Women of both Taiwan and Mainland China agree: One China

The Island of Taiwan has benefitted from being part of China yet having the right to self-government as an autonomous province of the People’s Republic of China. That should not change is the view of at least half the people of Taiwan.

The potential for a widespread loss of life looms large in the escalating tensions between China and America with America manipulating Taiwan to leverage unusual tensions, especially as the November election looms near and Biden seeks ways to prevent the election and stay in power by way of major global war.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang

Photo credit: Xinhua/Wang Ye

Here is what women see as important for countries to be doing right now.

Chinese Premier Li Qiang called for efforts to secure a bumper summer grain harvest and promote the innovative development of agriculture during a research trip to central China’s Henan Province from Wednesday to Thursday. During his inspection of high-standard farmlands in the city of Xinxiang, Li called for efforts to enhance cross-regional mechanized harvesting, prevent and control disasters, and prepare for summer sowing. Minimum grain purchase prices should be utilized well to ensure farmers are able to earn money, he said. During his tour, he also visited a seed-breeding innovation center, a food enterprise and a scientific research institution.

China US Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

China US Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Following a three-day presentation last week by the Shenzhen Chapter of RINJ Women, a policy decision was requested and agreed. Taiwan is part of China. There is only one China the women decided that that was the feminine perspective.

The Taipei chapter of RINJ Women, led by Dr. Kathy Poon, agreed on the proposal from the Shenzhen Chapter, presented by chapter President Sara Qin.

Both chapters concurred on the global One China Policy. The meeting involved limited discussion but maximum listening by the board of directors and the executive board. The secretary of the board recorded the events, documented the presentation, and, at the chair’s behest, revisited the executive summaries of both presentations twice. Subsequently, the board unanimously voted to accept the proposals of the Chinese Chapters, one from the mainland and the other from Taiwan island.

There is nothing in the history of Taiwan that erodes the fact that Taiwan is part of sovereign China.

Already America is occupying the Philippines and has spent countless dollars building up a war platform in the Philippines islands closest to Taiwan and China to go to war with China. This threat to the safety of Filipinos has not gone unnoticed by human rights organizations while the government of the Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos has been stirring up as much animus as possible against the Chinese, even beginning a witch hunt to condemn persons who seem to have a genealogical connection to China somewhere in their past. This type of warfare needs to cease.

One big mistake that both China and its island of Taiwan have made is allowing massive interference by the United States in the years following the civil war in China which Chiang Kai-shek lost miserably.

Chiang saw his opportunity for revenge after losing an election and starting a civil war which he lost in 1949. Chiang is accused of making a mess as a ‘traitor to China’. He died in APril 1975 as a man without a country.

A small number of persons in Taiwan have foolishly bid for secession without any cause whatsoever. There is nothing to gain and much to lose. There is no language issue, no governing issues and no financial issues in the arrangement for one country two systems regarding the autonomous province of the People’s Republic of China.

The cost in lives of a war over secession will boil the region.

China has long ago declared that it will not permit a secession and any erosion of its sovereignty. In the past, Canada has done the same; Ukraine has done the same; Argentina has done the same; Britain has done the same.

Creating a world war is selfish, crude, and costly business. Taiwan will be destroyed while putting millions of South Asians at the risk of losing their  homes and many losing their lives. Even the Americans have said they will destroy Taiwan’s industries.

For Taiwan, secession is sick, irrational, self-destructive blind-eyed behaviour. Listening to crass, ignorant, Americans promoting secession is just plain stupid. Taiwan providing a checkpoint property

The status quo is on the table. Take it and spare the rest of humanity from a world war.

Taiwan is part of China. There is only one China.

Following a three-day presentation by the Shenzhen Chapter of RINJ Women, a policy decision was requested and agreed: Taiwan is part of China. There is only one China. In the interest of all sides and the global community, the status quo as set out by a majoirty of communities on the Taiwan island, even if enhanced by any means, is the best way ahead.

Women of both Taiwan and Mainland China agree: One China.