Finally, after many, USA does not veto Egypt, Hamas, Israel proposal

Claiming credit for a weak, fragile and temporary UNSCR aimed to end Gaza Genocide “without delay and without condition” U.S. says Netanyahu authored proposal, but facts say Egypt deserves credit

Finally, a U.S.-led Egyptian peace initiative avoids a U.S. veto which has heretofore foiled all global efforts that built many ceasefire resolutions backed by hundreds of diplomats and their nations which ceasefire resolutions each failed to pass since the 7 October 2023, IQB attacks on Israel in which hostage-takings in Israel resulted enduring captivity which many nations condemned.

America’s change in posture from “ironclad support” of Gazan extermination to supporting a Middle East authored peace plan, is due, say opposition in Washington, to Joe Biden’s tanking in the U.S. polls.

Historical note:

Nonbinding. America trashes ICJ, UNSC and UN implying Israel can continue Genocide


Hamas has enthusiastically said it accepts the new UNSC resolution and is ready to immediately begin implementation according to a Hamas statement.

There were five Israeli “massacres” within tent communities in Gaza over the past 24 hours, says Gaza health authorities. The attacks says a statement “slaughtered 40 citizens and bringing the death toll since 7 October to 37,124.” Those announced data are disputed by biostatistical experts suggesting the numbers are considerably higher when including the massive numbers of victims buried under the rubble of Gaza which region is totally destroyed.

UNSC Ceasefire in Gaza

UN Photo by Eskinder Debebe is a view of the UN Security Council as members vote in favour of the draft resolution on the situation in Gaza. Photo is cropped and edited for size. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

The picture and its story: UNSC Resolution “calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from ‘populated areas’ of Gaza, the return of Palestinians to their homes and neighbourhoods throughout the enclave, including in the north, as well as the safe and effective distribution of humanitarian assistance at scale.”

Caption: “immediate, full, and complete ceasefire with the release of hostages including women, the elderly and the wounded, the return of the remains of some hostages who have been killed, and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners”.