Biden now says he has the gift of mind reading.

The power Joe Biden has sought all his life has suddenly slipped his grasp, but it hit him like a crushing blow to the throat.  He will punish America for that.

Speaking of Vladimir Putin claiming he knew Putin’s thoughts as he often does, “He [Mr. Putin] thought our unity would shatter at the first testing.  He thought democratic leaders would be weak,” Joseph Biden claims to be the de facto Ukraine. Nobody else was elected.

“He thought he would be welcomed [into Ukraine] with open arms.”

CNN tries to Mansplain Biden.


Biden says he will redirect the United States for the last four months of his presidency to killing more Russians and building up his Ukraine for the purpose of doing that.

What does Biden want with all this warmongering? “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden said of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Biden says that Putin has committed war crimes as Biden’s death toll in Gaza passes through 42,000 killed by USA munitions and troops and dying at hospitals. Most of those deaths are women and children according to the Gaza medical and health care authority as well as the United Nations.


Biden says he will; spend his lame duck years warring with Russia

Biden’s path of incompetence, belligerence and destruction spawned during a duck and cover moment of 1952, a moment Biden could never get out of.  Nobody wanted this except him. The power he has sought all his life has suddenly slipped his grasp. He will punish America for that. Photo art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Vladimir Putin held a videoconference and an operational meeting with the permanent members of the Security Council. Photo credit: and art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, Vice-Chairman of the Council Security Dmitry Medvedev, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Anton Vaino, Minister of Defence Andrey Belousov, Minister of the Interior Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, Director of the Federal Service Security Alexander Bortnikov, Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin, Special Representative of the President for Environmental Protection Environment, and Transport Sergey Ivanov.

On the agenda of the in-camera session were issues in line with Ministry of Foreign Affairs recent statements. With a report on recent contacts with foreign colleagues were Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.


Not having the power of reading thoughts, we don’t know what Vladimir Putin is thinking but we know for sure he is doing a lot of investigation and summoning national security advisors at a significant pace.


Zelenskyy and Biden are driving the West crazy for blood like vampire bats.

The world has two totally self-centered leaders, Biden and Zelenskyy running this war that Biden under Obama started in 2014 with a coup to overthrow the government of Ukraine and install a U.S. puppet regime which now no longer holds elections. That must make Obama grimace. Did he really know what that Biden butthole was doing in Ukraine with a coup, an anti-Russian ethnic cleansing campaign in Ukraine and some dodgy financial dealings?

The stories of the Maidan coup have been told often enough. The latest news is that Biden wants to supply Ukraine with intermediate and long-range missiles to strike deep into Russia.

These nuclear capable missiles like the combat drones CENTCOM uses to pinpoint targets for Zelenskyy and Netanyahu can only be manned and programmed by American/NATO servicemen. As Putin says, that puts NATO directly into a war with Russia. Mr. Putin is two years too late with that observation, Russia has always been at war with NATO since February 2022.

The only real question that remains is ‘Which European city will be nuked first?’. Those are the stakes that Biden is using as his poker chips in his latest gamble to squeeze out the last bit of usefulness of the people of the near destruction Ukraine.

Have you been to Ukraine lately? It’s a self-made disaster area. Provoking the Bear for a decade and killing ethnic Russians for eight years will get you a heap of trouble. That’s Ukraine led by de facto Ukraine President Joe Biden.

Ukraine doesn’t even pretend to have elections. Biden says he is “supporting Ukraine, defending democratic values“. But there is no democracy in Ukraine, only extremism, corruption, and NATO.

It’s all about Biden being stuck in a moment he cannot get out of, a 1951 duck and cover paradigm.

Biden’s legendary foreign policy disasters ruined America and brought major war to the world. “Biden is the quintessential sociopath,” said a former Democrat. Photo art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine