Women release shocking 20-Year study on impact of Porn

“Occasional exposure to porn desensitized men toward victims of sexual violence. Today, there is more disdain for victims of rape than there is care,” said Dr. Nassima al Amour, a RINJ Foundation medical director who has taken over the analytics of the 20-year research docket along with Dr. Kathy Poon and Dr. Fred Harris, both biostatisticians and team leaders at the  Civil Society Solidarity Partners against COVID-19 Singapore lab.

“Statistically we see that porn is deadly to society providing a conscious level of impunity for sex crimes, even those leading to death,” said Dr. Poon.

“Most of such deaths are never solved. Many of the hundreds of graves at former “Residential Schools” may be silenced victims of sex crimes. Then there’s the cases of a legendary accrual of ten thousand missing or murdered indigenous Canadian women and girl cases,” continued Dr. Poon.

“Impunity for sex crimes against vulnerable and state-marginalized persons is enhanced by pornography that exploits the vulnerable where those persons considered marginalized and vulnerable are established by the state authorities. That applies to Canada where Canada’s politicians and agencies marginalized indigenous Canadian females and today, marginalizes Russian and Asian women. These sectors are extremely endangered,” said Dr. Nassima.

In Canada the Canadian government for a century marginalized indigenous Canadian women. This created a cult among Royal Canadian Mounted Police wherein indigenous Canadian teen girls were subhuman and fair game for officers to rape. They also ignored complaints of rape crime done by other men. The corrupted cognition spreads. These police ignore pornography where it involves sexual violence against “marginalized persons” in the list of “people who don’t matter”.

“Often state politicians create the vulnerable persons the porn industry exploits in its nastier videos. Snuff-porn now abounds online where Russian women are the victims, as an example,” said Dr. Nassima.

Probably Canada’s second Trudeau to lead the country is fully aware of the problem. In 2021 Justin Trudeau said, “We released the Federal Pathway – our contribution to the National Action Plan – and outlined what we’ll do with families and survivors, organizations, and Indigenous leaders to end the systemic racism, sexism, ableism, and economic inequality that has perpetuated this violence.”

The Canadian government said it would direct more resources to First Nations police and address systemic racism in the justice system and law enforcement to tackle violence against Indigenous women. That was two years ago. Nothing has happened since say tribal elders.

“Where witnesses are murdered because they discovered ongoing sex crimes against children, there is no justice, speaking generally,” said Dr. Nassima.

The specific case of American Allison Thresher whose body was never found is also disturbing and typical. She was the mother of a child victim who suspected an adult of committing sexual crimes against Ms. Thresher’s daughter. That got her killed.

Mrs. Thresher was an employee of the Washington Post, the mother of a female child raped over a period of years by a man convicted of the rape. Investigators in the matter told FPM.news they believed the deceased perpetrator was a pedophile who consumed a steady flow of child pornography which according to Dr. Nassima, likely desensitized him to criminal behaviour. He had no other criminal leanings that anyone knows about and was widely considered to be a gentleman by coworkers RINJ spoke with. He was a schoolteacher who watched too much porn?

“Removing love and emotion from intimacy is why porn has a deadly impact on society. Cognitive abilities become warped, corrupted. And Pornography is the primary use of the internet, so the ails are widespread,” says RINJ Woman, Dr. Nassima al Amouri.

“Even just occasional exposure to pornography desensitized both men and women toward victims of sexual violence and today, there is more disdain for victims of sexual violence than care,” she added about one of the most shocking reveals the study has shown the women.

“Violence including death is encouraged by many pornographic sites and they are popular according to the site owners, most of whom do not want to be identified. We needed their information, so we agreed,” noted Dr. Nassima.

Using selected case study files, including deep undercover work over the past twenty years, the women have cut deeply into the fabric of a controversial and sometimes criminal industry.

Internet Pornography is now 25 Years Old

Photo courtesy RINJ Women

In search of equality: Photo courtesy The RINJ Foundation

Among the negative impacts of pornography and some of the facts why:

  • “Porn” is the most searched-for term on the internet and the most watched videos.
  • The narrative in porn is usually formed around men’s pleasure as the only goal of sexual activity–the women are shown in a subordinate role. There is no equality.
  • Consumption of pornography is a cause of rape and other forms of violence against women.
  • Porn often triggers deviant conduct of those who are predisposed. For example, rape of a prepubescent child followed “habitual” consumption of child porn “within six months” although the men were previously “horrified at the idea”, according to some men in prison.
  • Porn eroticizes the domination, humiliation, and coercion of women, and reinforces sexual and rape-cultural attitudes that are complicit in rape and sexual harassment.
  • Pornography production often entails physical, psychological, and/or economic coercion of the women who perform and model in it and that is tantamount to sexual assault or rape.
  • Pornography is a multimillion-dollar industry that attracts criminals and persons with another deviancy.
  • PornHub alone, one large porn site out of many large porn sites, ranks number four behind Wikipedia, Microsoft, and Netflix.
  • Combine all the major porn sites and it is clear that pornography is the primary use of the internet.

“Alexa, the leading Web-traffic tracker, says that among the world’s tens of millions of sites, PornHub ranks number 36. But if we eliminate search engines (Google U.S. and its many country-specific affiliates), Web portals (Yahoo!), shopping sites (Amazon), and sites based on user-generated content (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit), if we focus only on sites that publish other content, then PornHub ranks number four behind only Wikipedia, Microsoft, and Netflix.”? Citing Michael Castleman M.A.Psychology Today

In search of equality

Women in search of equality in all things, in all ways, always. Photo credit: Ekrumis Fasions – Photo is cropped. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

“Most pornography is contributing to rape culture and adding to a general persuasion of society toward misogyny. Why? About 90% of the porn online contains extensive verbal or physical aggression toward women. And yes, some contains aggression and violence toward men. Neither is acceptable. There’s nothing healthy about any form of violence,” says the study conclusion.

American Institutional Misogyny extends to girls. Did FBI treat pedo-attack survivors like adversaries? DOJ was a no show. Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, McKayla Maroney and Maggie Nichols leave after testifying  at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on 21 September 2021. This was over the FBI’s alleged mishandling of the Larry Nassar investigation. Nassar was charged in 2016 with federal child pornography offenses and sexual abuse charges in Michigan and is now serving decades in prison. Photo credit: Saul Loeb/Pool via AP ~ Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

From the Study: The impact of the Canadian R V Way Case

Mr. Way was not convicted of trafficking children, he was convicted of producing, owning and distributing porn that caused extraordinary harm to countless numbers of children as secondary crimes stimulated by his enterprise.

To this day there are still investigations underway relating to customer lists of this case. The investigations relate to sexual violence.

On the basis of Mr. Way’s matter, RINJ adduces that Internet Pornography drives Child Sex Trade and particularly content featuring children should be banned.

Study excerpt: Michael Carey Clemans case started as a child pornography matter and the crimes evolved to rape of children

According to court documents, beginning in June 2014, a man named Michael Carey Clemans was drawn to the Philippines by the massive amount of pornography online and the availability of young victims.

Carey made his way through the internet quagmire and conspired with a woman in the Philippines to produce child pornography. During much of the conspiracy, Clemans was temporarily residing in Bangkok, Thailand, where he worked as an airline pilot.

In April 2015, Clemans returned to his Sacramento residence and continued his overseas conspiracy using his online account to chat with the Filipino woman.

In these chats, Clemans accelerated his demands going from porn to rape and discussed various strategies to obtain minor girls whom he could rape. Clemans instructed the Filipino woman on how to find vulnerable victims, directing her to look for orphans and victims of typhoons.

Southeast Asia is America’s source of children to rape. The Philippines has been number one whenever American troops are based there. It is starting over, say humanitarian workers there.

According to RINJ’s Sharon Santiago, some ten million Filipino moms work as Overseas Foreign Workers (OFW) and their children are not cared for at home, in fact, she notes, “the children are being raped at home in the Philippines while the moms are putting up with sexual abuse in other countries as domestic workers”.

“We conclude that pornography has led to the marginalization of children, especially girls, and the marginalization of women. These factors lead to violent crimes against children and women and an overwhelming marginalization of three categories of humans: select ethnic groups/social classes (i.e.: ‘Filipina’ Maids), women, and children,” Dr. Nassima al Amouri told Feminine-Perspective Magazine.