Women and girls in Ukraine war spread HIV/HBV when raped

Infected men leaving the war zones in Ukraine will bring HIV, HBV and syphilis home with them according to the data from nurses testing/treating women and children in Ukraine and forwarding data to Singapore biostatistician Dr. Fred Harris who has been running the disease tracking center for COVID-19 since 2019.

By Melissa Hemingway in Ukraine and Micheal John in Toronto

Watch “A war that should have ended 2 summers
ago cost hundreds of thousands of lives.”


Poster and video courtesy The RINJ Foundation-Ukraine and its NWOB unit, The Nurses Without Borders in Ukraine. Every woman humanitarian working in a women and girl’s shelter or a clinic asks Melissa Hemingway to scribe, “End this War“.

“Since 2014, Azov Nazis have been issuing badges as trophies for the number of Donetsk women they have raped. The girls they are raping over and over have mostly been infected with HIV, hepatitis B, and other sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STDs / STIs). Syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, well, a plethora of bacteria, viruses and/or parasites, have dominated the workload for nurses meeting with patients who present with hushed words about problem rashes ‘down there’ which include ringworm, aphthous ulcers (cankers), and other lesions and symptoms,” explained Alona Adamovich, a Ukrainian Nurse Practitioner and RINJ Foundation director for Ukraine.

“These three STDs, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea can cause serious, long-term crisis if not fully treated, especially for teenagers and young women today, and we are seeing patients with complex coinfections of these and HIV,” Nurse Adamovich added.

“Some are already experiencing partial liver function.”

“Dr. Nassima al Amouri (medical director) made us start sending all our data to Dr. Harris in Singapore starting last November. We just got our first consolidated report back. What is most interesting is that there is a pattern forming between the HIV + HBV+ syphilis between some tested males and victims and their location as in which clinic’s area  they were tested within,” explained Nurse Adamovich.

“I am a little worried that may be an indicator of how our teams are testing so we are following up on that question at Dr. Harris’ request,” noted Alona.

“So how many women and girls are infected with HIV?” Ms. Adamovich was asked hours ago in Ukraine.

“Many thousands. And about 20% also have hepatitis B (HBV) as well, which is an abnormally high percentage,” was Alona’s reply. “I am not going to get into details right now because I don’t know the public health confidentiality rules from region to region.  I did when it was all Ukraine but so much has changed. Several people are working on the rules as they apply to sharing public health data but it is complicated by war. All six sides have different points of view,” she said.

“What is important is that people at home must take precautions when their partner returns from the war. Also, women here must not ignore symptoms. We can help. That is the significance of the data and also, we need much more money if we are going to provide new antiretroviral medications in a single dose. We have the old stuff [nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, or NRTIs] but it is dated.”

Needless deaths of hundreds of thousandsUnbearable loss,” is how nurses and doctors in Ukraine describe their patients’ agony from loss of loved ones which complicates the patients’ own injuries and disease. Video capture from footage above. Photo Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine


What are HIV symptoms? Courtesy The RINJ Foundation.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) & Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Most people may develop symptoms similar to flu, 2–6 weeks after catching the virus. This is called acute retroviral syndrome. The symptoms of early HIV infection may include:

  • fever
  • chills
  • joint pain
  • muscle aches
  • sore throat
  • sweats (particularly at night)
  • enlarged glands
  • a red rash
  • tiredness
  • weakness
  • unintentional weight loss
  • thrush

Feminine-Perspective by Alona Adamovich, Ukrainian Nurse

As reported earlier this week.

“Currently in Ukraine we have 850 local women volunteers and a dwindling number of RINJ Women Overseas Foreign Workers. While the number of OFWs are reduced, very senior trainers have been brought into my country and into the Donbass during the summer from other countries to upgrade the training and certification of our top tier of local practitioners and workers,” explains Ms. Adamovich. “The leaders’ skills represent over 600 person-years of war zone experience,” she added.

“We have cut OFW staff out of the need to get the Canadians out of the country because of the current crisis in Canada over the country’s government support for Neo-Nazis and WWII Nazi war criminals,” she added. “These workers are in grave danger despite our efforts to assuage concerns on where we stand. We say publicly and privately, “Forgive deluded exaltation in Parliament of the Waffen SS but do not forgive Nazis. Nevertheless people on all sides are upset at Canadians here, mostly in my opinion out of complete ignorance and propaganda too,” notes Ms. Adamovich.

“This war must end within months or else Ukraine will cease to exist, win or lose—we don’t have any people left—and also the risk of global nuclear war could soon be realized if war continues and a nuclear mishap occurs,” Nurse Adamovich added.

Ukraine HIV - HBV Epidemic