Venezuela May Exhibit all Sicknesses of America [Editorial]

Despite all the hope in January when Interim President Juan Guaidó, the speaker of the Venezuelan national assembly emerged as a constitutionally delegated interim president, Venezuela status is SNAFU.


by Micheal John

No matter how clever the neighbourhood kids were growing up with US National Security Adviser Johnny Bolton, he always ended up smudging their best artwork and busting up their mini-block structures.

Today that same ‘Johnny’  is in charge of US foreign policy, hence hegemonic global policy, viewed from Venezuela, or from any perspective, appears to be a broken mess.

Women in Venezuela Want Maduro OUT

Feminine-Perspective Magazine Venezuela crisis is not helped by pulling the wings off the fly. Sick bug still flies.
Background Women Protesters: Photo Credit: Dagstream.
Maduro is official photograph.
All Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto


Mr. Bolton Wants Maduro Out As well. D’accord.

A marching band leader must have once told little “Johnny” that he should tap the tin pan drum with his drumsticks, not beat the bejeebers out of it with a hammer handle.

Johnny’s today-version of the tin pan is Venezuela, and it too is being converted to clopped-out, over flogged, mangled, nondescript  junk, its population scattered to the global winds or eating out of Caracas garbage cans.

Everything the Trump Administration gets involved with is going the same way.

  • Johnny Bolton’s tin pan drum from nearly a hundred years ago when Johhny was a kid, is a dead relic of childhood hyperactivity and violence.
  • Venezuela is a mess Johnny Bolton helped make in his adulthood. Johnny is still breaking everything he touches. Everything.
  • Broken treaties; collapsed climate control action; world trade fights; the Bolton-made crisis’s in North Korea, Iran, the South China Sea, the global Intermediate Nuclear Missiles regime; and everything else Bolton and Secretary of State Pompeo have ruined are done under Donald J. Trump’s authority as US President.

There is no doubt the man Bolton is well-intentioned and loves his country. It’s just that he is way past acknowledging that there are other people in the world besides himself and that they are deserving of love, caring, sharing and empathy.

Mr. Bolton is also correct about Maduro being bad for Venezuela and not being legitimately elected, but the failings are not about “socialism“, they are about criminality. Venezuela is run by criminals.

The flies that Bolton pulls the wings off may well be staggering around on their sea-legs muttering and cursing while wishing they were pterodactyls who could attack the cruel Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry and punch him back. Do the wings grow back? If they do, there may be blowback for Bolton.

This may seem perverse but no less true, that maybe we all have observed that most of the world laughs at the weirdos who pull the wings off flies. There is something so pathetic, it becomes ridiculous.

But the harm done is not funny. It has a domino effect that stretches timelessly while reaching into every living thing like a persistent and destructive parasite against sentient beings.

US Administration pulling wings off flies. US Administration pulling wings off flies. Jared Kushner wants to make big money helping Saudi Arabia develop nuclear weapons while NSA John Bolton wants to bomb Iran. None of it is going well. Broken treaties; collapsed climate control action; world trade fights; the Bolton-made crisis’s in North Korea, Iran, the South China Sea, the global Intermediate Nuclear Missiles regime; and everything else Bolton and Secretary of State Pompeo have ruined are done under Donald J. Trump’s authority as US President.
Photo Credit: Mandel Ngan, AFP ~ Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto

You can’t be mean to everything and everyone and expect a good result.

The United States has just embargoed everything to Venezuela so that everyone in the country has no food nor medicine. Only 45-50 million Americans suffer that same crisis but the rest will join if america doesn’t lower its debt or annual deficit.

    1. But after more than seven months of this hell, Nicolás Maduro is till in power, clinging like an immortal cockroach. In the USA, Trump is doing the same.
    2. The UN human rights commissioner, Michelle Bachelet  said Thursday, “I am deeply worried about the potentially severe impact on the human rights of the people of Venezuela of the new set of unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States this week.” Special rapporteurs have had some dire things to say about America too. Maybe instead of making other countries poor, the Trump administration should spend its time fixing American poverty?

      Nicholas Maduro legacy is heartbreak and despair. Nurse Francis says, "Every day now, I end up weeping for another Venezuelan". Photo Credit: UNHCR/Vincent Tremeau Nicholas Maduro legacy is heartbreak and despair. Nurse Francis says, “Every day now, I end up weeping for another Venezuelan I could not help.”
      Photo Credit: UNHCR/Vincent Tremeau Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto

    3. Blackouts in Venezuela are a new normal. Many countries have blackouts but in Venezuala they are completely unpredictable. (Well, that also is somewhat like New York City lately as American infrastructure begins to crumble for all the same reasons Venezuela’s infrastructure fails.) The reason behind the Venezuelan  blackouts is that the government’s members have stolen the people’s money intended for overhaul, maintenance and repair of the infrastructure and over 25 years the electrical system and supply grid decayed to the point of today being partially over stressed and near totally collapsed.
    4. Nicolás Maduro’s thugs conduct extrajudicial killings (EJK) at an ever increasing rate. Maduro is trying to rid the country of his opponents.
    5. The only responsible government body, the National Assembly, elected by the people, and Interim President Juan Guaidó, the former speaker of the national assembly has been sidelined by arrests, EJKs, and Maduro-Regime storm troopers.
    6. A beautiful country otherwise, Venezuela has little functioning infrastructure for pollution control, waste management, sanitation and public health. The Maduro-regime doesn’t seem to care, but both chronic illness and acute infections like amoebic dysentery are achieving a stronghold over humankind in Venezuela. Medicines are unavailable to most people.
    7. Venezuela is run by criminals who have been indicted elsewhere for serious crimes against humanity in Venezuela.
    8. Venezuela’s Maduro government has been sponsored by Iran, Russia and China but without any good effect for the people of Venezuela. Since these three countries have both military and oil interests in Venezuela, motives are suspect and any  prospect for a good outcome from their presence has been reduced to zero. Russia boasts of lucrative (but on credit?) military sales but what good are military aircraft if the people are starving?  The arguments are mindless intended for mindless throngs of Boltons.

Venezuela crisis is not helped by pulling the wings off the fly. Sick bug still flies. Venezuela crisis is not helped by pulling the wings off the fly. Sick bug still flies.
Background Police and Protesters: Photo Credit: Dagstream.
Maduro is official photograph.
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto