‘If I mattered.’ (What ordinary women might say to G7 Summit)

Things to talk about at the G7 Summit

FPM.news assembled a group of women from many walks of life to talk about what should be said and done to influence the men at the The Biarritz Summit (G7 Summit) starting today and running through Monday in Biarritz, France. This FPM.news report will refer to this source as “focus group”.

The women of the focus group speak on condition of personal anonymity from Venezuela, Canada, Syria, France, China, Ghana, Hong Kong and the Philippines.

None thought their views matter to anyone. FPM.news had to explain to some of these sources to this report what the G7 Group is all about and that one of the group of leaders is a woman and another is a feminist. Other members, the group was quick to advance, act like rabid misogynists. Some disagreed that Trudeau is a feminist.
“Some of these men outwardly and bitterly hate women,” noted three.

Making up the G7 are Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States plus the European Union. (“Yay,” said the focus group to EU.)

by Melissa Hemingway

“Here are the leaders, if I mattered,  who should listen to women,” advances the focus group.

  • Canada. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister.
  • France. Emmanuel Macron, President. (Host)
  • Germany. Angela Merkel, Chancellor.
  • Italy. Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister
  • Japan. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister.
  • United Kingdom. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister.
  • United States. Donald Trump, President.

+ European Union Council President Donald Tusk

(Note: Pink marks “the feminists who may be our voice”, according to the focus group.)

The focus group‘s message to the G7 in a paragraph: “Please realize that while the men in the global patriarch are running the world quickly toward war, most women and children stay home and worry. Most of the strife that happens to the feminine population is not of their making nor their choosing. Seek peace through a kinder approach to one another.” Oh, and  “Join voices for peace,” the women said.

Great women who earned authoritative roles are barely heard. Gender equality is still a dream. But while gender equality is just a dream, so too are the rights of nearly half the world’s people. Many of those women and their families have been holding hands across Hong Kong to say totalitarian rule is not an option for them.

Two women in the focus group fought back tears of frustration talking about the "games China is playing:" against the people of Hong Kong. Two women in the focus group fought back tears of frustration talking about the “games China is playing:” against the people of Hong Kong.
Photo Credit: Sky News Video Capture. See the full video in this article.
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPM.news

NOAA/NASA's Suomi NPP satellite collected this natural-color image using the VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) instrument on August 21, 2019. Smoke from the fires raging in in the Amazon basin has created a shroud that is clearly visible across much of the center of South America. NOAA/NASA’s Suomi NPP satellite collected this natural-color image using the VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) instrument on August 21, 2019. Smoke from the fires raging in in the Amazon basin has created a shroud that is clearly visible across much of the center of South America.

This week’s headlines worry the women of the focus group.

The all-women focus group asks the leaders of the G7 plus Europe to stay focussed on the challenges and avoid personal conflicts between the men.

  • The Rainforest in Brazil is on fire.
  • Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says, “We do not have the resources for that.” The fires have doubled destroying vast patches of a forest considered a vital instrument against climate change.
  • Jair Bolsonaro claims that humanitarians started the fires to make him look bad. He has done nothing to fight the fires until now as he claims his army will do the firefighting. He is currently involved in a ‘smack-jab’ with France’s Emmanuel Macron who has correctly pointed out the desperacy of the situation for the entire world.
  • The rainforest according to scientists provides 20% of Earth’s oxygen in the atmosphere, hence someone should put the fire out says Emmanuel Macron of France who hosts this weekend’s G7 Summit. That 20% may not be true science but the sentiment is true.
  • Britain, with American encouragement (BREXIT), is soon leaving the European Union to seek a bolder dominance in the dark-world armaments selling regime partnered with the United States.
  • The stock markets are tanking as trade wars cause global mental depression.
  • Donald Trump is off in the deep end after Xi Jinping fought back a little against. His tweets are toxic. (“OMG, do you think the ‘Brooklyn Dad’ is right?”, gasped one member of the Focus Group,)
  • The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is only getting worse as internal fighting joins the onslaught from Saudi Arabia plus Britain and America which use surrogates to blur the lines of state responsibility.
  • Trump’s Trade War on China causes blowback the world over.
  • Rohingya people in the world’s biggest and worst refugee camp were once a stable society in Myanmar (Burma).
  • China’s rule over Hong Kong is questionable when the families of an entire population step out on the street, join hands, protest while some cry.
  • China’s insurgents siripticiously embed Hong Kong and behave violently. Then China claims the protestors are violent hence its People’s Army may step in. China then surrounds Hong Kong with a massive Army.

Focus group member, Mirella, asked and we found it: The Brooklyn Dad.

Feminine-Perspective Magazine NPR’s Philip Reeves says a reporting trip to the state of Acre in western Brazil gave him a sense of the scale of destruction. “This area of land here — well inside the Amazon rainforest — is burning. I can see charred tree stumps all around me, smoke rising not just above this particular part of the fire but over in the distance,” he says. “All around, I can see the forest. But I can also see a large area — maybe 10, 12 football fields — that has been burned.” Photo Credit: Bruno Kelly/Reuters August 21, 2019 Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPM.news