Air is getting ickier, filled with toxic residue from oil burning. Tired of lung cancer, strokes, COPD, and asthma, yet? Now we learn the unborn is at risk. Insist on sustainable alternative energy.
Taking gradual steps is fine, but it’s crucial for all persons to begin reducing greenhouse gases immediately.
Oil and gas operations have the potential to emit large quantities of harmful pollutants into the air and release hazardous chemicals into water sources, compromising the purity of air and water essential for the survival of all species.
The women workers who put together Feminine-Perspective Magazine travel all over the world and see things that most people in the western world would gasp at, however, we are now more than ever gasping too because the air everywhere is so bad.
Have you noticed that wiping a white cloth across a tabletop can result in it turning black? We are breathing that black toxic mess that fell out of the air and on the table.
Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine
Wars, military exercises, coal burning, unclean fossil fuel burning automobiles, trucks and recreational vehicles, unfiltered and unregulated industrial facilities are all making people cough and killing Earth’s favourite plant, insect and animal species.
A study in British Columbia, Canada, has confirmed that unborn children exposed to pollution inhaled by the mother during pregnancy are at an increased risk of developing asthma.
Outdoor air pollution represents a significant environmental risk to health, with a 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) report estimating it causes more than four million premature deaths annually across the globe. Health Canada estimates that air pollution contributes to 15,300 premature deaths annually in Canada, with many more people losing days suffering from asthma and acute respiratory symptoms as a result of pollution. Citing: IVF success drops nearly 40% with air pollution exposure: study|
Percentage of children aged 0 to 17 years living in counties with pollutant concentrations above the levels of the current air quality standards, 1999–2016 average. With permission from US Environmental Protection Agency. ACE: environments and contaminants – criteria air pollutants. Available at:
“Ambient air pollution is produced by sources including vehicular traffic, coal-fired power plants, hydraulic fracturing, agricultural production, and forest fires.
“It consists of primary pollutants generated by combustion and secondary pollutants formed in the atmosphere from precursor gases.
“Air pollution causes and exacerbates climate change, and climate change worsens health effects of air pollution. Infants and children are uniquely sensitive to air pollution, because their organs are developing, and they have higher air per body weight intake.
“Health effects linked to air pollution include not only exacerbations of respiratory diseases but also reduced lung function development and increased asthma incidence.
“Additional outcomes of concern include preterm birth, low birth weight, neurodevelopmental disorders, IQ loss, pediatric cancers, and increased risks for adult chronic diseases.
“These effects are mediated by oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, endocrine disruption, and genetic and epigenetic mechanisms across the life span.” Citing Heather L. Brumberg, MD, MPH, FAAP; Catherine J. Karr, MD, PhD, FAAP; et al. Ambient air polution health hazards to children. ->
The nations that pollute the most in the West have been doing their polluting in poorer countries that need the money and have few laws about air pollution. Africa and Asia are catching on and making industrials clean up their act.
According to the U.S. government, some of their natural gas from wells and pipes leaking into the atmosphere also from storage tanks, and processing plants.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that in 2021, methane emissions from natural gas and petroleum systems and from abandoned oil and natural gas wells were the source of about 33% of total U.S. methane emissions and about 4% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Try the following free ideas.
Yikes! Stop burning your trash! No more open fires.
Don’t leave the motor idling in your gasoline burning car. Shut it down until the driver is ready to leave. Cars emit a potent cocktail of deadly exhaust gases the driver, passengers and people nearby are breathing and vulnerable to serious outcomes.
Get an electric car or electric motorbike if you can. The popularity and global adoption of electric vehicles have surged, thanks to advancements in battery technology and the expansion of charging infrastructure. These vehicles offer the promise of substantially reducing carbon emissions and contributing to energy independence. Additionally, we have some ideas for using solar energy to charge up your car—free. Read on.
Get a bicycle and ride it everywhere or walk. Use public transit. Get to know local venders of fresh produce and other locally produced goods.
Use electricity or clean-burning natural gas for cooking and avoid all polluting devices and methods.
When burned for energy, natural gas generates fewer emissions of air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2) than coal or petroleum products, but it is not a sustainable solution, just a stopgap measure.
What does that mean? Stop burning trash ‘n gasoline or oil immediately and go to cleaner natural gas while getting ready for maximizing solar energy, hydroelectricity and wind energy.
Natural gas combustion releases CO2 at approximately half the rate of coal for each kilowatt-hour of electricity produced. That’s not a screaming acclaim. Coal burns very dirty and achieving half that will not prevent climate crisis. David Suzuki explains this very well. LNG is NOT good for the environment.
In terms of CO2 emissions, natural gas produces roughly half that of coal to generate an equivalent amount of energy and results in minimal sulfur, mercury, or particulate emissions. It’s not the end solution, but it’s an interim crisis alternative start. Citing: Natural gas and the environment – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Stop meat consumption. (And don’t get eaten.)
The United Nations environment programme and most others urge that ceasing meat consumption and concentrating on plant-based foods is advisable. Eating fish can be acceptable, provided the source is trustworthy and the product is uncontaminated. Plant-rich diets may help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.
Walking to the market to purchase food is a good start. Sustainable local agriculture can consume up to 56% less energy, generate 64% fewer emissions, and support higher biodiversity levels compared to traditional farming, according to the United Nations environment programme.
Take it a step further by cultivating your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs. They can be grown in a garden, on a balcony, or even a windowsill. Consider establishing a community garden in your area to engage your neighbors.
Please refrain from wasting food. Millions of people globally suffer from food insecurity. Serve no more than a cup of rice and maintain high protein levels with nuts, beans, small fish, and locally sourced vegetables.
How do women of the RINJ Foundation provide clean energy to clinics in the middle of nowhere? Gas or diesel generators? No way! Solar panels and big car batteries are the only answer. “We teach the locals how to do this and we help build healthier communities that way as well,” says Gracie Edwards in Kandahar province of Afghanistan.
“You can start small,” says Gracie. “Try mounting a small solar panel, ranging from 50 to 100 watts, at a low angle to the sun’s path across the sky can be highly beneficial. It has numerous applications, with educating oneself being a significant bonus. By adding a battery of 50 amperes or more and a voltage inverter to convert the DC voltage from the solar panel/battery to 120/240 volts, new possibilities emerge. To expand the system, additional panels can be added beyond this step,” adds Gracie who is the RINJ Women director for Afghanistan.
Renewable energy is not only cost-effective but can also be free. The latest test setup news from RINJ Women at the nurses training center in Southeast Asia is that one setup now delivers 14.4 volts at 10.5 amperes, and another setup provides 14.8 volts at 13.5 amperes for charging electric vehicle batteries, all at no cost.
50-75 watt solar panel using an independent hardwood frame supported from a balcony, or fastened to a roof frame or two poles in the ground. Photo, art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine
Next step, with the money saved, add a 100-watt same-voltage panel as the one below, in parallel. Charge more batteries to make sure there is electricity for the nighttime, or whatever suits one’s own circumstances.
This 150 watt to 200 watt setup can provide 14.4 volts at 10.5 amperes to 14.8 volts at 13.5 amperes for charging electric vehicle batteries.
Thinking of free driving for four hours every day, one should be growing fond of the concept. Imagine having no direct costs for operating a car. And no stinky exhaust fumes. Exciting, isn’t it? Sustainable alternative energy can indeed be enjoyable.
This solar panel unit is special with a life expectancy of at least 15 years delivering 120 watts and sometimes more. Photo, art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine
*Renewable energy is attainable by everyone.
Persons who live in a ghetto can be proud leaders of the sustainable energy revolution—and have free electricity to charge phones, tablets and laptops—or watch TV.
People in the poor side of town in Manila, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Gwalior in India, anywhere in Bangladesh, Kinshasa, Jakarta, New York City, Delhi, Sao Paulo or Chicago, having a roof made of corrugated tin, or no roof, can start with a simple solar energy idea off the balcony or in the yard to get started with some free electricity.
Photo. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine
Solar energy is for everyone, even people living in caves or underground, or on boats. Not kidding.
*Renewable energy is healthier.
Switching from carbon-intensive energy sources can greatly benefit health even in small communities.
Seriously, no more barbecues. Cease consuming red meat. Aim to eventually eliminate all meat from your diet. Those who adopt this lifestyle often report feeling much better, with increased energy and longevity.
Taking gradual steps is fine, but it’s crucial to begin reducing greenhouse gases immediately. Pollution hurts everyone but it is seriously harming children, even the unborn.