USA Military eyes Philippines Itbayat Island very near Taiwan

The world’s largest uplifted coral reefs are at Itbayat Island in the Philippines province of Batanes. The island is merely some 90 miles from the island of Taiwan thus the United States sees the island as a great position to monitor activities and launch attacks against Chinese naval vessels which might be used in a military action by Beijing to regain control over the island Republic of China (a.k.a: Taiwan).

Even though this draws Manila into a war with China, netizens are saying there is not much opposition voiced against a war with China in Philippines communities because of longstanding disputes between the Philippine public, specifically fisherfolk, and the Chinese Navy and Chinese militia menacing the millions of fisherfolk.

“The Chinese have been sinking our boats,” said one of the mothers in a fishing village near Agoo, La Union province of the Philippines.

USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71)

FPMag File Photo: Photo Credit: Seaman Apprentice Kaylianna Genier photo of USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) in West Philippines Sea.

American bases in Philippines under close surveillance by China

“America is now in the process of spending hundreds of millions in the fortification of its military bases inside the Philippines.

“America is hastily preparing for war with China to be fought primarily from the Philippines and sometime in the next two years or sooner according to a 4-Star U.S. General and a top-ranking Republican head of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the U.S. Congress.” — 30 Jan 2023 7:11am, 1 week ago

US four-star general warns of war with China in 2025

China Response to the above article

“In the wake of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s state visit to China that raked in a grand harvest of trade and economic fruits, from opening billions-of -dollars-worth of durian exports for the Chinese market to a tourism rebound as millions of Chinese tourists start returning, plus $ 22.8-billions worth of investment pledge for the economic recovery of the Philippines – a difficult situation has since unfolded for President Marcos Jr. created by the visit of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

“Secretary Austin was in the Philippines from January 31 to February 2 for talks about “deploying US forces and weapons in more Philippine military camps” and allegedly got four additional bases on top of the five already in operation in the south and north of the Philippines.” Citing: Washington is seeking to create chaos globally to defend its declining hegemon by Herman Tiu Laurel.


The Philippines has suffered at the hands of the Chinese which has mustered an enormous maritime militia to assault Philippines fisherfolk heading to their traditional fishing grounds.

The impact China has had on literally millions of fisherfolk families in the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand is staggering no matter that not everyone speaks out. Overfishing, claiming islands and waterways as its own and disrupting lives of hungry people—as has reported for many years—China has managed to alienate Southeast Asia and East Asia.

China has burned out plenty of the goodwill that the Philippines’ population might have felt.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Philippine Defense Minister Carlito Galvez Jr. brief the news media in the Philippines on 2 February 2023. Secretary Austin and Secretary Galvez agreed to meet again in Spring 2023 at a Ministerial-level 2+2 meeting in Washington, D.C.

USA Military eyes Philippines Itbayat Island 90 miles from Taiwan

Keeping an eye on China’s malevolent intent toward the Island of Taiwan which the USA has armed to the teeth, is going to be easy from the beautiful Island of Itbayat in the Philippines. Anti-shipping missiles can easily be launched from the island and any shipping headed for Taiwan will need to pass somewhere near either Itbayat, South Korea or Japan.

Philippines Itbayat Island

Images video-captured from promotional videos on YouTube. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

One problem for mariners with Itbayat Island is that it has no harbour because of the high-rise coral. Itbayat Island has the highest coral in the world. Hence the Americans will need to install some floating wharfs for large vessels with a causeway to the top of the coral on the island. The island is about a three hour trip by boat from the large Luzon Island which America has bases on and plans to build more.

In the alternative the island could be used for radar and satellite surveilance monitoring and missile launching, both of which are not manpower intensive and easily installed.

Harbours don't exist on Itbayat, PhilippinesImages video-captured from promotional videos on YouTube. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine


Feminine-Perspective Magazine is published by The RINJ Foundation which is vehemently opposed to the patriarch’s jingoism and war. All wars harm women and children far more than they harm the evil men who start these wars and keep them going. Caring, sharing, love, forbearance, dialogue-not acrimony, not lies but truth: these are the attributes of those who favour peace.