RINJ Announces 2019 End-Child-Sex-Trade Campaign will get nasty on Porn

The 7th Annual “Don’t Buy a Kid – End Child Sex Trade” Campaign gets underway this year with two new features.

by Sharon SantiagoFPM.news Staff Writer

“Let’s get the anti-child exploitation messageout stronger this year,” said Katie Alsop of The RINJ Foundation in a speech to workers last week.

The civil society women’s group says that its 2019 “End Child Sex Trade” program adds incest and child rape prevention training for mothers.

Recent Research Indicates How Poverty and War have escalated to a 30% rise the trafficking of girls for sex slavery.

  1. Case studies show porn drives the child sex trade (see two case studies below by Melissa Hemingway). “Hence, fighting porn is also part of the 2019 campaign, says Katie. “It’s going to get nasty on porn-site owners and promoters,” she adds.
  2. In 2019, a rapid growth of trafficking cases in the United States of America and in Canada has been fed by victims trafficked from Central America at an alarming rate.
  3. Africa and South Asia are regions where traffickers continue to act with relative impunity. Much work is needed.
  4. In the Philippines where literally millions of women work outside the country to stave off poverty at home, children are incredibly vulnerable to rape, incest and human trafficking and nobody has a real pulse on the quantum. RINJ clinic surveys indicate that 8 out of 10 children say they have experienced sexual assault, rape, or sexual harassment.

Don't buy a kid. End child sex trade. @rapeisnojoke 2016 - 4th Annual Campaign #DontBuyAKid Don’t buy a kid.
End child sex trade.
@rapeisnojoke 7th Annual Campaign #DontBuyAKid

Photo Credit: by Melissa Hemingway

Michele Francis, a RINJ Foundation nurse speaking from Venezuela says that “child exploitation crime is growing in poverty stricken areas and because of the dire economic crisis in Venezuela, the human traffickers are finding that even parents are willing to sell their children into child sex slavery”.

Feminine-Perspective MagazineShe is asking supporters of the campaign against child exploitation to donate to the campaign.


Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Photo Credit: UNODC


Where Trafficking is mostly Girls for Sex Slavery and Traffickers enjoy Impunity.

According to the UN Global Report on Trafficking in Persons for the year 2018, many countries in Africa and Asia continue to have very low numbers of convictions for trafficking, and at the same time detect fewer victims.

Reporting limited numbers of detected victims and few convictions does not necessarily mean that traffickers are not active in these countries.

“In fact,” says the reports author, Yury Fedotov, who is Executive Director
of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “victims trafficked from sub-regions with low detection and conviction rates are found in large numbers in other sub-regions.”

“This suggests that trafficking networks operate with a  high degree of impunity in these countries. This impunity could serve as an incentive to carry out more trafficking.” UN-Global-Report-on-Trafficking-in-Persons 2018

Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Photo Art Credit: Rosa Yamamoto FPM.news


Two Case Studies: One from Canada, One from USA/Philippines

Republished from the FPM.news Academia section, June 23, 2018 Originally titled: “RINJ Case Work Proves Porn Drives Child Sex Trade“.

Since 2007 in its previous incarnation, the RINJ Campaign, now The RINJ Foundation studied numerous organized porn crime groups. RINJ conducted many investigations into missing children and women who have vanished because of organized crime’s internet activities related to human trafficking, the sex worker industry, and pornography (often correlated).

by Melissa Hemingway Feminine-Perspective Staff

Pursuant to its research The RINJ Foundation says it has has repeatedly issued statements proposing a ban on internet pornography including the porn pages of Facebook because it claims Pornography Drives Child Sex Trade, rape, incest, and advances misogyny. Read the two cases that follow and see if you agree. The group says it has a sponsor willing to pay the reward of $50,000 for each case that comes to a prosecution and conviction against child sex slave traders. Winners of the reward cannot be members of the organization nor the media.

50,000 RewardImage: The RINJ Foundation


Updated: The Case of Brian Way (Regina Vs Way) in Canada Bagged Hundreds of Internet Quasi-Porn & Soft-Porn-Buying Customers who Commit their own Child Sex Trade Crimes of a worse kind.

One independent Facebook actor case recently resulted in a ten-year prison sentence for a Toronto man, Mr. Brian Way who said to RINJ  in 2006 that at one time he had been an Ottawa, Ontario police officer and who initially sold films promoting sports and nudist camps. Read: R._v._Way_2015_ONSC_3080

The importance of this case is more about the customers of Mr. Way and their activities that exploited children physically. Because of Mr. Way’s cooperation with the FBI in the USA literally hundreds of sex offenders were put under surveillance and many such operations resulted in removing dangerous offenders from society.

Our point is that porn of any kind, especially that which includes children, causes people with a proclivity toward child exploitation to become activated. — The RINJ Foundation women

RINJ Campaign workers (RINJ Campaign was the original name of The RINJ Foundation) had been told by supporters and contributors that their focus on female-only missing and exploited children was misandrist behaviour and it should focus in a more gender balanced manner. One such complainant was an American in North Carolina who posed as an anti-crime crusader with a web page (CrimeFightersUSA.com and probably baikalfilms.blogspot.com) devoted to antagonizing Mr. Way and whom Mr. Way in 2007 described as a full blown pedophile who was ‘guilty of serious crime’.

RINJ workers met Mr. Way and his mother, an American woman named Sandra Waslo. She at the time lived in Mississauga but originally hailed from Staford VA USA and would go back there.

Ironically, Mr. Way identified himself in 2006 as a person who assisted police in capturing sex offenders because the third party films he sold attracted “shady characters”. He said his law enforcement contacts were in the USA. He clearly stated that he intended to make a lot of money in this business but that he did not want to violate the statutes of any country.

In December 2006 he was informed that UPS deliveries of purchased films were not reaching customers. Apparently police seized two or three garbage bags full of these films on November 27, 2006.

Mr. Way told RINJ workers that he was contacted by Toronto Police Services’ child exploitation unit and a meeting was requested for December 19, 2006. At that meeting Mr, Way and his lawyer were told by an Officer Purchas, “I have no right to keep these movies because they’re lawful movies” and the films were returned.

Saturday, December 23, 2006 1:38 PM >FYI Toronto PD wrapped up an investigation into me and my company regarding my products. CLEARED of any wrong doing; business as usual. 🙂 > Have a good Christmas. > B.

In late 2006 the case of moviebizz.com, baikalfilms.com, Azovfilms.com and 4p5p.com had also been raised in numerous online complaints as being a business that exploited male children. (Other domains used in this quasi-porn business included acmefilmfactory.org, acmefilmsone.org, ataboyfilms.net, ataboyfilms.org, blackseafilms.com, boytune.net, boytune.org, crimefightersusa.net, crimefightersusa.org, crimefighterusa.net, crimefighterusa.org, europasunproductions.com, pojkart.com, pojkart.net, pojkart.org, tinysumo.0rg, tinysumo.com, tinysumo.net, tvbrian.com, and tvdop.com.)

Azov Web Site on March 5, 2011The RINJ Foundation Case Against Internet Porn AzovFilms-crimePhoto Credit: Captured from WayBackWhen – Internet Archives

The Azov site offered for sale sports and nudist camp DVDs that based on freeze-frame capture imagescontained both adults and children, none of which ‘actors’ apparently were performing sexual acts according to Way and later Supreme Court Justice Julie Thorburn’s eventual judgment and reasons. Notwithstanding what Mr. Way had to say, RINJ workers were told an opinion that while the films may not be considered unlawful in Canada, they could be unlawful elsewhere.

Mr. Way told the RINJ Campaign that he was in constant contact with the FBI and he was supplying detailed information about subscribers to his films. Mr. Way said that even though the films he sold were not of a criminal nature, the people who were entertained by such material did comprise a group he had disdain for; those people who were pedophiles and were inclined to commit sex crimes against children. That would suggest he knew that his content at least contributed to crime.

Way also said that as a former police officer he felt a strong community spirit and wanted to help law enforcement even though he sought to make money from a borderline unlawful enterprise. Toronto Police were non-responsive to RINJ queries for corroboration.

The RINJ Campaign group became distracted when the small team turned its focus on exploited males and females within the Catholic Church, an investigation that led to Ontario’s numerous survivors of priest-wrongdoing being compensated by the Ontario, Canada Criminal Injuries Compensation Board and to the United States where illegal medical procedures were being used against females to circumnavigate the definitions of crime contained in US Federal and State laws forbidding female genital mutilation (FGM)The RINJ Foundation adduces that FGM is a crime of Sexual Assault if no specific statute applies

In 2008 Mr. Way disengaged from his rusing contacts of the RINJ Campaign when he claimed angrily that he was being hacked or sabotaged in his web site. It was at that time that his hosting company PRQ dumped him. The RINJ Campaign team working on the case never confirmed nor denied destroying the web sites of Mr. Way following the second ‘wave-off by the Toronto Police Services. Mr. Way at the time emphatically claimed that he had been given a “pass” by US government agencies and by Toronto Police Services.

Later in 2009 RINJ Campaign volunteers revisited the Way site which was still up and running. Mr. Way appeared to be making his own films by hiring subcontractors. In fact Mr. Way was acting in a manner other global sex offenders operate (read the case of Michael Carey Clemans) by creating arm’s-length hires to do their dirty work.

Complaints were filed but RINJ workers who were told by law enforcement both in Canada and the United States once again that Mr. Way had not committed a crime and leave police work to police. Mr. Way had complained that RINJ Volunteers had attacked his web site and deleted its files. RINJ was already in a fight to expose FGM in the United States by trying to create the first refugee in Canada from the USA surrounding an allegation of Female Genital Mutilation. The claimant was able to give a statement to the Refugee Board which denied that FGM could occur in North America. Law enforcement did not want to hear anything RINJ had to say about AzovFilms.com and of course denied profusely that there was any such thing as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in North America.

Phoning police did not have a good result in 2007 and 2008 but in early 2010, following repeated anonymous and identified RINJ complaints posted on social media and to criminal complaint sites as well as to Canadian CrimeStoppers, Toronto Police with the help of the FBI, RINJ learned at the time, had begun to investigate the Azov and Baikal Films sites previously located in Sweden at prq.se but subsequently moved to the USA after PRQ’s Gottfrid Svartholm shut Asov Films‘ site down allegedly because it received complaints and hacking attempts that made *PRQ fear for its network. The investigative Project Spade ironically used data supplied by Way to the FBI. (*PRQ claims to be a specialized hosting provider, located in Sweden, a free-speech haven. “We serve a growing community of international clients with special needs.” Seven swedes were arrested by Project Spade.).

Mr. Way was arrested in May, 2011 and held in jail until final sentencing in August 2016. About this time period, the trial judge years later heard complaints from Mr. Way that he had been sexually assaulted and beaten by Corrections Officers and Court Officers. He was given relief of 6 months from his sentence.

Superior Court Justice Julie Thorburn in Ontario, Canada on August 8, 2016 found that 57 out of approximately 800 films sold online by Mr. Way met the legal definition of child pornography. She noted that Way’s films initially were outside the definition but that his films became increasingly sexually explicit over the years to the point where illegal content was found in 2011. She also noted that the content of the films is at the “low end of the spectrum” for child pornography since no sexual acts were performed. He was sentenced to 10 years prison and a fine of ,000 Cdn. Including time served since 2011, he would be released in 20 months (Spring 2018) following his August 2016 sentence.

This case should be a warning to anyone who thinks they can incorporate children into even erotica or quasi-porn with impunity. It supports the RINJ argument that a total ban on Internet Pornography especially that featuring children would enhance the safety of millions of women and children. — The RINJ Foundation women

The impact of the R V Way Case

By 2013, as a result of police accessing Mr, Way’s customer lists and investigating these people 50 persons were arrested in Ontario, 58 in the rest of Canada, 76 in the United States, and 164 around the world. Among those arrested were 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors and priests and three foster parents.

In one instance police found over 350,000 images and over 9,000 videos of child sexual abuse in the home of a retired Canadian school teacher. Some of the images were of children known to the accused. He was charged with sexually abusing a child relative.

Mr. Way was not convicted of trafficking children, he was convicted of producing, owning and distributing porn that caused extraordinary harm to countless numbers of children as secondary crimes stimulated by his enterprise.

To this day there are still investigations underway relating to customer lists of this case. Not that it matters much but there still are unanswered questions about why Mr. Way was given a pass. Some observers near where Mr. Way was making his films suggest that the CIA was running some of the actors in Mr. Way’s films.

1.) Azov Films Used for Blackmail of Officials
2.) CIA Child sex SlavesAccording to testimony given to a US government committee, the CIA makes use of child sex slaves to blackmail and control top people.The testimony of the extraordinary and prolific  Claudia Mullen about an event that took place when she was aged 9:”I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how ‘to sexually please men.'”Also, I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves.”It was Richard Helms, who was Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Gottlieb, Captain George White and Morse Allen, who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible…”I was used to entrap many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera.”I was only 9 years old when this kind of sexual humiliation began.””The CIA kept hotel rooms in two of the best hotels in New Orleans, and year around, they kept a suite.”It was unique in that it had two bedrooms and one bedroom was where they kept the hidden cameras and I was actually shown the hidden cameras by three men who handled that part of it.”They called him Captain George White – he was formerly a doctor. He used to be in the narcotics squad in California and then he became a doctor, and joined the CIA.”And then there were two other men who worked with him.”They would put me with the subjects who would be filmed (the men) and then when the men would come into town – I am talking about local politicians, government officials – anybody who they needed to possibly get something on, keep on file for future reference – should they need to coerce this person into supporting the projects.

“Senators, congressmen, anything like that – if they were in town, they were given this room. They had no reason to think there was anything strange about the room. It didn’t look any different than any other room – it was just one of the better suites in the two hotels. …

“When I was first told this I was nine and I went to the Deep Creek Cabins in Maryland. That’s when I was taught I was going to be part of this project…”

Mr. Way’s matter has certainly brought to light some of the worst of society. A lot of  the information and testimony from over 300 accused is outrageous.

On the basis of Mr. Way’s matter
, RINJ adduces that Internet Pornography drives Child Sex Trade and particularly content featuring children should be banned.

Another case that is very instructive:

The case of Philippines Child Trafficker Michael Carey Clemans

The RINJ Foundation - Clemans

According to court documents, beginning in June 2014, Michael Carey Clemans conspired with a woman in the Philippines to produce child pornography. During much of the conspiracy, Clemans was temporarily residing in Bangkok, Thailand, where he worked as an airline pilot. In April 2015, Clemans returned to his Sacramento residence and continued his overseas conspiracy using his online account to chat with the Filipino woman. In these chats, Clemans discussed various strategies to obtain minor girls whom he could rape. Clemans instructed the Filipino woman on how to find vulnerable victims, directing her to look for orphans and victims of typhoons.

According to RINJ’s Sharon Santiago, some ten million Filipino moms work as Overseas Foreign Workers (OFW) and their children are not cared for at home, in fact, she notes, “the children are being raped at home in the Philippines while the moms are putting up with sexual abuse in other countries as domestic workers”. Note: PH President Duterte recently cancelled OFWs headed for Kuwait because of numerous and horrid sexual abuses of Filipino OFWs in Kuwait meanwhile dozens of children of OFWs have endured sexual assaults and rape.

A group is urging the Davao, Philippines local government to look into the “disturbing plight” of the children of the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) from Davao City. Davao Today.

According to a RINJ Foundation straw poll, some 80% or more children in the Philippines are subjected to rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment.

The accused Michael Carey Clemans gave his employee in the Philippines explicit instructions on how to photograph children’s naked bodies so he could determine which ones he would come to the Philippines to rape. He indicated in chats with the Filipino woman that he was particularly interested in very young virgins.

On multiple occasions, Michael Carey Clemans paid another co-conspirator to obtain temporary custody of the children in the Philippines and produce child pornography for him.

According to evidence adduced at trial, Clemans engaged in another scheme with separate individuals in November 2013, in which he traveled from the United States to Manila for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct with minors, including an 11-year-old girl, after requesting and receiving pornographic images of minors whom he expected to rape.

(The Michael Carey Clemans case is the product of an extraordinary investigation by the USA Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). Assistant U.S. Attorneys Andre M. Espinosa and Colleen M. Kennedy are the prosecutors in the case. With appeals and administrative hearings the case will continue for years. Michael Carey Clemans at the time of publication was serving a life sentence (January 23, 2018 – Michael Carey Clemans was sentenced by U.S. District Judge John Mendez to life imprisonment in a federal penitentiary.) in the USA.)

Studying Human Trafficking is Also Instructive

According to the 2016 report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the vast majority of all human trafficking victims – some 71 per cent – are women and girls and one third are children. These reports are done every two years. As of February 2018 the latest report is: 2016_Global_Report_on_Trafficking_in_Persons.

Trafficking for sexual exploitation and for forced labour remain the most prominently detected forms, but victims are also being trafficked to be used as beggars, for forced or sham marriages, benefit fraud, or production of pornography,” says UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov.

The 2016 UNODC Global Report disaggregates data on the basis of gender and found that women and girls are usually trafficked for marriage and sexual slavery.

Worldwide, it is estimated that 28 per cent of trafficking victims are children, but children account for 62 per cent in Sub-Saharan Africa and 64 per cent in Central America and the Caribbean. Sixty nine countries detected trafficking victims from Sub-Saharan Africa between 2012 and 2014.

Mr. Fedotov emphasized a link between armed groups & human trafficking, noting how armed groups often engage in trafficking in their territories of operation, coercing women and girls into marriages or sexual slavery, and pressing men and boys to act as forced labour or combatants.

Honestly we don’t know exactly how many children have been trafficked for sex into or within any particular country. Sex trafficking is a hidden crime and recorded statistics are almost certainly an under-estimate. RINJ looks at behaviour of aggressors like ISIS/Boko Haram etc. in war zones, internet traffic, sniffed phrases embedded in traffic, movement of population groups and the movement of money as best we can. RINJ assesses information from RINJ members and former “child sex slaves“. We look at convictions and court data to make an estimate of how many children are trafficked by each organization cell and arrive at a coefficient of crime, a quantum per activity, that can give us a total number. The numbers are horrendous–mind boggling.


RINJ, a Civil Society women’s group has issued statements proposing a ban on internet pornography because it claims Pornography Drives Child Sex Trade and advances misogyny.

In the Past Six Years RINJ Has Studied the Impact of Internet Porn

In doing its work The RINJ Foundation has concluded that the safety of women and children would be enhanced by discouraging or better yet banning the publishing of internet porn. The mechanics of such a ban are onerous but it is possible to compel browser distributors to introduce and maintain a pornography-blocking capability and for entire nations to block certain known websites. It is also possible to create laws that forbid IP block owners to allow dangerous porn sites.

In 2012 The RINJ Foundation adduced that “Pornography Drives Child Sex Trade” and in 2018 will begin to campaign to remove the publishing of dangerous pornography, in particular, child porn or quasi-child-porn tricks avoidance of the definition for which many nations do not have laws and enforcement.

Banning all internet porn must happen eventually. Does that mean that pornography would go back to DVD or equivalent technology publishing? Probably. But whatever it takes, society must stand between sexually violent criminals and children and their families. Any sex with children is a crime. Marginalizing women to the point of being objects also encourages crime on a large scale.

The internet is a collection of connected computers in our global community. We need to clean it up by eliminating threats to the safety of women and children. That includes pornography. — The RINJ Foundation women

Generally evaluate the impact of Porn Already Online

  1. Does internet porn marginalize women? Yes.
  2. Does internet porn Exploit Children? Yes.
  3. Does internet porn include Portrayal of Bestiality? Yes.
  4. Is Internet Porn a conduit for Crime? Yes.
  5. Is internet Porn Harmful: Yes
  6. Does internet porn stimulate and grow a market for human trafficking? Yes.

Don't buy a kid = End child sex slavery. RINJ 2019 7th Annual Campaign #EndChildSexTrade Don’t buy a kid = End child sex slavery. RINJ 2019 7th Annual Campaign #EndChildSexTrade