Peace on Earth thirty days before Christmas. Is it possible? Narrated Music Video.

Forward by Beverley Baldock. Ruffian Angel is a Canadian music artist, composer, drummer, guitarist, lyricist and singer. He is also an author and a humanitarian. Ruffian Angel is the stage name of our editor, Micheal John, my dear friend.

All Photos by Micheal JohnMerry Christmas

“It is difficult to get into the spirit of the season in 2023. I figured the world has a lot to learn about getting back on track to where we can all get along. Listen. Tell me if you agree.” Beverley Baldock

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Hello, this is Ruffian Angel.

Last November 25th, I started capturing some Christmas spirit in images in Toronto.
I hope the spirit that I found is in your hearts as well. The lines I write each day are for some songs in a 10-song album currently under production.
It’s been a while since I released anything new but new music is coming.

On November 27th, I had a great day in Toronto finding lots of Christmas spirit and I wrote down these thoughts.

Each person you hug, hold, embrace in your heart, each heart you hold in your heart, they are the ones who will mourn you on the day of your passing. Love them well that they may celebrate your life and be the best they can be from your having existed.

This is the time of year not to think of those deeds, but to do them, and do them with love.

All Photos by Micheal John

On November 28th, a great night taking pictures in Toronto.
Think about this.
Before you leave this earth make certain that you create at least one large significant deed that is greater than your love for yourself and born of love for another.

On November 29th, I wrote, there is a certain feeling that comes from giving and knowing that you have made a difference.
That feeling lasts not just a lifetime but an eternity.
Good energy is never lost in time.
Every day to your special someone say nothing but kindness.
Give nothing but love.
Fill their heart with mirth and their soul with love.
When you do these things, your own happiness is assured.
A bird, a butterfly, a picture, a song, a smile, these are the gifts and blessings we find each and every day, without appreciation.
Give some now to each and every person and to yourself with love this season.

On December 1, I began with this thought.
Loving someone and being loved by them generates the most precious and energetic spiritual force in the universe.
It likely is so strong an energy it can be felt from the start to the finish of time and from the far-reaching edges of an expanding Universe.
Love is the greatest gift of all.
Give love…

It’s a hug, not just an embrace.
It’s a pressing of two hearts together.
A hug can heal a heart.
A hug can bare a soul.
A hug can say what words cannot.
A hug can heal the world, one hug at a time.
Practice the hug, this season.
Beauty is what you find inside yourself with your eyes closed.
Beauty is inside you when you are truly alone and in yourself as you put your head in your pillow and lull yourself to sleep.
Beauty is all that you have on the day you die and the darkness begins to swallow up your painful existence.

Pray for those who have lost their inner beauty; and
pray for those who will pass this season.
Those that we pray for, and those who pra,y are both equally and truly beautiful.

On December 4th, I wrote, there is no time like the present to Care and Share with your peers, family and friends.
Look at each of the people in your close circle and think of the most fascinating aspect; the thing you like the most about them.
Tell them with love what that quality is and why you like it about the.
Caring and sharing is the way ahead if the human species shall survive its own folies.
Let’s start caring and sharing around the world this season and Make It Last Forever.
Learning to be the best person you can be for your life partner, and family, is a process that includes caring and sharing, listening and learning, and the will to be the best you can be for someone other than yourself.
That is called love.

Christmas is a time for discovering the things that are good inside you, or maybe the things that were good Once Upon a Time.
Bring it all back, and make it real again.
All at once feel the best there ever was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be.
Once you feel your very best, share those feelings.

On December 5th, I wrote, are you willing, to believe, that love is the strongest thing in the universe?
Stronger than evil.
Stronger than death.
If everyone did believe, there would be no Wars; no violence; and no hatred.
Love is the strongest thing in the universe.
A kind word and a gentle smile can sometimes make a world of difference to someone who hurts deep inside.
Remember to greet everyone with a smile and have something kind to say.
That is truly the spirit of Christmas.

On December 6th, I realized this newly found apparition of what I once thought I was, stares back at me from the Looking Glass.
Don’t ever lose faith in yourself.
In this or any other paradigm you have been through you are the best and last friend you will ever have.
Be true to your yourself so that you can be great for others.

Feeling deep inside yourself can you find that moment when you could have been nicer. Maybe you were outright cruel.
Were you mean-spirited than what you said or did.
Did you love this person at the time?
Did you show your love?
You hurt them, didn’t you?
Go fix it now.
I am telling you now, it is never too late.
Make love your byword in all that you do and fixing mistakes will always be rich in reward.


All Photos by Micheal John

Do people still polish apples?
Somehow that seems silly in an era when nothing is done by hand any longer.
The next time you give your special someone an apple, polish it first.
That simple gesture sends a message of love,
If it is not an apple, find something equally simple to which you can give a meaningful value-added component of love.

Every sentient being on this planet deserves our love.
We place our beautifully crafted figurines of birds and other lovely creatures on our Christmas tree but how often do we appreciate the living creatures?
Give proportionately to Wildlife organizations dedicated to preserving the natural habitats and environment of the these beings we love so much.
That love will grow inside you and come back to you in many ways.

On December 13th, I wrote, this Christmas, you can do as you will, but always remember to harm nothing.
Always do the right thing at the time.
You can’t always predict the outcome but you always know your life is based on your true inner values.

Never walk past a struggling creature without adding some value to their effort to forge ahead in safety and in good health.

Did you say something sweet, or do something nice to help a person find themselves.

Inside us, is, ‘who we are’, meanwhile our external self is, ‘how we are’.
Establish good values for ‘who you are’, inside, and always synchronize those values with ‘how you are’.

Who but yourself is to blame. Did You observe yourself in your latest conflict and take into consideration what your own behavior may have inspired from another.

Always be the first to apologize and mean it.
Never fail to observe yourself before trying to find fault in another.
If you assume the best about how other people are intentioned toward you, you will face much less disappointment.

Learning to be kind to each person in our lives can be difficult when the stresses of Life interfere with our plans. That’s no reason to bang a nail in someone’s day.
Each time you think life has dealt you a nail, give someone close to you a smile and a hug.
Notice how your own heart glows.
Love will be all around you if you put it there.
Pass the word along.

Art, music, good food, wine, and all manner of joy, are the bywords of this season.
Remember to share those things with those less fortunate.

Standing beside your friend, today, do you really know this person.
Ask them how they feel and pay attention to their answer.

If they give you a non-answer, ask again.

How did they really feel?

Now compare their answer to what you expected and sharpen your connection to your friend.
That’s called ‘caring’.

There are many new things introduced to our lives each day, most of which will never make a difference.
Be careful to spot the ones that are important to you and your loved ones and share your thoughts and invite feedback on what is important.
That’s called communication.

All Photos by Micheal John

Your life partner is the most important individual in the universe.
Don’t exclude them from anything you do this Christmas and have a Merry Christmas.

You don’t always know what to do at the moment but the best approach for those tough decisions you cannot defer is to do the right thing at the time and be true to yourself.
Have a Merry Christmas
We were there that day, each day of a month before Christmas.

Maybe you couldn’t get out and see all of the Christmas decorations; all of the Christmas spirit; all of the work of artists and artisans and people who care; but maybe day by day the small glimpse of Christmas spirit in Toronto will give you what you might have missed in your hustle and bustle life.
In any case I hope you’ve enjoyed this message.

Have yourself and your family a Merry Christmas.

All Photos by Micheal John