Israel slaughters children in UN School leading up to temp truce

Deaths are now at 15,000 after Israel bombed a refugee camp killing 200 and killed 27, injuring 93 after bombing a UN school in Jabalia refugee camp, all in the night before the so-called 4-day truce.

Eighty (80) percent of the population of Gaza was forced from their homes by 6 weeks of Israeli carpet bombing says the United Nations.

Isarel with America’s in-country support has slaughter ten thousand children.

A 4-day temporary truce began allegedly at 7am local time on Friday trigegring the release of civilian prisoners taken by both Hamas and Israel later on Friday afternoon.

Palestinians scramble to find dead family members

Palestinians scramble to find dead children, family members, as bombing stops following a night of horror. Photo submitted by Behar Abbasi. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Despite the alleged truce, Israeli soldiers are shooting and killing random members of the Palestinian public who were trying to get back to north Gaza to their homes they were told by Israel weeks ago to flee temporarily.

Israeli soldiers also kidnapped Dr. Mohammad Abu Salmiya, the director of al-Shifa Hospital and other doctors and has begun torturing them according to sources who spoke to Behar Abbasi in Gaza on the promise of source confidentiality.

A paltry 200 trucks of 800 promised over the next four days, is one quarter of the normal daily flow, carrying aid from other countries as a band aid on a gaping wound entering Gaza from Rafah crossing, a ministry spokesperson said.

Israel’s defence minister says the carpet bombing war will continue after rhe 4-day truce concludes.

A number of countries have severed connections with Israel over the Gaza Genocide

BRICS member South Africa, on Tuesday, voted internally in its parliament in favour of a motion calling for the closure of the Israeli embassy and the cutting of diplomatic ties until Israel agrees to a cease-fire in Gaza, a day after Israel recalled its ambassador to South Africa “for consultations” allegedly because South Africa called for a cease fire.

Gaza is mostly uninhabitable. Photo submitted by Behar Abbasi. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

 CSO RINJ Women prepared a case for prosecuting Gaza crimes

Endless Killing of women and children has only one end-game: species extermination. Only a one-state solution will work in the region of the Jordan River to the Mediterranean.

The mechanics of achieving quickly a one-state solution excerptd from a RINJ Foundation Document:

  1. Nations around the world, particularly BRICS, ASEAN, and South America, must start the process of breaking all ties with Israel and deny acceptance of Israel as a sovereign state. Any nation refusing to do that may be among those complicit in Genocide and their reticence would be understandable, obviously. For example, co-accused USA, EU and UK leaderships are not going to sever relations with Israel. They are co-accused in serious crime and will likely remain solid for at least a short period of time in the process. This is something for which there is a need to know. In all, who is complicit in the Gaza Genocide and unable to condemn such conduct?
  2. The “one-state solution” for the people between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean must be shepherded by the United Nations to help find the initial components of a new democracy where equal human rights consistent with global values exist for all citizens.
  3. There will be no segregated and oppressed regions. Gaza, the West bank and a divided Jerusalem will no longer exist. Christians, Jews and Muslims as well as other faith-based groups must decide now they will learn to live together in harmony.
  4. Arrest warrants for the accused in the crimes referenced must be issued and the parties incarcerated until their dates of trials.
  5. A Peace-keeping Mission must be assembled and sent to the new state to help with law enforcement. All elements of all governments will upon the start date be null and void.
  6. The accused who are complicit in crimes against humanity, murder, extermination,
    deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law must be tried and if convicted subjected to life imprisonment or the death penalty at the discretion of the Court of jurisdiction.
  7. The accused, it is anticipated, will be tried in many countries. There are likely hundreds of co-accused in the Matter of Gaza Genocide or in the alternative, Crimes Against Humanity as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population including
    * Murder;
    * Extermination;
    * Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
    * Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
    * Persecution against Palestinians on the basis of political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, of the Rome Statute or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
    * The crime of apartheid; and
    * Other inhumane acts of a similar character.
  8. Humanity is likely to be very grateful that the nations of BRICS have led the way in an outspoken condemnation of the aforementioned crimes saying in a chairman’s letter on Tuesday following a full meeting of members and mebers-to-be, “We condemn any kind of individual or mass forcible transfer and deportation of Palestinians from their own land… the forced transfer and deportation of Palestinians, whether inside Gaza or to neighbouring countries, constitute grave breaches of the Geneva conventions and war crimes and violations under International Humanitarian Law,” said the BRICS meeting chairman’s statement.  BRICS now includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Egypt, Ethiopia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran. The entire group is sometimes referred to as “The Global South”, but in fact, membership has no geographical prohibitions.


“Further details are still under review by lawyers,” FPMag was told.