“Only an unnaturally sick brain infected with megalomania murders thousands of women and children for 8 months. Netanyahu, Gallant, Ben-Gvir, Sunak, Biden, Blinken, Austin brought humanity to the abyss. I can’t believe we can turn back. These horrible old men don’t care. They just keep on killing people to solve their petty religion and male ego problems,” says Dr. Nassima al Amouri, a medical director for The RINJ Foundation.
An interview with the legendary Middle East Dr. Nassima in Gaza by Rosa Yamamoto
“The Free World has endorsed killing women and kids—even supplied the bloody mass murder weapons. Hence humanity is at the apocalyptic abyss. The end has begun. All these sick leaders must be removed, or humanity will never be free.”—Dr. Nassima al Amouri.
Art by Rosa
“In Gaza, we are finding sick children whom no hospitals and no Hamas administrators have seen. Each child we see at our dilapidated hidden clinic is undernourished to some degree. Most children are dying slowly. Many of them are terribly ill from disease. This is true also of their mothers. They get some carbohydrates from flour cooked into many things, some baked and some fried, but no protein. Already, infants and toddlers I see are stunted. Mothers are not lactating. All their food they give to their babies. Infant mortality rate is over 75%. Why? Children who are undernourished can be killed quickly by a small infection of many bacteria, viruses and all parasites [translated],” continued Dr. Al-Amouri in Gaza.
“As I turn away quickly so a child will not see, to wipe tears, I regain composure by thinking I would like to smash the faces of the men who have done this, starving a population they don’t like. Then I tell myself what I can do to change the course of this endangered child, and explain to them my hope, even if they don’t understand, they feel my voice and my heart. Any Court that tries the criminals who did this should sentence the criminals like Biden and Netanyahu to spend the rest of their lives standing at a kitchen with big pots filled with nutritious food and feeding these hungry darlings and their brothers and sisters everywhere.
“Our scientists, great people like Dr. Poon and Dr. Harris who both devote their work to the health of humanity, say that there are as many as 350,000 casualties of this Biden-Netanyahu extermination campaign in Gaza. The discrepancy is in the Hamas data. The Hamas administration is incompetent—and that incompetence leads to death—but they don’t have a clue of how bad the situation is in Gaza. The Hamas may not want the end of the genocide because the people who run things live comfortably with money and considerations from Iran’s IRGC while they comfortably exist outside the region. Yes. Many of the powerful Hamas are not in Gaza.
“Many Hamas bosses left here after unsuccessful assassination attempts against them by the Israelis and Americans. This is another reason why killing the leaders of an enemy is contraindicated by the past outcomes. It never works. I am not a historian, but I am an expert on public health. Killing people does not solve problems, it makes problems worse for everyone, all sides, worse by far.
“Dr. Harris came up with a good idea back in November. He had mid-wives traveling around on their mountain bikes map out areas where they encountered bodies or where there was the odor of cadavers. These women travel to different sub-communities to help Muslim women deliver babies and other women’s needs. Families spread the word-of-mouth message and by cell phone when cellular works and our women, send a member of a team of about two dozen, and she gets moving. For years they have delivered so many babies for women, they are remembered to other families and then summoned. They know the streets, alleys and refugee camps,” continued Dr. al-Amouri.
“Today there is no water, no food, and no medicine in Gaza. We have our own smuggling routes as we have always used for over a decade here, but even that route managed by security experts is difficult. And I am talking about limited quantities that a woman can carry on her back. At least we keep our regular patients in chronic health medications.
“For food, smuggling doesn’t work because it’s too much to carry but we bring some high-protein preserved foods for special needs—but now 2 million people have special needs and will die if those needs are not fulfilled,” continued Dr. Nassima.
“One woman just this weekend for many kilometers carried in her backpack not just medicine and medical supplies but also an extra 35 kilograms of dried beans, canned fish, dehydrated berries, nuts, canned lean meats, some olives, dried peas and other dried veggies. I have sent messages to mothers with critical-care children to carry them here and we will prepare and serve them whatever food that we have. This will be every day while we have a supply. We use solar/battery powered and hand-pumping portable equipment to make water, only a few liters at a time, from the Sea [Mediterranean], but it is slow and dangerous for our people to be in the open like that [translated],” she added.
“Please darling, Rosa, tell the world that humanity is at an abyss. Evil men who run the countries of the world now have an example from the United States, England, Germany, France, Japan, Philippines and Israel that it is OK to slaughter in the tens of thousands the children and women of groups they don’t like, without any consequences,” urged Dr. Nassima.
“We are at the abyss that will swallow all of humanity. Should all doctors give up medicine and go into hiding for fear of assassination like what happened to my sister Dr. Buni and hundreds of others in Palestine? How many more women and children will die today? Every day?
“When I see a man crying for the loss of his child, a son or a daughter, I see a man who should go tell all the other men. But we don’t see that happening because the men who do this don’t care and the men who are victims cannot feel or think past their pain,” the wise and experienced doctor said.
“Joe Biden, an incompetent and accidental leader,” continued Dr. Nassima, “and Benjamin Netanyahu, a known psychopath whose criminal mind connives power, are evil men who wrote a recipe for the global slaughter of women and children without realizing they created the free-world-authorized path to end the human race. It’s faster than people realize. We are at the extinction abyss,” said the famous humanitarian doctor.
“Stop killing women and children,” says the RINJ Women. Do you understand why this is important? You could be next if doing genocide is OK.
The picture and its story: “The Free World has endorsed killing women and kids—even supplied the bloody mass murder weapons. Hence humanity is at the apocalyptic abyss. The end has begun. All these sick leaders must be removed, or humanity will never be free.”—Dr. Nassima al Amouri. The RINJ Foundation