COVID19 is a human, economic and social catastrophe

We know COVID-19 shortens life expectancy; even mild infections can become ‘Long COVID’; lost businesses, broken supply lines, lost jobs and lost population segments have clobbered economies; our species is being thinned out; and more than a health crisis, COVID-19 is a widespread human, economic and social catastrophe.

“COVID is likely shortening humanity’s longevity. It has clobbered life expectancy, maybe by decades in the years ahead. Do not become infected. Be on guard for PTSD,” says a medical director.

SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with substantial global mortality still of unknown absolute quantum.

Apart from the acute phase of the disease, multiorgan dysfunction and long-term cognitive pathologies have been proven as extended morbidity. (See Innate immune evasion strategies of SARS-CoV-2 | Nature Reviews Microbiology)

Civil Society called 2019-NCoV a Pandemic on 3 February 2020 and on 6 February told the world to wear a respirator mask.

Dr. Nassima al Amouri, a medical director with the RINJ Foundation, today answered the question, “Still wear a mask?”

Soap is a bazooka to SARS-COV-2. Use it on your hands frequently. And wear a mask forever.

“No matter what anyone tells you, use your head,” said the highly respected doctor, “In order to prevent SARS-CoV-2 from infecting you, you must prevent the virus from entering your body. In medicine, in war zones, I and my staffs see the worst of everything. And we know we want to keep the worst of everything from entering our own bodies and from destroying our lives. When we are likely to encounter people, those we do not know are uninfected, we seldom remove our respirators except in an isolated safe area where we change them. If a person does not want to become infected by the SARS2 virus, don’t allow it to enter the body—wear a certified respirator mask,” said the doctor.

“While any mask is better than wearing no mask at all, a well-fitted National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved (N95) respirator provides the most protection,” says the US Centers for Disease Control in its latest advice.

Since January 2020, publisher, The RINJ Foundation, and its collaborative civil society groups have unanimously urged the public to wear respirator masks.

Michele Francis, a regional director of RINJ Women in South America explained this morning why mask wearing is important.

Microbial Terrorists

“Two decades ago, our parents in the medical profession fought the first SARS outbreak. This was a microbial terrorist attack. Many healthcare workers who met the challenge did not survive. From this we know that properly worn and managed PPE saves lives. We also know that certain coronaviruses cannot be defeated easily by humans and some other species. What we have learned from SARS2 is that it has the ability to change quickly,” she said, “so we can’t expect a vaccination to prevent infection.” (See also “What do we know about covid vaccines and preventing transmission? | The BMJ“)

See: SARS-CoV-2 escape from cytotoxic T cells during long-term COVID-19

“Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in immunocompromised hosts may result in novel variants with changed properties. While escape from humoral immunity certainly contributes to intra-host evolution, escape from cellular immunity is poorly understood. Here, we report a case of long-term COVID-19 in an immunocompromised patient with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who received treatment with rituximab and lacked neutralizing antibodies. Over the 318 days of the disease, the SARS-CoV-2 genome gained a total of 40 changes, 34 of which were present by the end of the study period. Among the acquired mutations, 12 reduced or prevented the binding of known immunogenic SARS-CoV-2 HLA class I antigens”—Nature: Published: 

The ten COVID19 most infected nations

Graph: The ten COVID19 most infected nations. Source: CSPAC. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine


Read: 5 presidents and prime ministers who badly mishandled COVID-19 Pandemic

Video Warning: UVC is a subset of the ultraviolet spectrum used in disinfection in unattended areas. UVC will in a few seconds, burn the retina of the eyes of any mammal and burn the skin deeply to an extreme with the shortest of exposures. Drinking disinfectant is equal to severe poisoning. Do not follow former President Trump’s advice to take these things into the body.

Source for above data as of 13 Nov 2024: CSPaC.

Plateau in COVID-19-CasesAs in Canada, a persistent phenomenon is seen around the world. Hospitalizations are plateaued very high.  Source: CSPAC. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine