The massacre of Yemen will be helped by Canada's misogynist Trudeau pushing global destabilization and war with Iran.

Reaction to Canada’s aiding Trump’s pending war against Iran:  “Members of Parliament in the Official Opposition in Canada’s parliament need to find their spines and force an election with a non-confidence vote,” say three Israeli Defence Forces (IDF)  members contacted by, speaking on condition of anonymity because IDF members are not permitted to make statements to the media.

One Saudi women, a patient of the writer Abbasi, said to, “We don’t need more bullets and tanks (LAV) we need more affordable cars for women to drive. Build those in Canada instead.”

Women’s betrayal by Canadian Patriarch of Justin Trudeau

by Behar Abbasi and Micheal John

Free Loujain al-Hathloul, Eman al-Nafjan and Aziza al-Yousef Canada joins Saudi Crown Prince in persecution of human rights defenders and tries to quash the Free Loujain al-Hathloul (left), Eman al-Nafjan (middle), and Aziza al-Yousef movement with armoured vehicles. File Photos from public domain — Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

According to Loujain sister, Lina al-Hathloul, under Mohammed bin Salman  Loujain al-Hathloul, a graduate of the University of British Columbia in Canada, spent eight months in solitary confinement which ended in February when she was transferred to the Al Hayer prison, 25 miles south of the Saudi capital of Riyadh.

Also according to her sister, Loujain has been subjected to torture at the order of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman including waterboarding, electric shocks, force feeding as well as threats of rape and murder. This has been done in an effort to force her to make a video saying she has not been tortured or sexually assaulted, which would of course be false.

The picture and its story:

Saudi Arabia wrongfully imprisoned women human rights defenders. These brave women argued for the right of women to drive cars. This has been going on for years as women are tortured in an effort to get them to say they have not been mistreated. Now Canada’s fraudulently claimed feminist-in-chief brings his patriarchal monster to join the human rights defender’s detractors.

The only Canadian male leader to ever use a fraudulent claim he was a feminist to get the female vote, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau closes another big arms deal with Saudi Arabia as three female human rights activists are held in Saudi gulags, raped and beaten regularly with no hope of release or a fair trial—not even a trial of any kind.

The trial of prominent human rights defenders who campaigned for women to be allowed to drive an automobile in Saudi Arabia was to hold its first open-court session mid March, nearly two years after the arrests.

The March 2020 trial postponed hearings indefinitely.

And Loujain al-Hathloul, 30, was sent back to the slammer to more sexual violence and torture.

She had been arrested by the House of Saud dictatorship in May 2018, along with 11 other women’s rights campaigners. Just over a month later, women in Saudi Arabia got behind the wheels of their cars and drove for the first time after over three decades of campaigning from activists to overturn the ban on women driving, or having any rights at all for that matter.

Free Loujain al-Hathloul, Eman al-Nafjan and Aziza al-Yousef say Amnesty International demonstrators Free Loujain al-Hathloul, Eman al-Nafjan and Aziza al-Yousef say Amnesty International demonstrators outside the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Paris on March 8, 2019. Photo Credit: Benoit Tessier/Reuters Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Canada Joins the Campaign to go to war against Iran, a Trump electoral ‘support-the-troops’  ploy like Trudeau’s fraudulent claim, “I am a feminist”.

The buildup of troops and weapons in Saudi Arabia and Iraq against Iran is being helped by Canada with a controversial sale of hundreds of aggressive land weapon systems built by America in their Canadian factory in London, Ontario.

Is Trudeau Conflicted Just Like MbS ?

  • Politicians are asking, “What’s the problem? He (MbS let women drive an automobile after 23 June 2018″.
  • America and Britain wish to sell cars to Saudi. Saudi wants their bombs to kill more little Yemeni children. It’s sick, isn’t it? Rationale:  Selling cars to women is a global 3.7 billion market, but fails if women are not permitted to drive?
  • MbS wants to behead the women who who were ‘right’ and petitioned for the right to drive.
  • MbS’s  mother wound runs deep. Trudeau too?
  • Prime example of the conflict embedded in men like MbS whose natural instinct is to love their mother but whose culture and personal shortcomings imply women must be suppressed. A woman pleads with the patriarch to allow her and her sisters to drive, so approve the reform but murder the ring leader of that reform. Conflicted?

American weapons maker to continue supplying weapon systems to Saudi from its plant in Canada. The residue of war. Canadian LAVs abandoned on the battlefield by Saudi Arabian soldiers fighting Yemenis. American weapons maker to continue supplying weapon systems to Saudi from its plant in Canada. Photo Credit: Source Supplied

The residue of war. Canadian LAVs abandoned on the battlefield by Saudi Arabian soldiers fighting Yemenis.

“For political reasons, America fronting Saudi Arabia is heading to war against Iran while Russia, Syria and Iran get ready to leave America’s rapidly expanding Middle East facilities in cinders,” notes Simon Baldock, a former IDF officer currently working as a private security operative.

Background reading:

  1. Trump distracts from US Yemen crimes as Houhtis say they will hit Saudi Arabia Aramco again.
  2. Yemeni rights trump Trump’s oil. Aramco blast was earned by bullying Yemen to near death.
  3. Saudi vs Yemen = USA vs Iran. Feed Trump Locusts too, says Melissa.
  4. Strain of the Unprecedented Yemen Cholera Outbreak Comes from Africa
  5. Yemen. Frustration mounts. Humanitarian Workers may walk away until criminals are arrested.
  6. WFP Food Aid for Yemen doesn’t reach needy because of obstructive, uncooperative Houthi leaders.
  7. USA Lawmakers try to stop American slaughter of Yemenis
  8. Hodeidah Yemen Agreement (UNMHA): 2 Generals Go
  9. Pinnacle of Human Failure is Yemen
  10. Mattis, who helped Kill 80,000 Yemeni Kids, just quit.
  11. Orange the World: Stop Toxic Men Slaughtering Yemen Babies
  12. What Yemen Moms can do to save baby from Cholera.
  13. Yemen: Trump/SA/UAE War Crimes Exposed (In Depth)

“Rumours suggest Boris Johnson has been invited to join America in a war with Iran but may be getting cold feet as COVID-19 Pandemic Worsens,” says source.  Johnson’s seat of government is more secure than his health.

“We are surprised that Canada has decided to back Trump’s political war against Iran.  Trump believes a pre-election war against Iran will distract from his immense flop in handling the COVID-19 crisis  and cleave the competition away from his roost in the White House,” says Baldock.

“Justin Trudeau has betrayed global solidarity in the fight against a pandemic by rushing to the rescue of Donald Trump’s war against Iran,” he adds. “But whatever Trump promised in return, Trump is renowned for not delivering on deals according to hundreds of lawsuits against the man,” notes Baldock.

Armaments deal back on despite Saudi not paying the seller $Billions

Trudeau had said the armaments deal with Saudi Arabia would be reviewed when Mohammad bin Salman ordered the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi and beheaded dozens of people, some of whom were human rights defenders, at least one was a kid.

Few countries are as scurrilous as Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, contributing most of the attackers on 11 September 2001 and funding the Islamic State’s extremely violent rise to stardom in Iraq. Since then Saudi Arabia has made war against the impoverished nation of Yemen when it tried to self-govern without the American puppet regime installed with Saudi help.

But lining politicians’ pockets goes a long way, for example being the only patrons of Trump’s hotels willing to spend millions on empty rooms in New York is one way of “greasing a palm”.

Killing 100s of thousands of Yemenis and now Iranians? Get them while they are down?

As 2020 rolled in, America and Saudi had left Yemen in ruin with an estimated 17.8 million people without safe water and sanitation, and 19.7 million without adequate healthcare. Many millions suffer malnutrition and children are dying from starvation,says UNISEF (Picture below.).

Feminine-Perspective Magazine HOW CAN THIS BE? A boy is screened for malnutrition in Sa’ada, Yemen, Thursday 20 October 2016. Nearly 182,000 children in Yemen were treated for severe acute malnutrition as of October 2016. It is 100 times worse today.

“At least 14.5 million people lack access to safe water and sanitation, according to UNICEF, Yemen. “And 14.8 million have limited or no access to health services, compounding a cholera crisis that has put 7.6 million people at risk. The nutrition situation has deteriorated, with 3.3 million children and pregnant or lactating women suffering from acute malnutrition and more than 460,000 children under 5 suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM). The near collapse of national services has left an estimated 2 million children out of school. Almost 2.2 million internally displaced persons, nearly half of them children, as well as 1 million returnees and many host communities are also in need of assistance.”

The UN secretary General says he fears Yemen may be slaughtered by COVID-19 as the ongoing conflict and the “deteriorating economic situation have put essential public services such as health on the verge of collapse, leaving children and women at even higher risk.”


Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Yemen father asks the question, “Why did you bomb my little boy”, on 9 August 2018 when an American and Saudi team dropped a 500 pound bomb on a school bus in Sa’naa. Photos source supplied.

Feminine-Perspective Magazine

As a result, Yemenis are unable to cope with their outbreaks of preventable diseases: cholera, diphtheria, measles, and dengue fever. Now they must fight the COVID-19 pandemic which has broken out in Hadramawt province.

But there is no cash on the table. Saudi is not paying, America pays. It’s a cash laundering scheme. Is GDLS paid under  the table in public?

This appears to be a money laundering scam wherein General Dynamics Land systems Division (GDLS) running a factory in Canada claims that their sale to Saudi is a “Canadian deal” and then Washington rubber stamps funding support to Saudi to pay the bill. Is that how GDLS got the order? Is Trudeau that stupid? (Don’t bother saying, “it happens all the time.” We are in the midst of a pandemic and thousands of Canadians will die owing to Trudeau’s smug complacency telling Canadians that they are not at risk so we [government] do nothing.) 

Giving weapons systems to Saudi Arabia in support of gender-based violence.

Canada wants a big piece of the cash as Saudi’s second largest military equipment seller, despite the fact that Saudi has not been paying its bills. It may yet owe Canada as much as 4.8 billion dollars.

“Under our law, Canadian goods cannot be exported where there is a substantial risk that they would be used to commit or to facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law, international human rights law or serious acts of gender-based violence,” says the Canadian government.

But Saudi Arabia invented gender-based violence, owns gender-based violence and currently holds prisoner some Canadian-based human rights defenders.

Meghan Markle appeared in the April issue of Vanity Fair along with Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul at the One Young World Summit in Ottawa in October 2016 CREDIT: Vanity Fair / JASON SCHMIDT Meghan Markle appeared in the April issue of Vanity Fair along with Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul, now in a Saudi gulag,  at the One Young World Summit in Ottawa in October 2016 Photo credit: Vanity Fair / JASON SCHMIDT


Trudeau says it is about “Jobs”

The people above and below have been doing jobs as well. Two were human rights defenders and one was hired to kill them and others.

Jamal Khashoggi - 13 Oct 1958 - 2 Oct. 2018 Survived by life partner: Hatice Cengiz & four children with 1st wife Rawia al-Tunisi. Jamal Khashoggi – 13 Oct 1958 – 2 Oct. 2018
Survived by life partner: Hatice Cengiz & four children with 1st wife Rawia al-Tunisi.

Salah Muhammad al-Tubaiqi, head of the forensic medicine department at the Saudi interior ministry Salah Muhammad al-Tubaiqi, head of the forensic medicine department at the Saudi interior ministry chopped up Jamal’s body according to Turkish intelligence sources.

Jason W. Aiken, General Dynamics senior vice president and Chief Financial Officer, told analysts during a quarterly earnings call in February that the company, which produces the combat vehicles at its plant in London, Ontario, received a small payment in January and expects another $665 million ($500 million US) later this year.

Canada is keeping the lifting of a 2018 ban on new sales to Saudi Arabia close to the vest, making an announcement before a four day long weekend in the middle of a nationwide lock down.

For a Prime Minister who claims to be a feminist and assures Canadians that he is no misogynist, he sure supports patriarchs that fear strong women who are bigger successes in business; beats the life out of women who complain about that; and one that rips their babies from their arms.

Sabrina Meng, Political Prisoner in Canada
Sabrina MengThe CFO of Huawei Technologies, a Woman-Run Global Business, & Deputy Chair of its Board, Ms. Meng inspires & enables forward-looking engineers of Huawei 5G infrastructure. She holds a master’s degree from Huazhong University of Science & Technology. Ms. Meng has continually worked to improve treasury risk & tax compliance management systems & helped to make financial operations within Huawei more efficient, agile, & intelligent. She is held in detention on bail in Vancouver at the request of the Trump government which says she might be released if the US gets a good trade deal with China. Source: FPMag, Huawei & Forbes

Israa al-Ghomgham and her peers are Political Prisoners in Saudi Arabia. 
Israa al-GhomghamWomen Human Rights Defenders in Saudi Arabia are grossly mistreated. Israa al-Ghomgham does not want to be killed by Mohammed bin Salman who says he wants her put to death. Others fear that too. Her fate is uncertain. She has been imprisoned since 2015 for driving a car in Saudi Arabia and other annoyances to the House of Saud. For example, she wanted equal rights for Shi’ite Muslims living in the eastern province of Qatif in her country that she loves deeply. The RINJ Foundation says that Saudi Arabia must release all human rights defenders from prison. Many are beaten and raped regularly according to FPMag sources. The RINJ Foundation has written to bin Salman and requested their release, even offering to post bail.

Political Prisoner Loujain al-Hathloul was said to be the most influential human rights defenders in Saudi Arabia. Loujain’s health and safety are under attack. Sources says she is being raped and beaten by her jailers.
Loujain al-Hathloul Imprisoned many times for driving a car in that country she was incarcerated permanently. She is a Saudi women’s rights activist, a social media figure, and a political prisoner. She is a graduate of the University of British Columbia in Canada. The RINJ Foundation has repeatedly demanded her release from prison since May 2018 when she was last arrested along with several prominent women’s rights activists, on the charge of attempting to destabilise the kingdom of Saudi Arabia by speaking out against escalating human rights violations since Mohammed bin Salman took power. Activists have protested abuses of women’s rights and even the horrific war against humanity in Yemen.


That the House of Saud dictatorship in Saudi Arabia has no scruples there is little doubt. As Yemen faces possible annihilation by the coronavirus pandemic which could ravage 15 million malnourished women and children, Canada is returning to its arrangement of arming Saudi fighting forces against both Yemen and Iran. No Canadian government should survive that treachery. And that is what Canadians are all about.

American weapons maker to continue supplying weapon systems to Saudi from its plant in Canada. “Nothing is good about this deal. In fact it stinks to high hell,” says humanitarians. American weapons maker to continue supplying weapon systems to Saudi from its plant in Canada. Photo Credit: GDLS

Already Iranian militia in Syria have threatened Canadian medical workers in the past 24 hours. Their claim is that Canada is arming saudi Arabia for a pending attack against Iranian interests in the Persian Gulf region as a surrogate of the United States.

Not since the invasion of Iraq has the USA based its troops in Saudi Arabia. Now the USA has thousands of troops and thousands of tons of equipment in Saudi.


“Taken together with other deployments, this [deployment] constitutes an additional 3,000 forces that have been extended or authorised within the last month,” Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said last October.

The United States for two years has been amassing a number of military bases in many countries to surround Iran. The US has sent many thousands more troops to Saudi Arabia in recent months.

It has at least five facilities in Iraq which the Iraq parliament has told the Americans to close and leave but Washington said it refuses.

Not content with killing Canadians by calling the COVID-19 pandemic a non-event, Justin Trudeau flows with America toward a war with Iran nobody in the world wants.

Now Canada will be sending more armoured vehicles built by US defence industrial giant General Dynamics from a factory it operates on Canadian soil. Canadians need an end to this minority government and an election to get rid of Trudeau. That would hand the reins to the only Canadian who has what it takes tl lead Canadians to safety from this distrous mess Trudeau created.