Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine