Starvation of 2M Gaza civilians by Canada, USA, EU, UK, Japan is Racial Oppression, Genocide

“What is happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people has no parallel in other historical moments. In fact, it did exist when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.” — Brazil President Luiz Inacio da Silva.

By Sharon Santiago at the Philippines Nursing Training Center and Micheal John in the Middle East.

“As the United States tries to commandeer the United Nations Security Council, civil society is urging the UNSC be abolished and replaced by a group of nations with equal voting status and no veto power. When a rogue nation like the United States tries to commandeer the UNSC for its own genocidal purposes, drift and delay, trying to avert its own prosecution while enabling a final solution in Gaza, the UNSC has always failed the human condition around the world,” advances Simon Baldock, security analyst in Tel Aviv, Israel.

“Our members around the world, a high percentage of the 3 million total, are worried that the genocide happening in Gaza could happen to them,” says Gerladine Frisque, a spokesperson for The RINJ Foundation, a global women’s rights CSO. “Unequivocally, this  that is happening in the Gaza Strip is a genocide as the RINJ Foundation has claimed for the past decade.

Facing the historical reality of the Genocides of Coloniality: Power, Race & Genocide as a Foundational Practice in Colonial America

In 2015, responding to the massive number of murdered and missing indigenous Canadians, the RINJ Foundation made certain demands of the campaigning political parties in Canada.

“We urge all party leaders to commit to publish a signed, written document on how you will improve the status of women and girls in Canada and do so long before the end of the 2015 federal election campaign.”

“Cancelling the debate on Canadian women’s issues because of  Harper’s and later Mulcair’s debate-withdrawal/breach of promise/lack of interest does not sit well with the girls and women of Canada.”

“The only political Party to fail in responding was the so-called “Conservative Party”. Subsequently, RINJ Women, exercising its independence, urged women members of RINJ in the Canadian chapters to get out and support their local Liberal Party member if there was such a candidate,” explained Geraldine Frisque, ” and if not, to run their own candidate themselves in their own riding.

“Since 2015, The RINJ Foundation has conducted surveys of political parties in Canada and their view on Foundational-Genocide with the same result and while voicing public and private, criticism-seeking-change, to the Canadian government in its various parts, continued to support the Liberal Party of Canada and its leader, Justin Trudeau.

“That may well seem odd for a CSO but we raise our own funds as a non-profit and dodge the draconian rules for Canadian Charities of, “may not criticize the government”. But it’s more than that. This is self-defence.—“There but for the grace of God go I.“—Thousands of our members in Canada and around the world are members of indigenous peoples groups who are represented on our Board of Directors. We are fighting for our Godforsaken lives,” added the RINJ Women spokesperson.

The brave and adamant comment of Brazil President Luiz Inacio da Silva may well be true.

An extensive history study of the crimes of the headlined nations above suggests that WWII was a pinnacle of genocidal crimes, shadowed by the American slaughter of millions of North Koreans by 1953, until 1967, when Israel supported by America began vigorously to remove the Palestinian people from between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, the beginning of the genocide in Palestine according to written history.

No nation on Earth has been as aggressive in committing genocide than the USA which is accused by USA Blacks, Palestine and North Korea of Genocide. In each case, millions have been killed or are at risk.

“The German government firmly and explicitly rejects the [26 January 2024] accusation of genocide that has now been made against Israel before the International Court of Justice. This accusation has no basis whatsoever,” a spokesperson for the German government said in a statement as it accused South Africa of “politicizing” genocide.

Canada, USA, EU, UK, Japan and a small few other nations have vigorously supported the genocide in Gaza which is on the verge of killing most of the 2M Palestinians herded into south Gaza and perishing under siege, a siege that includes starvation as a weapon of war and all life support including medicine, heating fuel in winter, water, hospitals (destroyed by Israel and the USA).

The USA is guilty of perpetrating genocide as well as complicity and incitement.


Video above: “Undeniably, another case of genocide exists in the Donbass region of Ukraine. America, under Joe Biden, since 2013, and before, has tried to kill off the ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Luhansk breakaway republics from the Donbass region of Ukraine. The people of these breakaway nations left after the American-led Maidan revolution banned Russian speakers from Ukraine which until that time had a 23% Russian-speaking population,” explains Alona Adamovich, a director of The RINJ Foundation in Ukraine who has organized and run women’s humanitarian missions in Ukraine since the rape and murder of sister Oksana Makar.

Steven Sweeney, a British journalist in Donetsk and friend to some of the RINJ Women there nearby Donetsk, has made a presentation to the UN Security Council (UNSC) despite American protests. What Mr. Sweeney reports, without saying it, is a solid case of genocide.

“The ferocity of the attacks against Mr. Sweeney’s fellow journalist and commentator Tucker Carlson who interviewed Vladimir Putin recently suggests the horror of the Americans at finding that their genocide efforts and their racist oppressions are being seen. The world is changing. People are seeing more,” suggests Ms. Adamovich.

Photographs show American bombers and American spy planes flying over Gaza

“Capable of proof, photographs show American bombers and American spy planes flying over Gaza while bombs are falling on civilians. Photographs also show a flow of munitions into Israel. Witnesses have seen American military personnel with Israeli Personnel as well as British military actors inside Gaza. They are directly involved in the killing of Palestinian civilians. Sources among the male members of RINJ Women member families say that they are involved as part of their job doing satellite reconnaissance and remotely piloted vehicle attacks,” says Dale Carter, security director of RINJ Women.

Gaza Genocide Continues

Yesterday in Gaza. The Killings continue. Photo submitted by Behar Abbasi – Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Internatinal Law: “You do not supply weapons to a nation committing genocide and you do not buy weapons from a nation committing genocide,” explains Mosul University Professor.

“The Anglosphere is very sick, and it is not coronavirus, it is done by a worse human disease, racist hatred. The current genocide is against non-White Muslims in Palestine.”

That is the best summation of the submissions by 55 nations and three NGO entities to the International Court of Justice (Cour internationale de justice) in the Hague.

ICJ Hearings starting Monday

This above document explains somewhat what is happening in the International Court of Justice. Presentations of 55 nations will be heard until the end of next Monday.

Israel and America continue to block a ceasefire and continue to slaughter Palestinians in a deliberate Gaza Genocide.

WHO delayed by Israel rescuing ps from Khan Younis hospital

The World Health Organization has been delayed by Israel from rescuing pts from Khan Younis hospital. Photo taken from video submitted by Behar Abbasi. Photo is digitally reconstructed from low light screen capture by Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

“A ceasefire is never going to happen.”

“A Palestine state is never going to happen,” says Israel supported in many ways including pretense, obfuscation, and vetoes by the USA Biden administration soon to be voted out according to all polls.

“Children are gathering snow to melt for water but dying anyway of malnutrition, disease and finally, starvation. We find their bodies during our travels to busted up buildings where we help mothers deliver their babies despite criticisms from UN members,” according to Behar Abbasi (see below), a Yemen doctor who has been helping patients in Gaza for the past four months alongside two doctors, one from Syria and another from Iraq, and “20 nurses and midwives from across the Middle East whose language skills meet the demand,” added Yemeni Dr. Abbasi.

Despite criticisms from UN members for sending nurses and midwives to women’s bombed out homes in Gaza.

UN Issues in Gaza - criticism of Genocide against UN members despite criticisms from UN members,

“We will send you another reply when our people sent from Syria and Iraq to Gaza to provide humanitarian care are available for such political matters. Your criticisms of us via AL Jazeera “providing birthing care in the basements of women’s homes in Gaza” has been noted. That matter is under our consideration.” Image Courtesy: The RINJ Foundation on request from FPM.