Canada continues to show an alarming trend in COVID-19 hospitalizations

COVID-19 is killing an average of 125 Canadians this week and each week for more than the past two months. Data indicates a winter surge plus a waning of primary vaccine effect around August of 2023 at which time the steady decline in cases was arrested slowly and then the case count and concomitantly the hospitalizations skyrocketed beginning in September.

Estimated Canada COVID Deaths 75,024 *0.28% IFR

Reported Canada COVID Deaths 57,711 1.2% CFR

*Inferred IFR is an estimate only. The actual COVID-19 IFR may not be accurately calculated for the entire human race until long after the pandemic has fully ended.

This represents a significant stress on the Canadian health care system.

At the same time, Health Canada is reporting a dismal downward trend in the numbers of people getting boosted. That trend is reflected in a rise in hospitalizations and increased deaths. The morbidity of COVID-19 has dropped significantly since February 2020 due to better treatments and vaccines, according to the data.

Another effect of the failure to get boosted is “Long COVID” which although not enough time has passed to indicate the full impact, includes fatigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive issues (i.e.: thinking and memory), “the symptoms can come and go, but have an impact on the person’s everyday functioning, and cannot be explained by another health problem,” according to John Hopkins Medicine reports.

“Without a doubt across four years, the data indicates an extraordinarily positive impact of vaccination including maintained boosters. One must remember that any coronavirus tends to mutate too often to allow for a single vaccine to be effective indefinitely. Boosters are based on the identifying features of the current variant of the SARS-CoV-2 strain,” explains Dr. Kathy Poon of the Civil Society Partners against Disease tracking team in Singapore.

“The fight against emerging pathogens indicates the need for rapid response vaccines and treatments that can be mass produced in short order in response to highly communicable disease as was the case with three major outbreaks, SARS1, MERS, and Sars2,” Dr. Poon added.

“The Canadian government was extremely responsive in planning and investing in vaccines for all Canadians. Sadly, the tardiness of the Canadian public response, vastly impacted by American disinformation in social media, caused the expiry of a number of large batches of vaccines paid for by Canadians and that should have been in Canadian arms. American social media disinformation spread within the toxic partisan political environment in America has cost many lives in Canada where the distinction between what is Canadian news and what is American news is obfuscated,” warned Dr. Poon.

In Canada, “The number of hospitalizations have plateaued with a very slow climb since November 2023 and appear to be rising into February. The same is true in America.”

Risk to Canadians According to Health Canada

Some people are at higher risk of more severe disease or outcomes from COVID-19 infection than others. However, COVID-19 vaccines help reduce the risks of severe illness, hospitalization and death caused from COVID-19. There are also a number of treatments available.

The risk of getting COVID-19 varies between and within communities. Some settings and activities are also associated with higher risk of COVID-19 transmission.

We continue to reassess the public health risk based on the best available evidence as the situation evolves.

Learn from Health Canada more about:

Because not all provinces of Canada are reporting, the data is under reported, meaning, it is worse than we know for certain.

Below are the daily COVID-19 hospitalizations in Canada for the past month.


Canada COVID-19 Hospitalizations

SARS2 Update 2024-09-13 18:29 GMT

  • 255 Regions reported 804,045,971 cases
  • 143,021,861 cases active
  • 25,956,041 people reported killed by COVID-19
  • 3.38% is current Case Fatality Rate (CFR)
  • 635,068,069 survived COVID-19

Beta Technology Global Estimates

EPICENTER: USA (109,683,131)

  • 180.80% of the USA may have been infected or even reinfected including reported + estimated unreported mild and estimated asymptomatic (606,547,714.43) human infections, some of which may not have been ill in their first course of the disease, but could have spread the disease.
  • 1.11% is USA current Case Fatality Rate (CFR) &
  • 0.25% is estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
  • 1,516,369 estimated total COVID-19 deaths including unreported likely-cause excess deaths. According to projections of IHME, IHME calculation of excess deaths is slightly higher than what CSPaD is showing.

14 Sep 2024 COVID-19 Data for Canada from CSPaD

Population: 41,572,044 adjusted for estimated real COVID-19 deaths

Reported:4,964,63060,362 1.2% CFR4,878,11226,156
Estimate:27,454,40478,470 *0.29% IFR26,975,959144,643

*Inferred IFR is an estimate only. The actual COVID-19 IFR may not be accurately calculated for the entire human race until long after the pandemic has ended.

Below: Extensive Estimates using data from multiple sources.

Beta experimental estimates for Canada. Reported + unreported mild + asymptomatic COVID-19 infections.

The total actual number of infections in Canada including all the untested, unreported, asymptomatic infections is likely greater than 27,454,404 (66.04% of the population) including mild and asymptomatic cases. That would mean the estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate: (IFR) is likely around 0.29%

Canadian COVID-19 deaths to 2024-08-29 are estimated to be 79,618 Using estimated IFR of 0.29%. Global average 1.58% Global estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR

79,618 (0.29% IFR) is the CSPaC estimated number of Canadian COVID-19 deaths (based on the inferred IFR) including those deaths unreported as COVID-19). The IHME estimates excess deaths in Canada to reach much higher than CSPaC estimates.

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

78470 Is the CSPaC estimated number of Canadian COVID-19 deaths based on a modified universal algorithm which factors more sophisticated public health infrastructure and also fewer available urgent care beds and facilities which is a problem in much of Canada in an emergency measures context.

The closeness of the two numbers derived from unique data and methods suggests their high probability. The blended data of three projections from three different biostatistician labs also confirms the estimates +/- .01%.

It is safe to say that Canadians have endured the grief of losing 78470 family members. Every number has a face. May their memory be forever a blessing to their families and friends.

Canada's advanced public health standards.

Canada and the USA have Infection Fatality Rates close to global averages but since vaccine booster-rates have dropped, CFR in both countrioes is climbing slightly above global averages. (influenza has an IFR of .1% or 6 per 100k (2019)).

Ontario, Canada Reports no longer updated. See Archives to 5 March 2023