How the 7 October attack on Israel is justified by IQB

The men who attacked Israel on 7 October 2023, were born and raised as innocents in a prison camp, living under apartheid since birth. Without basic human rights and justice, they had no hope for a better life in the Gaza concentration camp.

Article by Behar Abbasi in Gaza and Micheal John from Toronto

Five years ago, UN Experts warned of a global crisis spinning out of control spawned by the horrific abuse and injustice against the Gaza population by Israel, particularly children exposed to daily high violence levels.

United Nations Special Envoy Nicolay Mlandenov in October 2019 after spending months doing study and analysis, set out for the UN Security Council, warnings of “new dangerous flashpoints” emerging in the region, in the context of rapidly shifting developments in the Middle East as a whole, which have snowballed into a growing threat to international peace and security.

work of art: "Where to?"

Palestinian artist Ismail Shammout (1930-2006) employed a pictorial language that would truly represent the Palestinian refugee experience. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

This work of art, “Where to?” (1953) expressively depicts the Lydda Death March of July 1948 (during Nakba) & the heartbreak & pain of exile. Today, in June 2024, no place is safe.

Visual representations of memory are expressed today by a people who for multi-generations have been exposed to extreme violence on a daily basis.

On 7 October 2023, Palestinians kicked the hornet’s nest in pure desperation hoping the world would notice the injustice.

Multi-generational groups in the oppressed Gaza strip were witnessing extreme injustice and bloody violence growing up as children and adolescents with an Israeli sick bloodletting paradigm that may have been unprecedented anywhere in recorded human history.

“The people of the region have seen enough violence and injustice. The region cannot afford another war…” Nicolay Mlandenov maintained.

Art by Palestinian cartoonist Mohammad Sabaaneh six years ago. Fair use.  Artist Mohammad Sabaaneh has been jailed by Israel for his drawings but continues to create politically charged work his way. | Art via Vice and others. Amazon. Learn more about this artist.

The need to mitigate violence exposure, especially among children, was critical, but nothing was being done to save the children, Mlandenov emphasized at that time in 2019. The erratic killings and erosion of human rights in Palestine have exponentially worsened in the time of the Netanyahu far-right coalition, explained Dr. Nassima al Amouri of The RINJ Foundation.

Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,

Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, addresses the Security Council via video-link. Photo credit: Loey Felipe/United Nations – Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine.

Every Arab in the Middle East was in 2019 feeling the pain of the oppressed, smashed people of the Palestinian group.

Moreover, Mr. Mladenov expressed deep concern over settler violence in the occupied West Bank. He referenced a disturbing event in October 2019 during the annual olive harvest, where Palestinian farmers, along with Israeli and international volunteers, were assaulted with stones and metal rods by individuals from the Yitzhar settlement. The attack resulted in significant injuries to four international volunteers and an 80-year-old rabbi.

This was nothing compared to the established norm of abuse but was what happened in plain sight of the investigative team while the settlers were allegedly on their best behaviour.

Fast forward to the beginning of 2023 and some of the worst abuses of humans were normal, the Israelis began to desecrate religious places and their ceremonies.

Flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem had become a target, five years after the dire warnings of Special Envoy Nicolay Mlandenov saw IDF members and settlers attacking Islamic worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem for the umpteenth time in 2023. Hamas and the Al-Qassam Brigades (IQB) were boiling in anger. The Mosque was completely desecrated at a time when Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had been slamming Sweden and all of NATO for public Quran burnings.

“What the hell is wrong with people in this world to permit this holocaust,” a Hamas doctor asked Dr. Nassima al Amouri of The RINJ Foundation, rhetorically, in 2014, during a previous severe crisis.

The 7 October 2023, attack on Israel, was a cruel mockery inside Israel of the Israeli’s constant 70-years of behaviour in Palestine with hostage takings, beatings, murders, mayhem just as the Israelis have done for years on a larger scale in Palestine occupied territories.

The Palestinian attack was radical and totally unexpected. It was not anything like what Netanyahu has described. But how dare the Palestinians fight back?

Ethnic cleansing of Palestine has been going on for decades. It has always been desired by Israel to clean out the Palestinians in one fell swoop but the world would not tolerate that. The West did however, and eventually, heads will roll, figuratively.

“In the context of the real world here, one that is too horrible to grasp, the men who attacked Israel on 7 October 2024, were justified as a desperate act of self -defence in a dire need for justice that the world has ignored either because killing millions of people in an open-air prison is OK or because nobody believes a thing so horrible, could be happening, despite all the warnings of UN experts,” an IQB fighter who has a degree in political science and is a former college teacher, now deceased, told us early in the Gaza war. (He is now believed. RIP, gentle giant.)

American - Israeli Gaza Genocide Continues

The Gaza genocide has been planned for decades. The miniscule attacks of 7 October 2023, by downtrodden Gazans who were like sitting ducks in crazy motorized parachutes buzzing into Israel across the prison walls of Gaza, have been broiled into a massive red flag operation by Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu. There were no dozens of beheaded infants according to every medical authority in Israel.

“There were never 40 decapitated babies. Not in Kfar Aza nor in any other kibbutz,” Le Monde quoted the Israeli government press office as saying.

There is no evidence of rapes or other sexual violence done by Hamas or IQB as reported by Biden who says he saw pictures, and Netanyahu who peddled the most inglorious bastard of a story he created to justify a genocide. There is not one corroborating shred of evidence to support the massive lies of these two sociopathic politicians who have contributed to hundreds of thousands of casualties and hundreds of thousands of dear souls on the edge of failing to survive starvation and disease, Biden and Netanyahu.

Significant crimes of assault of a sexual nature were done by Gaza street gang members who upon learning of the IQB assault on Israel, exploited the opportunity to enter Israel, kidnapping three females and bringing them back to Gaza where they commit serious crimes. Hamas has denied any connection to these persons and while it is unconfirmed, caused the perpetrators to become deceased during challenges on the matter.

Is that OK? Are they allowed to tell whopping lies in order to justify their killing hundreds of thousands of Arabs?

With this historic caper, Biden churns $billions of taxpayer dollars into military sales that kick back to his election campaign and maybe his pockets and Netanyahu continues his struggle to hold power and escape a prison sentence for crimes he was indicted for in 2019.

As Houthis, Hezbollah and others anger more over the Gaza Genocide and the uninhabitable condition of Gaza, the Middle East is on the threshold of blowing up into a wide war that could draw in many countries and clobber the hell out of Europe.

This holocaust cannot any longer be justified by a pack of Lies.

695 Israeli civilians were killed that day, according to Bituah Leumi, Israel’s social security agency.

Many of the deceased Israeli civilians were killed by friendly fire according to the IDF. Legitimate Israeli institutions are telling a truth that is far from the propaganda story of Netanyahu who lied to his Cabinet and lied to the world. There is no cause of action for the extermination of millions of people.

Five casualties from the Hamas attack were babies aged 0-5. Three of them were under the age of 3.

No infants were beheaded. (Data at the six-month mark since the beginning of the war—

“According to Israeli military estimates, the investigation into the battles at Kibbutz Be’eri will be the first report released in July,” and Channel 12 is saying this was friendly fire, reports Melissa Hemingway from Tel Aviv.

373 Security forces were killed including Palestinians, also some Israelis were killed by friendly fire and others killed in firefights lasting three days of heavy fighting between the IDF, police and the Al-Qassam Brigade soldiers who arrived in motorized parachutes.

Additionally, some 71 foreigners were killed on 7 October, some by Israeli fire in the most chaotic deployment of military ever recorded in Israel, according to a retired Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) officer.