Week 17. The Week in April 2019 that Changed the World

Five items changed the world in week 17. A lovely old dad ignited new hope; vaxxers proven right; a new resolve will rid bloody Islam; & UNSC declares war on women, who will fight back. Why does the world need the UNSC anyway. Be gone, UNSC.

  1. Former US VP Joe Biden says he can’t stand by and watch the accidental president Donald Trump give hatred a safe harbour. The wise grandpa with the sharp logical mind and the kindest heart on planet Earth is desperately craved. A great dad could be embraced in a broken-hearted world that is sliding toward self-destruction.
  2. Medical workers can say AntiVaxxers are winning because preventable disease pathogens are back, stronger than ever. Medical workers learned the scary truth that numerous microbes once killed are now resurgent. Among the ‘antivaxxers’ there is no medical education, only big pharma-disgust. White coats in the trenches share that disdain for greedy monsters but don’t dare throw the baby out with the yukky bath water. American education standards are exposed as lax when families fail to cope with kids’ allergies. There’s no excuse. Learn to be a parent. The same people are sending peanut butter to school. It’s not about vaccinations, it’s root is ignorance or stupidity. In nature’s battles, the fittest survive. Ignorance can be cured with knowledge; stupidity will be left behind as the strongest survive nature’s wars. Choose carefully where to  stand.
  3. Vladimir Putin, the quintessential statesman, and the great cultural heritage and compassion of Russia embraced an old friend that has been in the dark for decades. Will each of Mr. Kim and Mr. Putin’s new paradigm–since the crazy days–bring about compassion for 8 million starving Koreans? The body language and the words are encouraging. The world craves more of Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un, happy, together.
  4. The Salafi-extremist ghouls in Riyadh beheaded 37 souls and crucified one, all of whom criticized the House of Saud’s wretched hooliganism and most of whom were Shia minorities. America and Britain didn’t bat an eye. The Saudi leadership and its reprehensible and brain-dead-brand of Islam are malignant cancers on human kind the world has decided to eradicate. Britain and America’s arms dealers are a cancers too. Cancer can be beaten.
  5. The UNSC changed the world and started a war with women. Once the world had hope for the United Nations but the wimps around the UNSC table were barked into an intellectual fog where they were ruled by fear of losing wealth. Their political masters’ power-greed allowed a psychopath in the US White House run the show.
    They denied raped women in war zones the reproductive health care they need. So ends the respect for the United Nations’ so-called Security Council.  Of security and safety, it affords none to half the globe’s population, all women.
  6. The UNSC must be abolished. World government is one answer. China is excluded unless its clever leader Xi Jinping welcomes a cultural paradigm shift to merge some of China to the rest of the world. Maybe that’s next. That leaves Europe and Russia for now as brand managers for a quasi world government that could be very good. Why doesn’t Europe and Russia become good friends? The door is now open as the UNSC, NATO and America failed everyone. They were flat-Earth ideas anyway. The world is round.


The week in April 2019 that changed the worldClick to enlarge. The Week in April 2019 that changed the world.
Photo credits: Biden for President; Kremlin.ru; United Nations, Times of India
Photo Art: Rosa Yamamoto FPM.news

That was the week that was.


Please spread the word of some humble medical workers who share the truths on Vaccination! Together we can teach the world how easy it is to cope with the tiny percentile who may have an allergy to proteins used in the creation of vaccines. Meanwhile, the enemy is not who you think… its what you cannot see.

Micheal John | Editor

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