USA and Israel banning media outlets to hide their war crimes

The RINJ Foundation women’s rights NGO says it joins the protest against the Israeli closing of Aljazeera operations in Israel, The West Bank and East Jerusalem.

“Israel doesn’t decide which public events will receive media coverage,” suggests Melissa Hemingway, who is the FPM associate editor and a strong proponent of press freedom.

Journalist Abdullah Shakshak

173rd Journalist murdered by Israel/UISA in Gaza. Witnesses say he was targeted by an Israeli quadcopter drone in Rafah, south of the Gaza City. RIP brother Abdullah Shakshak. The Gaza media office said in a statement that the murder of the Palestinian journalist who “worked with several Arab media outlets,” according to the Anadolu news agency which first ran this story internationally. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine


The impact on the world of USA and Israeli media blockage and journalist killings is mind-bending ignorance among whole populations.

Much of the news about Gaza is found by hundreds of millions of Americans around the world in TikTok, hence America will ban the use of TikTok by Americans. The USA government of Genocide Joe, a global moniker Biden has earned, has shadow banned FPM and hundreds of other publications in the USA and on its social media. Twitter, Facebook, and their subsidiaries ban women’s rights publications and any publication that exposes American crimes abroad, for example, Juilian Assange’s Wikileaks.

Ordinary Americans react to articles published in international media with absolute disbelief. One fool told an FPM writer, ‘don’t let kids hear what you say about Gaza‘. This was as if to say that news blackouts on the vast crimes the governments of Israel, Canada, USA, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and Australia committed must be kept silent “to protect the children”.

But the story is about women and children, kids and their moms, as part of a racial extermination, that the Americans and Israelis are conducting by tracking using American data, targeting with American satellites and drones, bombing with American munitions and shooting Arab kids and Arab women in Gaza and the West Bank—now Lebanon—and this must be stopped.

A colossal number, tens of thousands of children are dead, orphaned, or buried under the rubble in Gaza and West Bank by American bombs dropped by Israel and used to destroy whole apartment buildings. The West’s media does not report those details or any other aspect of the Gaza Genocide.


FPM health care workers have reported horrific Israeli crimes from Gaza and the West Bank, including detailed video and photographs.

Stop bombing childrenIsrael and America have normalized violence toward women and children. Sundays are days of farewell to dead children and the celebration of those who have survived. Photo: Behar Abbasi.  Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine


The more war crimes are committed on Palestinian people, the more we will see the West’s radicalization. More countries and people will split off from the Zionist rhetoric that Israel is simply protecting itself.

What lies ahead?

It seems unlikely that any Democrat candidate for president would have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning in any state if the American population knew about their corruption and dirty dealings in the corrupt war against Russia and the racist war against Arabs in Gaza.

These wars are devices for selling weapons just like Afghanistan was, and they may well continue for an indefinite period of time. The American military industrial complex pays politicians hundreds of millions of dollars for that opportunity. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris as well as Joe Biden are bought and paid for. Keep it going is the message which accompanies these gratuities.

October 7 started Apartheid Resistance War to end the Occupation of Palestine

Disciplined members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (IQB) which is the military wing of the Palestinian organization Hamas, operating in the Gaza Strip, attacked Israel on 7 October 2023 and were followed by angry riff-raff criminals from Palestine who couldn’t resist the opportunity to follow IQB’s path of broken prison walls that surround Gaza and create mayhem in Israel.

Karim Ahmad Khan

This man, Prosecutor Karim Ahmad Khan, has asked the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for leaders of both sides of the dispute. (File official ICC Photo)

The United Nations General assembly has asked the Internatinal Court of Justice (ICJ) for an opinion on tyhe illegal occupation of Palestine by Usrael.

The Internatinal Court of Justice responded and has condemned Israel’s illegal occupation and apartheid in the Palestine territories.

The international Court of Justice has also issued interim orders to say that Israel is in “At least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa, [which has brought a case against Israel enjoined by many large countries under International Genocide Law]  have been committed by Israel in Gaza and appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the Convention,” the Court said.

The ICJ judges ordered Israel to take measures to prevent genocide in Palestine so Israel and the USA began to suppress journalists even more than usual, killing across Palestine, hundreds.

In Gaza alone:

Journalists killed in Gaza alone since 7 October 2023 to August 2024

Local and foreign journalists killed in Gaza alone since 7 October 2023 to the end of August 2024—This collection art is the work of Omar Zaghloul/Anadolu Agency. See Wikipedia for name lists.

Instead of preventing genocide, Israel and the United States have taken drastic steps to block media reporting of the crimes against humanity committed by Israel and its partners in the West Bank and in Gaza.

The Reporters WIthout Borders organization

Israel and the USA have blocked journalists from entering Gaza since 7 October 2023 and have targeted and killed hundreds of journalists and health care/medical workers in Gaza.

The Murder of a Shero

Shireen, gone but not forgottenGone but not forgotten.

The murder of the iconic American-Palestinian Al Jazeera television journalist Shireen Abu Akleh took place on 11 (aged 51) in Jenin of the illegally and brutally occupied West Bank, Palestine. U.S. President Joseph Biden’s officials have consistently brushed off questions on the matter of this thirty-year veteran, with curt, nonsense responses.

The murderer of Shireen was an IDF marksmen. The killer used an American M4 rifle with a scope that would roughly approximate the view through a 200mm lens and his weapon was loaded with armour piercing rounds because the American-Palestinian journalist was wearing blue body armour marked in large white letters with the word “Press”.

The shooter was accompanied by four others, all of these details according to accounts collected by a former IDF soldier who interviewed key personnel willing to talk if under strict anonymity. That’s not very helpful to anyone but, letting us know that we are on the right investigative track. We have seen endless hours of professional video and hours of citizen journo phone videos. We have also seen forensic analysis video and reenactment video. This wasn’t some kid playing with a rifle that accidentally discharged. It wasn’t a stray bullet. In fact, several targeted shots were fired by the IDF assassins when efforts were made to extract the limp body of Shireen Abu Akleh after Shireen took a head shot in her “Press”-labelled, armoured helmet while her shocked numb assistant watched and took cover behind the tree in front of which lay Shireen on the shooter’s side, bleeding from her head.

When there is no accountability for killing American citizens like Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh